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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. So, the first Festungsstadt of the conflict. I wonder if the calculation is that western sensibilities would not allow for starving them out. Which would undoubtedly affect the civilian population
  2. Gigawatt hour price is set to surpass 600% of what it was last year. Industry on the whole is going to slow to a crawl.
  3. Eating my posts as well. Only the first line goes in.
  4. Wow the board software is really not that good. It seems to be incapable of detecting what you have written if you have made any changes.
  5. An ostensibly pro Russian government was just elected in Italy. NATO unity is certainly improved if the option to return to the Russian tit is no longer available.
  6. If the Gasprom strategy was ever going to pay off it would have been soon. Energy prices are approaching 600% of what they were last year, with more rises to come.
  7. But Russia has no credibility left, so why even bother when they can just turn off the tap with another "accident"
  8. Get the Comrade Hammer, it lasts at least 5 levels.
  9. Wireless display connections are a thing. Or a repeater.
  10. So, really it would be Leopards + support staff. Meaning European troops/contractors in Ukraine.
  11. Spare parts i would guess. They would also have to refit in Poland, given that there are no support contractors in Ukraine. That's really not feasible for a tank.
  12. I'll be spending a 4080 and a half more just on my regular electric bill. Makes no sense to buy anything power hungry at all
  13. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.statista.com%2Fstatistics%2F1271525%2Fdenmark-monthly-wholesale-electricity-price%2F&psig=AOvVaw3h88c28RH55W2SoX31JJVt&ust=1664028479617000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCKCGt6eLq_oCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAm
  14. They want to have an ace left to play, and they also don't have that many leopards. Everybody wants military hardware after decades of defense cuts, these things take a long time to make.
  15. I watched the new Game of thrones thing and.. I dunno, it feels like we did all this already, but better and with full frontal 2010s HBO boobs, instead of shadowy side boobs.
  16. Probably related to the epidemic of people, notably critics, falling from great heights.
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