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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. I don't think save scumming, as well as rest scumming is a good game design choice. Sure, rest scumming can be alleviated by making food scarce, but then people will just save scum alot. I think this problem may be solved by properly balancing the game, because right now in the beta even relaxed difficulty felt like potd at times (personal opinion). If the game is properly balanced then getting an injury shouldn't be too common unless a player makes some big honest mistakes.
  2. I don't mind per encounter system in theory, however right now in the beta I can't properly appreciate the idea because casting times are abysmal and actually landing an oompfy aoe spell is feat in itself.
  3. Well, 25% per injury is too steep. I hope it's just one of those unbalanced beta things. Right now it feels like playing one the early Souls games where player almost all the time was afflicted by some perma health reduction until boss was defeated. Rest spamming is bad too. As for the priests, why the heck not? They are already integral part of most parties, and healing should logically heal injuries as well. Maybe make it a higher level spell?
  4. Do injuries affect only health now? How about injuries that lower attributes? I think I wouldn't rest spam so hard if an injury only lowered one of the attributes by 2 or some such. Also, why the heck priests can heal but not remove injuries? I sure wouldn't mind a spell like that for a priest.
  5. I think new characters' portraits look nice, while returning characters' portraits somehow got worse than the originals. Maybe it's because of the different angle, but they barely resemble themselves from the old portraits.
  6. Yea, it seems that scripted interactions don't take party members skills into account.
  7. Anybody else think there are too many skills and/or too few skill points? Some active skills, like Athletics seem too useful to pass right now, while others, especially passive ones, feel like they should be gathered under one skill, like: Arcana+Metaphysics+History+Religion=Lore. Streetwise can be combined with Survival as well. Also, I never liked systems where various ways of silver tonguing through conversations to make people do what you want is divided into all sorts of subs like we see here: Intimidation+Persuasion+Bluff=Silver tongue. All in all skills are too spread out with too few points to spend them on and because of that some classes, like rogue for example, will have a hard time role-playing all this stuff (I mean come on, every rogue will want Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Mechanics and not be clumsy as an oaf without Athletics!). Companions putting points in the same skills help somewhat, sure, but that deprives them of role-playing their own distinct classes. Spreading out skills among the party is also not a good idea because skill checks, in the beta at least, are quite high and you simply won't be able to win any of them. Here are my solutions for this: -Give more points on level up -Lower down skill checks -Combine similar skills into one -Make some classes and/or single classes have more skill points on level up. This one is nothing new, AD&D had classes that had something similar, but interesting in a way that it could perhaps give an incentive to stay as a single class and/or give an incentive for players to multiclass into something other than a fighter with his super useful ex-universal combat abilities.
  8. Actually, blond haired people can naturally have darker eyebrows, beards and body hair. Anyway, I can't say that I disliked any of the models, they sure look more hi-res and detailed compared to POE1. And I liked all the new hair options. However, I don't know whether we'll ever see the models in the game so up close as in the character creator. If we don't then it's all fine, they're good enough when they're zoomed out, can't make out the details anyway. If we do then I think some more polish is required, especially when it comes to heads: -Fire godlike's fire hair effect looks bad. -No options for eye color. -Need more head options. Also, I think we need more poses, those are fun and are great new addition to character creation.
  9. Well, if it helps, for this portrait I mostly used that editor's Sketch2 in Art at some 60%, then played with Skin Tanning, Color Saturation and Brightness in Adjust. All very noob friendly.
  10. Hmm, well I haven't visited them in a while, but yea, I recall posting some portraits there as well. I use another portrait for BG series though.
  11. With all the beta excitement going on I finally managed to find some time to rummage through photo editors to make a watercolored portrait. There's a very nice free online editor: https://www194.lunapic.com/editor/ It allowed me to change my portrait from this: Into this:
  12. It's also funny to watch how party members constantly run around from one enemy to other because AI can't seem to properly prioritize enemies.
  13. I didn't like that I had to take the fruit from the spot. The guy put it there specifically for it to dry and sprout, so if I want to help him out why do I need to take it to show it to the other guy? I was hoping to find another solution for this, like maybe make the fruit sprout to prove the weaver guy's point, or return the dried fruit to the weaver guy after framing the the pole guy, but I guess the accuser guy won't let me. As it is, the quest seems pointless - the the weaver guy never gets to prove his point by showing the sprouting fruit and someone always gets punished.
  14. For anyone who says that multiclassing is better and more flexible - you do realize that you can only have 2 classes? So you can't get access to all the universal abilities like in POE1. In POE2 those ex-universal abilities are now spread across some classes, but you can't keep on multiclassing to get them all. From what I can see, if nothing changes then builds are gonna be even more cookie cutter, not less. Class specific abilities, for the most part, are sparse and everyone will want to be a fighter for those ex-universal abilities. Personally, I think devs dropped the ball here - they should have either made them available for all classes or replaced them with something different and more creative for the non-spellcaster classes.
