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Everything posted by Quillon

  1. The feeling of not being able to kill something then being able to kill it after levelling up is over-rated. Level scaling is bad, the worst etc but not having level scaling is realistic? Why am I getting powerful and the NPCs are not? Some NPCs like animals shouldn't but if I'm learning new abilities overtime some NPCs should learn some also. They should have min&max levels but the difference shouldn't be just stat boosts like in Bethesda games, it should be new abilities, gear, even changed looks or how many they are as well. Also story urgency is a problem in RPGs the most, instead of trying so hard to make it "seem" urgent,(you don't seem good. -no I'm fine really, eder. not loosing my mind at all) make it so the end boss gets powerfull as you "dilly dally" in the game. If you reach him early enough you'll have a weak end boss, if you take your time the boss will be more powerful, he'll be in a fortified place with henchman every step of the way etc. f.i. If the player has max level party in PoE's end battle, we could have met a more prepared Thaos; there could have been like 2 more statues and the way down there could have harder encounters.
  2. A cloak torn apart from a ship flag. One of the sidekicks, the mute one that survived a shipwreck? should be wearing this initially. btw. who has a challenge?
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/8WOWkVJx8H/?taken-at=5759623 Apparently Sawyer started naming multi-classes in 2015. He was evully laughing inside when he asked people's input, cos he already decided on all of em by then.
  4. I remember Josh talking about pulling/pushing is more robust in the newer engine, guess we can expect some abilities to pull/push enemies/allies for fighters at the least. If there is a function I don't see why it couldn't be possible, enemies should & we also could automate it through custom AI. If X is hit by a melee wep, pull him/switch places etc :D
  5. Donno about squeezing through opponents but squeezing through allies is needed. If one of our characters is in melee range with one or more allies, functions should pop-up at the end of ability bar "Switch Places with Eder" etc whoever's applicable, which should be supported with a talent for ignoring engagement when switching places. Essentially close range "Coordinated Positioning" for everyone. Or there maybe more elegant solutions I can't think of
  6. They said when you hold tab while the combat is paused, particle effects will fade. I don't understand what you mean by "toggle on path routes" but I remember something about way points has been asked to Josh in one of the streams but he dismissed it saying shift-clicking way points is already possible. Guess the person asking wanted the "paths to way points" to be visible.
  7. Should he float tho? With his equipped armor & weapons...
  8. Pallegina's the same with different angle, I like it. I'm indifferent about the new Elrondaloth. Eder looks significantly older & different, will certainly take some time getting used to. Even if there won't be an option in game we can use whatever portrait for whoever via overwriting them in game folder. I wouldn't tho, the new portraits prolly tries to convey their current state of personality & looks(obviously)
  9. I am not sure about changing pistols much, though I did find them most effective when used at the start of the combat (one shot) and never reloading them in combat. Guess this would be even better if used that way without the switching cooldown, however the downside is if you have a pistol equipped you wouldn't get to use whatever the other trinket items give you. So trinket items should be "that" good and game should be harder accordingly...its a BALANCING act Another idea: A very hard to get unique leather armor in the game that if you equip a pistol the armor magically fills every weapon slot with that pistol: 4 or 6 pistols and no cooldowns between the first 4-6 shots but with accuracy penalty :D Ed: Every subsequent shot should have -5 accuracy penalty than the one before it. If you fired the first shot with 60 acc, you'd fire the 4th shot with 45
  10. So grimoires are now "trinket" slot items instead of off hand slot; wouldn't it be cool pistols could also be equipped in that slot and if so they can't be reloaded in combat, essentially 1 per encounter pistol shot? Also fits with the pirate-y setting...
  11. In addition to what I wrote earlier I wanna see an update focused on scabbards or as a part of an update; most overlooked feature so far that will subtly make most characters look a lot better, immersive, realistic etc (as opposed to always unsheathed weapons of PoE1, think about it :D).
  12. Considering we won't see characters this close 99% of the time, bloom may not be an issue in iso cam. Otherwise I hate exaggerated bloom also(Bloomshock Infinite comes to mind).
  13. Fantasy games are all about the variety. Mounted combat would add new tactics, new weapons, and new combinations of opponents. That would have been exciting in an action game. Action games' mounted combat is mostly awful, especially if you're using a melee weapon on a horse. Although it sounds fantastic I wouldn't know how they'd fit it in a game like this; for starters the maps would have to be considerably bigger and maybe more enemies would be needed on screen at any given time to justify it, not to mention all the additional abilities, animations and BALANCING it. Also mounting/dismounting for all the party members could be tedious if you have to do it frequently...yeah it would clash with exploration big time. Mounted combat could be added to a game like Expeditions: Conquistador more easily where you enter maps only for combat. ed: Btw. Larian just announced DOS2's ship-base and relationship system I think this is good for PoE 2, Obs would need to try to top what Larian did in those areas :D
  14. Companions are typically among the last things to be written in an Obsidian RPG. They said they are writing the companions alongside the main story this time to make them more integrated in the story...or something along those lines. Well, I don't know if you're serious or not but he had the biggest writing role in PoE1. If you or anyone else hadn't heard of him its probably partly cos of Obs used more well known devs on marketing/panels etc despite they may have had lesser roles in the development of PoE.
