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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. The fat guy who sucked as much attention out of not running as Palin ?.
  2. Why do you keep talkting about epic or character driven as if it were an either/or propositon.
  3. Kinda dissapointed it was an ad. I though for a minuite people would actually get up to whacky funny things just because. It's just the usual get out in the streets and create a viral event kinda thing.
  4. There was something besides tired cliches ?. Must have missed it.
  5. I get migranes worse than any feevers I've ever had. The up side to those is that they are usually over in a day. Feels like someone scooped out my eyeballs and rolled them gently over synthetic grass, sprinkled the sockets with hotsauce and then plopped them back in. If I don't get my heavy duty painkillers in time I spend the better part of said day leaning against a wall, or shuffling about aimlessly like the walking dead. Even sitting down results in more blood, and pain, transported to my head. My doctor wont prescribe more than 10 at a time because he's worried I'll turn into an adict. That's how badass the pills for that are. It doesn't happen more than once or twice every other month, but I've got the lot of you beat for pain. Just saying.
  6. I'm more concerned that they are going to stick to the rigid class restrictions of DA2. No weapon switching, figthers aren't allowed any ranged attacks and so on. It's just unnecessary reduction of what you expect your character to be able to do.
  7. Was disappointed in the last installment. The Cryengine is no longer the apex of PC eyecandy amnyway. Or if it is things have been moving really slowly.
  8. I wonder if magnetic fields are naturally occuring shapes, like vortexes.
  9. The premise doesn't make any sense. Why can a warrior stagger and a stonefist, or whatever it was called, can't. What's the objective difference between staggered, disoriented or stunned aside from the fact that they originate from different classes. That's what makes it a card game, not an organically flowing combat simulation which is what you want. They got it more or less right in ME3, for comparison.
  10. There are too many hooks and too many triggers and it doesn't make any sense. How about that. I've got two thieves and two mages in my party because they were the only NPCs I could stand looking at, and I can't do any of them. It makes more sense that a certain spell yould leave you open to another type. Or damage bonus on backstab if the target is completely immobile. The fact that it has goes cross class and that there are at least 8 or 10 hooks, triggers and related states makes the gameplay feel like a cardgame or dodgeball with really complicated rules. 'Wait a minuite, am I allowed to hit or do I have to pass first to get the bonus points ?'
  11. Really basic level nuissances in the gameplay as I'm noticing now, replaying DA2. You can't switch between a ranged and a melee weapon. Why ?. They came up with 4 different damage state effects which are basically the same, stunned, staggered, shaken, stirred... so you would have to chose a member from each class in your party to take maximum advantage of cross class combos. Just really bad design decisions.
  12. They keep hintng at it, Haven't read the books, just second hand.
  13. You make it sound like a chore. There is a choice you know.
  14. Well, they do kind of suggest that you replay the game in another class. Why not just have included a save game editor at character creation for the benifit of those who hadn't played ME1. Would have ensured that a replay could be significantly different.
  15. All the Me2 squad member missions occur, with the actual Me2 member or a body double. Well except those where you just truck around the citadel. Don't know about Miranda mission since it's only one dialouge that would have to be altered, but I suspect it's the same. The reaper Rachni queen is just another body double for the real one.
  16. I considered buying it on the cheap, looked at some youtube gameplay and decided against it. Too cartoony.
  17. A few extra chocolate eggs and seasonal beers on sale. That's about it. How do you get from there to consumer orgy.
  18. Replaying DA2 with mark of the Assassin. Havent gotten to where i can start the DLC yet. I might have been a bit unfair to the game. It's not terrible. It's just half the NPCs that poison the well. It's sortof OK-ish if you just ignore Fenris and whatshisface, the cleric that betrays you later on, whenever possible. Ohh and bow guy, I really hate him too. And your buthurt brother criticising everything you do just because. It does leave you with very few choices though and since I'm playing a mage and the magic skill doesn't actually transfer to spell damage, just staff damage, I'm finding it hard. No healers available, and I'll be damned if I'm going to do that myself. Hawke is for ass kicking.
  19. What are we celebrating again. Bunny > Jesus > ? > profit. P
  20. I agree, up tp a point. Nothing good ever came of trying to please everyone. Although apparently nothing good came to begin with so where to begin.
  21. I told you there was going to be dozens of those for the average gamer before long.
  22. Did I understand this correctly. Microsoft wanted to put out a version of windows which doesn't allow you to install anything from disks, but makes everything an app store. I don't see end users accepting that. For some reason they have with apple, but their windows PC, no.
  23. yeah spotify is pretty sweet. I just hate that you can't subscribe without letting them have your facebook information. Obviously a tool to ensure snowballing and momentum in the early phase, it's just that my facebook is none of their damn business. I don't want to have to bother creating a fake profile just to be allowed to sign up to a PAID service.
  24. Surely there are more drunks who pee upon a tree than sex offenders. If you make a list like that better make sure it means something.
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