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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. 3D models from the distance were ok, up close as paper dolls - very fugly. Why are there no 2D dolls like in BG? Additional costs on art designing? Also, please leave hand drawn 2D portraits, they represent NPCs much better and, more importantly, prettier than 3D. 3D portraits taken from models usually are total crap, and judging by the models quality they better not be staring at me with their mugs in release version.
  2. No news about that from the devs? Doing everything manually was a total bummer when I tried the beta.
  3. I think the devs are just lazy and don't wan't to balance XP tables for mobs, which is a pain. Having to figure out XP values just for quests is much easier.
  4. I don't like this new system where you don't get XP from kiling things. First of all, it's not very logical - you learn how to kill things by dispatching them, it's an experience. For that new knowledge you should get XP points. Just like you should get XP from lock picking and trap disarming. Sure, it should diminish in value as you gain higher levels, so there's no point in killing low level mobs, which by then you'll know how to dispatch with ease. It was all done in BG - mobs had static XP value, so killing a wolf at high level gave you a pittance of xp compared to what you needed to accumulate to level up. Second, you won't be getting any XP or level ups during dungeon crawl in PoE - killed a ton of mobs? Nope, no XP for you till you get back to the quest giver in town. That's just stupid, no? Third, this game seems like it will be combat heavy, combat heavy games should give XP for combat. I can understand no XP from combat in a game like Planescape: Torment, which you could beat without engaging in combat at all, leveling up just from dialogues and quest completion. But it doesn't seem that combat will be avoidable in PoE. Which leads me to the fourth point - all stats should be equally effective both in combat and during social encounters. Some of them right now are lacking, like perception and resolve. Nobody wants to make a socialite character whom you have to ride on the shoulders of more combat effecitve characters till next social encounter. Stats are in need of tweaking.
  5. I'm not against the fog in the game, I'm against it on the map, the one you open with M button. You go and explore a location in the game, you map it out - it should be fully revealed when you've walked everywhere in the location. In BG maps were all clear once revealed.
  6. Dragon Age then? Don't you wanna see all your skills at once?
  7. Why is there a fog of war on the map itself? I don't think there is a point in that for a map.
  8. What the topic says - right now it feels as if the skills bar came from 640x480 era, We have much bigger resolutions now. Why can't all the skills be placed in one long bar that extends the length of the screen? Or make it standard multibar with 10 skill slots that are actually key bindable?
  9. I just love them backgrounds. They look very Infinity Engine-y.
  10. I like social characters as well, but this game doesn't feel like it will follow in Planescape: Torment steps, where you could beat it without engaging in combat, more like in BG and IWD. So that means lots of combat, not engaging in lengthy dialogues. And that means that all stats should be equally good for combat, not like an optional Charisma from AD&D.
  11. Also, if this won't work and targets will still be hard to aquire then maybe devs should implement attackable enemies icons somewhere in UI. I know it is mainly done in turn based rpgs, but I think it's nice to have them in any type of rpg.
  12. I see the problem here is that PoE has a bit different camera angle, BG is more top down. Maybe that's one of the problem with a cluster**** that is combat right now. More visible indicators should be implemented at least. Maybe even more pronounced than BG. Maybe something like Planescape: Torment:
  13. Yea, but they've still got time till winter. You'd be amazed to see what devs can do in a few months, Divinity: Original Sin is a shining example. From messy alpha to brilliant release version in less than half a year? They've done it. And they've listened closely to what beta testers said and implemented a lot - that all only made the game better overall.
  14. Are they so difficult? They just gotta write some code, like macros . No need for any extra work on animations, art or other time consuming stuff.
  15. I really hope you're right. This is a must have feature in a game like this.
  16. Yea, I've noticed that too. Loot definetly needs to be highlighted.
  17. At least proper auto-attack would be good. Right now even that is failing.
  18. I think there needs to be a better highlighting of enemies and party members - right now it's a mess. Also, there needs to be a better highlighting for AoE spells. And I couldn't even select a character for a healing spell - it was also small AoE for whatever reason. It was all done fairly well in Baldur's Gate and more recently in Divinity: Original Sin - why not look there for references?
  19. I was wondering about that very question during character creation, myself. Given that many RPG players are going to be coming in with the assumption that Might = Strength, it might not hurt to make this explicit in the Might description in-game? Say that it increases physical and magical damage, rather than simply "damage." I've been having the same thought when I first saw it - I thought it was good only for fighting classes. There needs to be a better explanation on all the stats, and more importantly there needs to be a default arrangement of points for each class for new players, so that they won't gimp themselves right from the start.
  20. In Baldur's Gate there were all sorts of behavior scripts for every class combinations for playable characters, which made the life a bit easier there. Will there be anything like that in PoE, or will we have to issue all commands manually?
  21. Can someone point me into a good thread where all these stats are throroughly explained, like what is good for each class?. I'm a veteran AD&D player, so cross-references will be a good way to explain.
  22. The trailer..wow, just wow. Can it be? Do I finally see a true spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate?
  23. Wow, that dungeon concept looks so..Infinity Engine-y. I love it. Keep up the good work, devs!
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