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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. The meaning of life ?
  2. If keeping it where it is is the same boring formula applied to every IP then I'm happy to be where it was. but hey, you could say the same about Hollywood. The big money makers are rarely ever inventive.
  3. I don't mind the rain. Wind, that will make me not want to go anywhere. I went for tea and cookies with the people who found my wallet on the street. Turns out the wife kinda sortof knew my dad. Two million people supposedly live here, but it really is a small town sometimes. We talked about hippes and the Russian mob.
  4. NWN1 and 2 games were really really bad at ruining stealth classes with cutscenes. If it's a no name orc captain, fine you can backstab him or disable traps in his vicinity. If he has lines of any kind they trigger with proximity and you are screwed.
  5. Terrorism aims to undermine government by demonstating that it can't protect its citizens, in theory the poplulation then become so disatisfied that they turn on their leaders and create a situation ripe for radical change. I don't know that it has ever worked in reality, it seems more like desperation born of impotence. In any case it's not hard to understand how necessary it was to roll out all available resources, especially since it was going to come out that the FBI dropped the ball again.
  6. Well there are pictures of them near the bomb site and they killed a cop. It would be one hell of a case of mistaken identity if that was all it was. Who benifits from a conspiracy here ?
  7. I'm Sure Spetnaz go to the toilet in two by two cover formation, flashbangs first.
  8. Got 16000 DKK back from the tax man today. Life is good.
  9. Is he at least consistent, as in 11/9 was one too ? He was too out there even for Fox News, that ought to tell you something. The jury is still out on whether he believes any of this himself or if it is just part of the Glen Beck Show, the one that is automatically in session whenever he opens his mouth. I mean what else can he do. He can't go back to teaching, no one will have him.
  10. I considered watching news coverage but then remembered that the media are being idiots about this. The social media angle is encouraged and misinformation doesn't matter, as long as you are the first to report it. I miss the days when you had to have two confirmed sources to report something. Nowadays 'this or that person tweeted' willl do.
  11. Buu huu insert favorite tiny violin image.
  12. I don't get it. What's the downside for STEAM in selling any and all of these games. They already have tons of old, well I wouldn't say crap, available. If you count the free section quality surely can't be a deciding factor in whether or not something is available through STEAM. Is the STEAM seal of approval supposed to make us buy them, is it some kind of tactic to garner more comunity buzz for said games. How does this work ? Lots of interesting stuff on the waiting list though.
  13. Part of the schtick is that the more angry the Hulk gets the stronger he gets. There appears to be no upper limit. I love these X is totally more powerful than Y Marvel conversations.
  14. What about I raise you Galactus. I mean he travels around the universe consuming worlds.
  15. Russel Crowe is superdad. Anway the usual problem presents itself. Superman is simply lame. A superhero called 'super man' with a giant 'S' on his chest. If he didn't have seniority it would be undeniable.
  16. She could always get her own reality show.
  17. He used very small pellets for shrapnel which is why there are so many wounded and so few fatalities. Of course one can't know if this was a deliberate strategy. They were also very small devices and possibly just not capable of killing anyone not in the immediate vicinity.
  18. Gorgon


    Prehistoric Danish pop
  19. This will be the first Al Qaeda act in the US since 11/9 (that is how you write dates properly I don't care) if that is the case. As usual they depend on the press to provide the drama. Maybe that's a blessing in disguise as they don't need to kill very many people for this to make headlines the next few days. In fact it would be problematic if all the pagentry and imagery of ambulances and police investigations died down quickly as that might promt another attack.
  20. To be fair he doesn't do much other than to stand around and brood. Those spaghetti westerns where he is cigar smoking poncho guy are awesome on account of Sergio Leone first and The Clint second.
  21. Not a bad suggestion. Are city councilmen paid or do they just get a diet.
  22. I love graphics but not at the expense of improving other areas of game design. It does seem like games have gotten prettier rather than better for as long as anyone can remember, and to the detriment of the industry as a whole.
  23. You should be a shipbuilder, or a chimneysweep. Weren't you some type of consultant or project based hire before. Drum up some business I guess.
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