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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. This could be a cool new addition.
  2. There isn't. I didn't think so, and that throws a wrench in the works as far as I'm concerned. Not really. In BG2 there were restrictions such as gender and race for each romanceable companion. Was done before, can be again. 7 plus romance options is a steep cost financially. It's better to have a couple incredibly well done "catch alls" vs every companion being romanceable but mediocre. They can do 2 or 3, like in PS:T. In BG2 there were only 4 among how many? 17? So definitely no need to go "current gen BioWare" style in this.
  3. Agreed, but it's a popular request at the campaign, so there's a possibility it will be added. But of course, only if devs are up to it. They're silent on the matter currently. Personally, I'd rather have a firm No again than see some unachievable last stretch goal.
  4. There isn't. I didn't think so, and that throws a wrench in the works as far as I'm concerned. Not really. In BG2 there were restrictions such as gender and race for each romanceable companion. Was done before, can be again.
  5. Well, I won't cry in the corner if there will be no romances in PoE2 as well. But it's worth asking with every new game announced anyway. Because I believe that one day, some game will finally become the true Baldur's Gate 2 successor in every way.
  6. My Pallegina went against the orders, true, but later was\will be pardoned because I strengthened Dyrwood with souls. Personally, I'd love this pardon to happen in Deadfire, since she needs to regain trust of her fellow brothers of the order anyway. Ah, so many variables just for one character, I like it. Hopefully it will be extensively elaborated upon in the game.
  7. You care to elaborate on that? I'd like to know more about those "easier ways to make deep character interactions", especially when you exclude the one human feeling that is both central to about 99% of all essential storytelling mediums out there and to human life in general... Agreed, purposefully avoiding normal human feelings between companions with whom you've been through thick and thin says something about writers' confidence in their work. PoE1 didn't even touch friendship properly.
  8. And I'm not seeing how it hasn't. Devs said themselves they're now living off of their PoE1 success and it was successful (and probably off of Stick of Truth and Tyranny as well), judging by their video PoE2 is well into production and what they're asking for is not for just making the game but for expanding it (besides, who wouldn't want extra cash and free PR). And I'm sorry, but I just can't take anything seriously from a person who talks in third person.
  9. Besides bad writing that's the only thing I don't like in current BioWare games. But then again, Obsidian is not BioWare - they can try doing their own thing with romances.
  10. Yea, MotB romances weren't half bad. Also, back in the day Obsidian were Black Isle Studios, the developers of Planescape: Torment - there were a type of romances as well.
  11. I think so, years have passed since PoE1, devs could have reconsidered about a lot of things since then, not just romances. And today devs are not in such dire straights as they were back then. And furthermore, I don't think writing a bunch of scripted text is as costly as you make it out to be. So yeah, this thread is valid again and one can hope devs will deign to comment somewhere about it. Afterall, they're stabbing at Baldur's Gate 2 glory now, and BG2 had romances, which were quite fine.
  12. As if I'm gonna read those long walls of text of your personal opinion. I won't mind if it's a stretch goal, but better yet I want devs themselves voice their opinion as to why they don't wanna do them, considering they've done them before and now wanna take the throne from BG2 with Deadfire.
  13. I don't get why people are so against romances. It seems like it's just cool to hate it nowadays. Nobody says they want explicit sex scenes or a date sim. I don't see a problem if devs simply do something in the vein of flirting in Planescape: Torment or smth a little more advanced like in Baldur's Gate 2. It's optional but adds flavour to companions and to the game in general. They're gonna do personal quests anyway, why not add some romantic subplot as well?
  14. Multiclassing+2 subclasses sounds like a giant headache to balance. I hope devs know what they're doing. At least my concerns about fewer companions and party slots were dissuaded - in the last update it was told that we can choose between two classes for companions, so while smaller, party composition will be more flexible. For example Eder now can be a fighter or a rogue.
  15. Devs confirmed on Fig there will be lesser amount of companions this time: "Feargus DEVELOPER @LordCrash - So, we made the decision to put more into each companion than have more companions. It's something we have gravitated to over the years to make sure that companions do more in the game, and can change as well."
  16. If they were at the keep at the time, then it should be fairly easy to explain. "Oh, hey we came to visit, what's u... OH MY GOD WHAT IS THE STATUE DOING?!" That's the only logical explanation I came up with as well. There is another - Eothas level drained the whole of Dyrwood but that would be way too stupid and mean, and everything we did in PoE1 will be obsolete. In any case Eder should be pissed off:)
  17. I hope it's a priest, there needs to be a priest. Pretty sure there will be a priest, I'm guessing there will be at least one of every class like in the first game. This morning while I was having my morning coffee I watched the campaign launch trailer again because I didn't have anything better to do and I noticed in a few combat scenes that there was two other characters with Éder, Aloth and Pallegina; fire godlike and a lady with a red hair that looked like a human or an elf. I assume the other one was PC and the other one a possible companion but which one is which? I hope we will have fewer companions this time with more substance. Seeing how party size is reduced as well it would make sense. PoE1 had too many shallow companions, larger half of whom were always sitting in stronghold anyway.
  18. What about 3 returning companions? How are they gonna explain their level drain?
  19. I hope it's a priest, there always needs to be a priest for those who don't wanna play as priest themselves.
  20. Yea, I don't get how stealing part of your soul suddenly makes you forget how to swing a sword or sing a song.
  21. And curse him for destroying Caed Nua! Yea, looks like this time this is personal. Just like it was in Baldur's Gate, I love this type of motivator.
  22. Devs said on Fig that those companions whom you killed or didn't recruit will not come back. So relax. Personally, I think anyone who sacrificed Eder or Aloth to Skaen pit are mean, heartless douchebags. Those guys were so loveable (maybe cuz they were voiced by the same actor)
  23. But souls are delicious *nom* I hope Orlan baby's gonna be ok, I don't think it's even level 1 being a baby, lol.
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