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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. You don't pay the same taxes if you are self employed ?. or is it that you don't have them deducted from your check so you have to set that money aside to pay at the end of the year.
  2. It was put there so Mordin would have a reason to sacrifice himself. If they had wanted it to be convinving, Sheppard would have sabotaged the cure dispersal under directions from the Dalitrass (sp?). Coherency was not a priority. Lots of moments like that that make you go, 'hmm, that's convenient'. Like why does Mordin have to take an elevator to a room that explodes while the rest of the shroud is undamaged.
  3. Only thing i know of is the tabletop RPG.
  4. Well there was going to be a seperate ME multiplayer game which got cancelled, so obviously rather than do nothing with what they had done they stuck it in the game and in the upcomming multiplayer DLC.
  5. You just lack finesse. it makes all the difference. You can report something you have observed, you can't encourage people to do it. Whether straighforward or between the lines. Gorgon : Episode 2 has been leaked. Junai : look at me, I'm totally downloading episode 2. The distinction doesn't seem that difficult to me.
  6. Looks like motherships. A la homeworld. Nice.
  7. http://store.steampowered.com/video/204880/81546
  8. There's political capital in being tough on crime. Not nearly as much in trying to adopt universally senisble solutions.
  9. Don't think it has anything to do with multiplayer, otherwise altered files would just bar you from multiplayer, not the whole game.
  10. Word around the campfire is the next episode has been leaked. I'm kinda getting bored with it but I'm happy to provide a moral dilemma for the rest of yous.
  11. I guess it's one. Altough the mele attack has a slight range and pushes enemies back.
  12. I had most fun playing vanguard too. The spawning would kill me off more than anything else, but it was still more fun than always being in cover. Having Two skills unaffected by the global cooldown was most welcome as well.
  13. With everything upgraded for speed you have a 2 second delay for warp which sets up combos. Faster for pull, but that can't be used on barriers.I can certainly click faster than that. Also I would have liked to be able to aim some of those powers instead of just waiting for a target marker to appear.
  14. at masseffect saves theres a link to an FAQ as well I think. You don't want to use it without knowing which options might break something.
  15. I wonder why they never did a WW1 strategy game. I'm sure there's one out there, but nothing approaching how much the Napoleonic wars or WW2 have been used. Steam ships, legendary rail cannons able to shoot across the channel, zeppelins, Von Richthofen, the birth of airial dogfighting, cavalry units in active use.
  16. The Epic of Gilgamesh starring: Megan Fox. Yep, totally see that happening. Theres a dozen greek mythos movies this year already.
  17. Didn't like Adept because of the global slowdown. would have prefered a mana bar type thing. Also shooting someone with a gun for the 100.000 th time is more bearable than setting up your 100.000th singularity combo. it just gets old faster. There are so few force powers to chose from. Pull, Push, slam,.. all basically the same thing.
  18. It probably helps good stories become a part of popular culture as much as movies.
  19. They completely ruined it by making it a squad based combat game with an RTS viewport. I understand that there are people out there who like that sort of thing, there are people who love blue cheese, but recent events would suggest that they are not a majority.
  20. Haven't liked any of the latest warhammer games. Maybe they will go more traditional out of desparation. Can't hurt anyway.
  21. It's not far from just admiting eschelon and asking it be officially allowed to spy on everyone.
  22. Never got past the first boss figth. I think you were supposed to shoot his arms and legs off or something. Gave up after about 50 reloads.
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