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Everything posted by Quillon

  1. As a matter of fact 5 is my preferred party size. 6 or more and people start splitting into groups and it kills me if two conversations are happening and I can't be part of both... And this is why the fellowship of the ring dissolved. If it was just Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli they'd have destroyed the ring in the first book
  2. Interesting mechanic. Never played Diablo either. Only game with item delivery pet that I can recall atm is Dota2, played it for a week, about 2 years ago. Tho I thought cats carrying items should have sounded ridiculous...
  3. Ok dudes, found a solution, listen up: Only personal inventories will remain, stash will be at the ship only and pets will deliver the excess lootz to ship and bring back items as we order via some soul communication with the Steward. There'll be 3 basic types of pets: Cats are fast but unreliable, they can get lost then we'd need to find them, they have small inventory space. Dogs are reliable, have medium inventory space but they are slow. Birds are also reliable, have tiny inventory space but the fastest. There'll be other types of pets/exotic animals which'll have varying capabilities including large inventory space, being very slow, instant 1 item delivery etc. All pets have their preferred weather and terrain conditions, some won't deliver our precious lootzzz under certain conditions. If we are indoors flying pets will be unavailable and predatory pets won't be allowed in Neketaka or in bigger settlements. All pets will have 1 use which will get reset once we return to the ship. All pets can get injured in which case they'll be unavailable for some time, they can also die, especially if the path to ship has enemies in it. There'll be veterinarian skill which will grant bonuses. WORK THOSE PETS HARD!
  4. Well it's not so much about what a Wizard can and can't do with magic. It's about what two different Wizards operating with independent aims and means can do. Remember the miscibility rules from the old style D&D? My forgotten D&D knowledge was from what I played of NWN2, played it a lot tho. I don't know about miscibility. Btw. that sentence continued like: "...in reality Wizards should be able to do everything any other class can do", but he had me at reality.
  5. Well, I don't know how magic works Once I saw a comment that goes like; "...in reality Wizards should be able to do...", I LMAOd. Also I never really saw buff giving items as "magic items" since they are also present in game universes without magic. Magic aside I don't see the fun in checking equipment for buff conflicts.
  6. I don't understand what you are proposing but suppression didn't add any gameplay/systemic depth, it is just a rule to uphold the balance. Certain slots giving certain buffs removes the problem altogether.
  7. Yeah there must haven been; I forgot about Flemeth & Anders...and King or Queen were visiting us also, might be some more...Leliana was at the end and Bogdan & Sandal
  8. Agree about Dragon Age, tho they weren't direct sequels, all 3 games were mostly separate from each other, second game didn't have save import IIRC, no wonder they came short. But Mass Effects' save import was pretty good IMO. Agree about Rachni but Anderson and Udina or Wrex and his bro aren't the same, there are bunch of continuing story arcs through 3 games and most of them(if not all) paid off 'cept the very end which isn't related to save imports. There were too many variations for genophage and Rannoch & geth etc and again most of the companions could be dead by the third game. I'd list many more stuff but I don't trust my memory atm. Yeah, it's not perfect but I haven't seen any other series with better continuation(yet).(Bioware did save import better than the GREAT CDPR who cut every corner, killing characters off screen/in between games and ****.) Does it worth extra work? I can't say but I like it, if its done as good as ME, I love it. And I think, once people attach to some of the characters and story arcs they'll be there through every sequel, They'll replay previous games knowing what they do actually matters, they'll spread the word etc. Save import is COOL.
  9. Could be like matrix movies; in which if you die in whatever simulated world it was, you die for realzZ, 'cept in PoE you go into the beyond with the equipment that's already on you.
  10. We'll see his foot. Unless we're on a mountain at the edge of a cliff. Still too big tho, the statue.
  11. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92515-josh-sawyers-tweets-and-teasers/page-13
  12. There are like 3 questions; good stuff but if he'd asked more we'd have lots of meaty stuff to read with Josh's lengthy addictive answers.
  13. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/162996465861/all-classes-have-one-defining-characteristic Nice
  14. A ranger should be versatile, should be effective with many weapons including melee and ranged but game makers tend to make them mostly about ranged weapons.
  15. Well, if you are reluctant to do it in base class, better do it in a subclass. Btw. what I mean with melee oriented is that many abilities are ranged weapon specific, arrow of X and hail of arrows etc especially high level abilities don't have a melee counterpart to them, there should be; if won't be able to use hail of arrows with a sword then give me flurry of blows or something as alternative. Anyway, this might be a nitpick. If I won't like a class there are 10 more/and their sublasses.
  16. Cos there are more than 1 sublass, one of them being melee oriented would be nice, as well as another being ranged oriented.
  17. I wouldn't have a problem with it but why should it be this way? Cos its called ranger not archer? Tho in games its usually allowed to be melee ranger but not supported as well as ranged ranger, which sucks. Now someone will come and say "actually you can be a pretty good melee ranger in PoE or in X game" but I can be much better at melee with some other class and/or have easier time with it. I think devs should either go with ranged ranger or real hybrid, not a ranged ranger with half-as* melee viability("which you can make great if you know what you are doing!" - I know I know). ed: So a melee oriented ranger subclass with all the abilities revised for melee would be most welcome.
  18. Yeah and those talents will be tied to our soul so we'll get them back as we restore our soul throughout the game. Can't find the exact source for this atm but
  19. I remember they said dispositions won't transfer but some quest reward talents will.
  20. Yeah something along those lines for Priests and Druids instead of dumping all the spells as we gain levels.
  21. I like that characters(with appropriate weps) won't literally wait out recovery, instead they'll be doing something>reloading.
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