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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Probably because they want to milk people who are willing to pay extra, extra.
  2. I'm thinking now that II should have gone for Vodoo. Firearms adds nothing new except more damage, and muskets are already extremely overpowered. Shoot, take two steps back and shoot again, for tough ememies repeat the process. This will get rid of anything I have encountered so far.
  3. http://www.27bslash6.com/halogen.html
  4. They probably assume part of the PR process, and getting a bunch of projects that turn
  5. What's it good for. Or is it just part of the hokus pokus 'supplement' business.
  6. I left everything on 'high' maybe you are using some options on ultra and it just doesn't work as well regarless of how good your box is. The texture swapping as you move closer to objects is quite intrusive though. I will say that I have not had a single crash either. So whatever else it is it's at least very stable.
  7. He wasn't there to begin with for me, I only found him after I had done a few tasks for the witches. Maybe you have to click a few of the markers first.
  8. I wouldn't say the Wehrmacht were defeated by the Russian winter as much as bad roads, long lines of supply, lack of fuel, poor winter equipment and confusion about the end objectives. Much like Japan they had an initial advantage which would soon be overwhelmed by unmatched manpower and industrial capacity. The Russians simply moved their war industry out of range of German bombers and started pumping 34s out by the hundreds.
  9. And have tney even considered how offensive 'redlist' would be for native Americans. Disgusting !
  10. How do you fast travel between islands. My ship is on the horizon. There is a rowboat, but it has no usable ability. Maybe you need maps of the islands you want to go to ?
  11. Not getting killed so much after I invested in a shotgun. Haven't learned any skills aside from kick which I never use. Hoping there is an option to travel back to previous islands for trainers, but for now the plot seems to have taken over. Looking for the great temple and a missing scout. The towns could be a bit bigger, or at least have one. Still it's enjoyable enough.
  12. Is there no way to have both, say if you forego lockpicking and swords, since melee seems to be just button mashing and not something you would want to do the whole game through. Or is it a faction thing like Risen.
  13. 3D showings are given the best time slots, or all of them. Anyway kinda tired of superhero movies now. There is a definate assembly line phenomenon going on , one squeezed out the minuite the last one stops generating revenue.
  14. I caved and got it. I don't remember Risen looking this bad grapically. Maybe it's just that they stuck more cutscrenes and dialouge where the camera takes control in, as is the fashion these days. What should I spend points on to begin with ?. Trying to avoid the usual re starting 60 times syndrome that I have wth RPGs. Is there a retool function somewhere later on.
  15. What do they call a Swiss hater anyway. It's a well known fact that the Swiss banking system owes much of its success to offering money that doesn't want to be found a place to hide.
  16. Maybe part of the reason we invaded Estonia and Lithuania, althought that was several hundred years later.
  17. Been trying to find a theater that has clip-ons for my glasses. Bloody 3d pestilence. Do not need.
  18. I don't see a moral issue with using a crack for offline play, assuming you have payed for the game.
  19. The Edda are songs and poems going back a long time before anyone had bothered to write them down. Best source on Norse mythology as well.
  20. Facebook ? Isn't everybody cajoled into that these days. Or try google+, theres got to be a messenger included.
  21. If people didn't pirate windows they would have to give a version away for free. Students and assorted poor personages would use linux out of necessity and eat away at the PC OS monopoly microsoft has enjoyed for so long. It would be nothing short of disasterous long term. There is a similar synergetic effect with software. People who have learned the ropes with a cracked version tend to stick with it when they eventually end up buying. Assuming they don't get too used to not paying. If used in a professional capacity one would want to have one's affairs in order anyway, and it's a deductable.
  22. I'm reminded of The People vs. George Lucas. Is there such a thing as imminent public domain. Something that for the good of the planet should belong to everyone, regardless of who holds the copyright. I liked the idea of trying to obtain a court order for the original Star Wars wheels anyway.
  23. So TPB is legal in Vegas then
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