  15. One thing not take from Tyranny is numbered ability bar which limits the visible selection of abilities. All abilities visible together & hotkeyable on the fly from PoE ftw. Sawyer already confirmed that there'll be waiting outside of [8 hours] resting.
  16. But will the lip-syncing be better? I heard they're mo-capping facial animations LA Noire style.
  17. Will there be E3 presence tho? Last time they were in Paradox booth, no publisher relation announced yet...unless fig will have a booth for the games in the platform or Obs do it themselves...
  18. So far: Shapes accomplish less and clearer thresholds. / Which you can accomplish with numbers 1 to 5 and call them YUCKY-OK-GOOD... without the shapes. They have built-in constraints. / And potential synergy combinations between different shapes & groupings, might be fun to play around. And apparently humans understand shapes with more ease than numbers. / We'll see if it'll be true for this case. I agree, I played Age of Conan back in the day, how often I crit was more noticeable than how much I crit for. I was happy if I critically hit for 200% damage, doesn't matter if its not 250%, its still a lot bigger than my normal hits. It could depend on the type of game tho, might be different for a [turn-based]game where you have time to read how much you hit for on every attack.
  19. I can see a clear threshold would have been better for dumb dialogue, tho in a perfect game you could have dumb dialogue on higher INT values, depending on who you are talking to. Maybe I've initiated dumb dialogue on my end by talking to a legendary game developer. But you could have solved the random encounters by giving them a chance to appear according to luck number. Instead of them starting to appear at 7 luck, you'd have 70% chance of a random encounter appearing & 60% chance at 6 luck etc. (Chances would scale to much lower values depending on the max chance an encounter appears tho, probably). Or luck could have effected the chances of random encounters being good or bad rather than their appearance chance. The problem might be how you tie the stats to content rather than stats themselves. Yes, this is what I thought this would accomplish at first. Characters would always stay diverse; you can't assign many values to their lowest & you can't max all the stats if you grind long enough(with "Intense training" or simply with perk points ın FO4). Tho I don't know if its more easy to comprehend; sounds more complicated atm; thinking about the shapes and all the combinations the stats would be assigned to them. Maybe its cos I don't have the visual reference(a character builder with shapes) yet.
  20. I'd like to see an update on skills in the near future; there are about 17 of them now IIRC. Then NPC scheduling, over-world map navigation, crew system, subclasses...
  21. I probably understood it wrong so probably stupid questions: How would you group 2 stats & get up to 3 groupings? A line is a shape? And bonuses applied to shapes instead of individual stats? If you apply a bonus to GREAT-OK-OK triangle, would it become LEGENDARY-GOOD-GOOD triangle? Then you'd get at least 5 power levels of stats from LEGENDARY to GREAT-GOOD-OK-YUCKY. Then we'd ask what's the difference between a GOOD and an OK stat? Similar to "What's the difference between 5 or 6 luck?" To which I personally would say 6 is luckier and I don't mind the numbers. Tho I wouldn't mind the shapes either if the game's gonna be GOOD...preferably GREAT or LEGENDARY.
  22. I don't like everything being solvable through dialogue in a game like this where you have 4+ men geared for combat with all the abilities and shiet, Otherwise why am I being rewarded with all the cool abilities & gear? That said I wouldn't mind inclusion of a few non-combat quests. If you want more go *read* TToN.
  23. I saw it as British Empire. ed: My fav thing is that tech progression is a thing in Eora, its not medieval or x-era foreva.
  24. Fishing on its own sounds crappy especially in a game like this but it would have been cool to see its tie-ins with other systems/content like fishing out cool gear, mysterious items/bodies - leading to quests, quests that would need us to fish out certain things, disturbing monsters so they should come out and play with us etc apart from "collecting fishes"(Was it gonna be fishing rod fishing or harpooning for big fishes I wonder ). At least it could have add another layer to the game which would have effected many things and be in most places in the game(there will be more ocean than land prolly ) and a game having "fishing" is good for marketing, also "sea monsters" which are still gonna be in the game, tho prolly lesser in variety.
  25. I don't like items carrying over when we're mostly starting from scratch but choices carrying over is an awesome thing IMO. I can see how that can put off people from f.i. replaying ME2; I myself had to replay ME1 to see particular outcomes of combination of choices. On the other hand CDPR ignored/streamlined choices with W3, which caused W2 to lose its charm for the sake of W3 being standalone, W2 as a game became meaningless to me which I loved before. All that said, it won't be much of an issue as we'll be able set up Pillars 1 choices in character creation of Deadfire. This.
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