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Everything posted by Quillon

  1. If anything can be made optional, make it optional! Why should anyone else care if I'd change my human barb into an elven wizard? Maybe I just want to see the reactivity and don't care for the rest. If you don't want to change some aspect of your character, just don't change it
  2. Yeah I'm very much against boob armors also. Boobs should be naked.
  3. When you say playday I'm picturing something like: Is that how it is? Booooo! Buncha immature people making Pillars 2!
  4. Every painted portrait also has a watercolor equivalent that is used in dialogues and scripted interactions. https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3807509&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=37#post468931163
  5. I am. I'll prolly use it to a limited degree in my first playthrough but prolly have fun with it more later. What I don't like is that it specifically says "for companions". I hope player/controlled character could be AI controlled also like in Pillars 1 and unlike in Tyranny. In Dragon Age Origins it was also restricting like that but some mods expanded it to the controlled character as well as fixing/enhancing its whole functionality. I don't think they'll do that. It basically just watch how your party fights and not fighting yourself Well, you can do that in Pillars atm.
  6. I am. I'll prolly use it to a limited degree in my first playthrough but prolly have fun with it more later. What I don't like is that it specifically says "for companions". I hope player/controlled character could be AI controlled also like in Pillars 1 and unlike in Tyranny. In Dragon Age Origins it was also restricting like that but some mods expanded it to the controlled character as well as fixing/enhancing its whole functionality.
  7. Another thing for "Where did all backers go?" is that Pillars 1's initial goal was an RPG to its barest bones. There was like 6 classes, 3 races, much fewer companions etc. People wanted a "full rpg", Now it seems we'll get a somewhat "full RPG" no matter what at this point, some people could have decided buy it at release instead. Its still early, tho, today was really slow but it could pick up with some vid updates/q&a stream and new stretch goals. And current state is by no means "low" its already better than WL3's campaign. And while I was writing this, Xoti joined the fray.
  8. This pic should have been on the fig page. Like this a lot for some reason.
  9. https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire?update=244#updates I don't get this. Why only Wizards, Priests and Ciphers? Or is this some kinda typo? Edit: Nvm, my mistake, need sleep.
  10. I believe Eder's original design were rogue then they changed it to fighter cos players might need a tank early game. It's said Aloth's original class will always be wiz, maybe you can mix it with cypher, he looks the type or whatever, your choice. Pallegina, mix it with fighter for tankyness, or barb for some carnage or again whatever.
  11. Cos there are bajillion threads/posts on the forums atm, even I'm scared to come in nowadays Tho I don't know the real reason. I think someone said devs covering other communuties, some dev posts here, some other on codex and some Josh on somethingawful...
  12. https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3807509&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=26#post468858619
  13. There might be devs from other teams who were passing by
  14. Years ago I played Age of Conan, there were two stances for Barb, Blood Rage which heals the barb for a small amount every time it procs, and Reaver stance which increases weapon damage. Both stances caps at 10 or 15 procs depending on your feats. Tho the mechanics were action oriented(when you were inactive or unlucky for 10 secs or so you were losing the buff) I woudn't say no to some mechanics along those lines, a modal ability for sustained survivability and another for more damage. Just don't mess with the AoE hits. Or some health tap mechanics, the longer barb stays in the fight the more he/she leeches endurance from enemies into his/her endurance pool...maybe.
  15. Don't mess with my carnage! or barbarian!
  16. It would be better if there won't be companion quest progression ties to resting/time spent in player's company.
  17. Meh, there's like almost one month till campaign's end. No need to worry. Yet Not that I think campaign's going slow but Obs should do vid updates instead of write-ups, they were very good for Pillars 1 campaign. Also if the teases about Fallout 1 like open-world structure true, they should TELL it.
  18. No income necessary for we'll pay the iron price for everything What is dead may never die! But goes to Berath's Wheel and reborns as a stag!
  19. I wonder what would be the party limit if we're gonna have a ship that houses all companions and it gets attacked by another ship or sea monster? Like if we have 5 story companions and 5 more custom companions on board when it got attacked...would we have party of 11? or 5? while the other 6 sleeps or whatever. Yeah, very hypothetical.
  20. Sounds like a new IP... https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/825004808998252544
  21. If things go well I expect customizable AI stretch goal at some point.
  22. It was Feargus: http://venturebeat.com/2017/01/26/pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-is-obsidians-first-stab-at-crowdfunding-on-fig/ Then Josh confirmed it again on Twit..tumblr.
  23. Same but not being able take 1 is just as annoying not taking 3 companions for me so it doesn't make much difference cos there'll most certainly be more companions than the party limit. Limiting it to 5 prolly helps with visual clarity, battlefield confusion, management etc. Also making the slow mod = default mod is for the same cause I guess.
  24. But you're stating the things that you thought that made Tyranny's combat superior. Like that's a fact. Anyway, HIP HIP HORRAAAAY! HIP HIP HORRAAAAY!
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