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Everything posted by Ineth

  1. I've added the soulbound weapons from the screenshots in this thread, to this list on the wiki: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Soulbound_item Everybody please help by filling in details.
  2. Why would anyone knowingly want to upgrade to a "higher-tier" edition that costs twice as much (!!) but gets you exactly the same game, with only some useless ringtones / PDFs / etc. as "bonus"? I thought the expensive editions were just there as a marketing ploy, to sucker in customers who are too lazy to realize that the cheaper edition includes exactly the same game. That people who already own and know the game would consciously want to 'upgrade', baffles me.
  3. The wilderness areas (east and west of Stalwart) were kinda overstuffed with unrelated encounters though. I liked it better in Baldur's Gate where you could explore wilderness without running into a battle every two steps. Wilderness should feel like wilderness, not like you've walked into a Woodstock for beasts and monsters.
  4. Elven Mage -- Vailian Clothing -- both major and minor clothing color set to white. Proof that you don't need a hat and cloak to be stylish.
  5. Because the fans of the Godlike races would complain too much?
  6. Me too, though it's not just armor. Many of the unarmored sets of clothing also look much better on female characters. Here's an example (which I've probably posted before): Both of these character have exactly the same attributes, except for their sex. Both are wearing the exact same clothing item: But for some reason, the powers that be decided that a set of clothing which is a stylish coat when worn by a woman, should transform into a crappy potato sack when worn by a man... Add to this the fact that the best scripted companions (in my opinion) are male, and I'm pretty much forced to make all my PCs and hirelings female if I want a somewhat balanced and stylish party.
  7. On my female tank Paladin playthrough, I let her wear Brigandine armor throughout most the game even though I found Plate armor which would have offered more protection - because in Brigandine she simply looked much more stylish... :D
  8. I was expecting a "high fantasy" race of giants based on WM1, but I guess cyborg aliens work too!
  9. Stitching together screenshots is indeed your best bet, though for some maps other people have already done it, for example here.
  10. Where? There are long-ish conversations on the critical path, but they are broken up into small dialog snippets, and - the important ones at least - even voiced. That's not what people mean when they say "wall of text".
  11. There are two things to take into account regarding that 1% number: When Obsidian promised during the Kickstarter that they would release the game for Win/Mac/Linux, they had no way of knowing what exactly the Linux market share would be, as this seems to vary considerably from genre to genre and game to game - anything from 0% to 5% is realistic from what I hear. (And then there are outliers like some Humble Indie Bundles which have made up to a quarter of their revenue from Linux customers...) In any case, since Obsidian had promised Mac & Linux support during the Kickstarer, they were pretty much forced to go through with it regardless of what statistics they had learned about their customer base in the meantime. Just because the Linux customer share was only 1% when PoE was released, that doesn't mean it will stay at 1% during all of the game's nominal life cycle (say 20 years). For example if Valve's "Steam Machine" (which is Linux based) will become popular, that could change the picture entirely. Looking ahead is especially important for a game like PoE which was always meant to be only the first in a series of games. But it is pretty easy when approached correctly... Could in theory, but probably won't in practice. What many Windows people don't realize, is how dramatically the supply-and-demand situation has changed for us Linux gamers over the past 10 years. 10 years ago: Maybe 20 decent games run on Linux. None of the "big" engines support Linux. None of the major game distributors sell Linux versions of games. Now: Thousands of decent games run on Linux. All of the "big" engines support Linux. Most of the major game distributors sell Linux versions of games. Sure, in relative terms "thousands" is still small compared to the hundreds of thousands of games that Windows gamers can choose from. But in absolute terms it is a sufficiently large pool for many people to find what they like. We are no longer so starved for Linux compatible games that we must write off the cost of having a Windows partition as a bare necessity. (Cost = the financial cost for a Windows license and extra hard-disk space + the considerable time & mental stress for set-up & maintenance & usage). Some Linux gamers still go to the trouble, but it is becoming less common. The attitude in the Linux community is shifting towards completely ignoring any game (and game Kickstarter) that doesn't support Linux - in keeping with the motto "if you don't get invested in it, you won't miss it".
  12. So many nice portraits ITT... @Elsbeth Lamentia, those two would benefit from cranking up gamma/contrast some more.
  13. That doesn't match my recollection, but then again I stopped reading them relatively soon. Pretty sure they did. Look at the memorials to get an idea of the quality of writing of backer-contributed text...
  14. I bet that the main reason why adding Linux support was such a burden for them, was that they simply ignored the platform for most the development period and developed the game as a Windows game like they had always done, and then at the end started looking into porting it to Linux and realized "Oh **** we haven't taken into account a case-sensitive filesystem, and some of the Unity addons we bought are not crossplatform, etc... This is gonna involve re-doing a lot of things from scratch." If they had started by giving their developers some training on how to create cross-platform games (not rocket science; letting them watch a free 30min youtube video would probably have sufficed as training), and then taken all platforms into account at each step during development (e.g. while designing the filename scheme; while considering Unity addon purchases; etc...), I'm sure it would have gone much smoother.
  15. The game should allow us to become a farmer-slash-enterpreneur, instead of an adventurer. One could probably make millions by establishing a Pilgrim's Crown plantation in Dyrwood ...
  16. What's wrong with Brackenbury? The Sanitarium is one of the coolest parts of the game, and Hadret House is definitely an interesting location! Elms' Reach feels boring in comparison. (It does have beautiful graphics though.)
  17. The solution is to never scale monster stats, but to scale the number and types of monsters. I.e. the same encounter could have 5 Xaurips, if your party is low level 10 Xaurips, if your party is medium level 5 Xaurips and 5 Xaurip Champions, if your party is high level The encounter difficulty would match your level, but you'd still "feel" your party getting stronger due to how much faster and easier it becomes to down each individual Xaurip.
  18. One gamer's stress, is another gamer's excitement...
  19. I suspect it does, but can't check right now.
  20. Everything poofs before long. This is not the kind of game where you start by summoning a Fire Elemental and casting Stoneskin and Protection from Evil 10' Radius and whatnot, and then explore the whole dungeon like that. Instead, summons/buffs/debuffs are all short-lived things within an encounter, and combat is also more fast-paced. So you don't really need summons to live for more than 20 seconds - most encounters wont even take that long, and in the ones that do you're better off actually sending your summons into battle to deal and soak up damage and die, rather than keeping them alive. And in the rare encounters that are actually long enough for the chanter to use multiple invocations, you can simply summon things multiple times. I.e. don't think of summons in this games as companions that will follow you around; think of them as just another form of short-term protection (as "meat shields") or damage dealing spells during a battle.
  21. When he calls her a whore, does that count as "speaking highly of"?
  22. I wouldn't mind if they tried an actual turn-based system, but jamming rounds into a RTwP system is just not a great solution. The Infinity Engine games did it, but I always saw that as a compromise (seeing as they were tied to the D&D ruleset), not something one would design intentionally for a custom ruleset.
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