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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. Plague of Insects from those ogres is fubar. The buff's ICON dissapears, but if you go to character sheet you can still see smth like this: : 8 raw damage :-20 Concentration So it still doesn't clear completely. The only current workaround for non-protagonist characters is to dismiss them from party and then let them rejoin again. But nada for protagonist.
  2. Yea, but now you have to buff DURING combat all the while enemies are trying to chew on you. And some of them are chewing quite hard right from the start of combat. So I don't think it's better, it seems it's just different for being different sake. I also don't get why can't a rogue backstab ppl out of combat.
  3. Yea, prebuffing and getting to know your enemy weaknesses and how to overcome them was very fun in BG. Combat in PoE is very bland in comparison, general strategy - put tank upfront and make everyone else spam whatever ranged attacks\spells they have, most of them will do. And even with good gear and high levels I still feel underpowered in some combat situations, probably because the game still needs some rebalancing. you know a horde of fan-persons are about to show up and explain why you are wrong. I agree with you, BTW. I don't care, combat in PoE is dissapointing and I will stand by this verdict. Maybe it would have been better if it was turn based like Temple of Elemental Evil, I get that vibe frequently when I play PoE - it's almost begging to be turn based. Hopwefully combat in Torment: Tides of Numenera will show Obsidian how it's done.
  4. Yea, prebuffing and getting to know your enemy weaknesses and how to overcome them was very fun in BG. I still remember how intently I've studied what debuff spells would work on some super tough bosses like Firkraag (if you play you cards right you can actually kill him with 1-st level spell, lol) and Kangaxx. Combat in PoE is very bland in comparison, general strategy - put tank upfront and make everyone else spam whatever ranged attacks\spells they have, most of them will do. And even with good gear and high levels I still feel underpowered in some combat situations, probably because the game still needs some rebalancing.
  5. No, you cannot increase attributes at level up, however, you can increase them with items, like cloaks, rings etc.
  6. Still looks buggy to me because basically one quest prevents the completion of another without any warnings. Would have been better if npcs weren't hostile out of the blue - how could they have known it was me who stole the book?
  7. Yea, ranged wood elf rogue works very well for me as well. Melee rogue is too high maintenance, imho.
  8. So I got that scroll from thieves in the Woodend Plains and went back to the Hall of Revealed Mysteries to return it to Grimda only to have every single npc in there turn hostile on me! Is this a bug or a consequence of me stealing The Theorems of Pandrgam earlier and giving it to Nedyn in Brackenbury?
  9. I prefer Steam for better library, easy payment system (PayPal ftw), auto-updates and community hub.
  10. Interrupt bonus is back, eh? I hope it's not as uber as it was in the beta.
  11. Well, that means that it is an old English name, lol. The website is correct. It is indeed an Old English name, but it's use persisted well into the middle of the 20th century (in the UK at least). Which means that it's quite common for people to have met women named Ethel, but they're inevitably old, hence the association with grannies. Whatever, I'm not from UK so I've no clue. Amusing though. Yeah, it's always funny when names you've chosen for characters turn out to have meanings or associations in other languages or cultures you had no idea of. As an aside, I think the diminuative form you suggested - Ethelyn - is actually a really good name to use. Yea, ok. There are some cool sounding names on that website, but I'm gonna use another for my female character anyway - Myrra.
  12. Well, that means that it is an old English name, lol. The website is correct. It is indeed an Old English name, but it's use persisted well into the middle of the 20th century (in the UK at least). Which means that it's quite common for people to have met women named Ethel, but they're inevitably old, hence the association with grannies. Whatever, I'm not from UK so I've no clue. Amusing though.
  13. Well, that means that it is an old English name, lol. The website is correct.
  14. There are tons of old English and ancient Celtic names with meanings behind them over here: http://www.behindthename.com/names/origin/old-english http://www.behindthename.com/names/usage/ancient-celtic My personal favourites for Aedyrian protagonists are Ethel (or diminutive - Ethelyn) for female and Faelan for male.
  15. There's a thread about it: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66894-how-to-make-custom-portraits/ Portraits can be of larger size than 210x330, 76x96 but they need to maintain same aspect ratio to be shown correctly in the game.
  16. I'd say that ciphers seem to be most interesting story wise, but I'll still play as rogue on my first playthrough because no npcs have this class and because I like dps-ing.
  17. I'm gonna use this one for my elf rogue: Source from here:http://i-guyjin-i.deviantart.com/art/Blackguard-464968307
  18. Are kickstarter backers gonna get the same pet as Steam pre-order edition?
  19. I hope there's some use to them other than just being cosmetic, even if it's minor. Something like Lim-Lim pet in the Planescape: Torment - it was involved in a minor quest where you could turn it to stone (cruel, I know ) and use it as a pass to join the Anarchists faction.
  20. Currently I'm alternating between Destiny (addictive piece of ****), Ori and the Blind Forest (awesome game) and IWD:EE (refreshing, cuz I totaly forgot what the story was in IWD1).
  21. I think he's roleplaying character called Gromnir from BG2: ToB. It's the other way around. As crazy as it sounds. That's interesting. Are there any other forumites from the olden days who got their own character in BG?
  22. I think he's roleplaying character called Gromnir from BG2: ToB.
  23. Tell me about it...Stats distribution in this game is excruciating not only because of questionable combat efficiency, but also because non-combat skill\attribute checks are made only for protagonist
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