  15. Some more feedback on the UI: -It's not clear how many points a character has to spend on abilities on each level up, sometimes it appears to have 1, sometimes 2. There needs to be a clear number.
  16. I think right now it's not the injuries that are brutal, but the difficulty. Even on Relaxed I got my butt handed over to me a dozen of times. Game balance usually is among the last things that devs polish out.
  17. 10. Solid HUD background doesn't work.
  18. 9. Not sure if it's a bug or unexplained hidden feature but sometimes giving different food even multiple times to characters during rest doesn't remove their wounds.
  19. 7. After gaining a level in the level up menu whole party's hair becomes white. 8. After completing a quest quest log in the upper left corner constantly updates.
  20. I think character creator looks nice overall. I'm sure more heads, hair and portraits will be added later. The one thing I think it still misses is the eye color option to truly match portraits.
  21. So many things pointed out here already that I totally agree with. Good job, guys I'm not quite done with the beta yet, but here's my list of initial impressions of what I liked: +I like the new atmosphere and visual style in Deadfire, really feels like I'm in a new part of the game world. Reminds me of NWN2: Storm of Zehir alot. +Graphics and animations seem to have improved on all fronts, which is always great to see. +Character creator and new big character paper dolls look very nice. +I like the beta version of the world map way more now than when it was a flat barren wasteland from the older builds. +Much improved area loading times Things that I didn't like and/or I think are in need of tweaking: -*Very* rigid class system. Single class now feels gimpy. Gone are the universal skills - now if you want to have any build to even remotely resemble POE1's more flexible builds you *have* to take a second class. Even AD&D wasn't so stingy with combat skills and allowed any class to have them to varied degrees. It's not practical now to have a single class, especially if you're caster, because all casters skills are now just spells. So all in all, I think devs need to return to the drawing board with classes skills - right now they are sparse, some are weirdly restricted to few select classes and some feel underwhelming. -Many subclasses feel gimpy and not worth taking. There must be more incentive for players to intentionally gimp themselves by choosing a subclass. My suggestion - give each subclass some unique skills. -Where are the sub-race unique bonuses? For example, what's the incentive to choose between a wood elf or a pale elf except the aesthetics now? -Combat still feels like a cluster**** at times. Maybe that removal of slow mode was a premature decision. -Wounds removal is baffling - eat some crackers and cracked bones just heal themselves? Lol. Perhaps, instead of focusing on removal of negatives it's better to add positives instead. Make wounds heal themselves by simply resting, but add varied long lasting beneficial bonuses if you add food. Players love long lasting beneficial bonuses way more than annoying wounds that get accumulated easily after each fight or trap spring. -Spellcasting times are too slow. Spells feel weak. Fighter enemies can skewer a spellcaster twice time over before he casts even a single spell, many of which feel weak even with empower compared to usual hack&slash. -There definitely needs to be a better explanation about power usage for skills. Maybe a hoverable pop-up text in the combat bar. -UI text needs to be bigger/better scaled for large resolutions. At 130% text scale only dialogue, scripted interactions and item descriptions had serviceable scaled text, but at the cost of cluttered text box, which has a rigid frame size. My suggestion - if the text itself is scaled into a bigger one, the text box itself should also automatically widen to accommodate it. Journal, pop-up texts are too tiny for large resolutions. -UI interface windows also need to be bigger/better scaled for large resolutions. The only thing that is ok size wise in the inventory right now is the large character paper doll. I can't stress this enough if (but more likely, when) you're gonna port POE2 to consoles (which too have 4K resolution now) - everything needs to be bigger for better visibility! Don't be so stingy with screen space! -Skills icons are too varied and confusing. There should be an option to choose between skills icons with hover text and actual skills names in the brackets like it was in POE1. -Companions AI and scripts are in need of work and more detailed customization. That's all for now. All in all, not bad for an early beta, I hope we'll get a chance to test newer builds regularly though.
  22. Well, the beta doesn't have a prologue. And judging by the trailers so far it's gonna be a grim one - Caed Nua destroyed, your soul almost snuffed out by Eothas. So I wouldn't be so hasty with scoring anything yet.
  23. Any dead bodies near the enemy? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94362-at-least-the-bodies-of-fallen-xaurip-enemies-block-targeting-on-living-enemies-standing-next-to-them/ That thread doesn't mention characters attacking themselves though. Yea, when it happened there were some dead enemies already, but they weren't near the untargetable enemy per se. The other thing I've noticed though, that some dead enemies keep on glowing as if they have loot on them even when there's nothing on them at all.
  24. 6. Companions voice frequency remains at 100% even if you put it to 0% - they keep yelling their one liners with each hit during combat. Very annoying.
  25. 5. Sometimes one of the enemies becomes untargetable and one of the character's starts to attack him/herself instead of that enemy while the rest of the companions just stand around. Weird one, can't say for sure what triggers it, but it happened thrice for me already.
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