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Everything posted by Ineth

  1. data_expansion1/localized/en/text/quests/px1_00_stalwart_village/px1_00_mercenary.stringtable <Entry> <ID>20002</ID> <DefaultText>Members of the Torn Bannermen did not appreciate my presence near their camp. I was forced to defend myself from their agression.</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> "aggression" is misspelled (screenshot)
  2. Yeah. See the wiki. Each soulbound item has its own wiki page listing (among other things) where it can be found, and they are all linked from here: Soulbound item
  3. Does it also stack from the same chanter? i.e. if you prepare a chant consisting of that Dragon phrase twice in a row, will it stack during the overlap time?
  4. Slavery is one part of the lore that seems to have been kinda deemphasized in the released game, compared to what Josh/other devs (and the guidebook too, I think) have told us about the setting. If I'm not mistaken, slavery is supposed to be a wide-spread phenomenon in this part of the world, with Aedyran and Readceran humans/elves enslaving orlans on a grand scale, and having done so for quite a while. And the Dyrwoodans used to do it too, but officially agreed to stop in a treaty with Eír Glanfath after the War of Black Trees, so now they do it inofficially by calling it 'indentured servitude'. In the game, this doesn't really come across all that much. Sure, there's that one quest in Stalwart, and that slaver guest in the stronghold, etc., but the whole topic is not presented in an in-your face way at all - if you skip reading the in-game books, you could finish the whole game and not realize that slavery is anything more than an insignificant side-note in this setting.
  5. No, all parts need to be patched to 3.01. If you don't, you get pink screen. On GOG/Linux, this means that to go from 3.00 to 3.01 you need to install: the 3.01 patch for the base game the 3.01 installer for White March Part 1 the 3.01 installer for White March Part 2 On GOG/Windows, the expansions have patches too, but us Linux folk have to download the full installers again.
  6. Does the description also say that blood comes out of her mouth and eyes as she dies?
  7. Since the new launcher-based IE mod doesn't come with very newbie-friendly instructions, I've written up some instructions myself in the comment section. Reposting them here in case it helps someone: Installing the IE Mod Download the latest Launcher zip archive (currently called "5.1.0-beta Launcher for 2.03.0788"), and extract it somewhere. It doesn't matter where, but remember the place. I'll refer to it as the "launcher folder" below. Download the latest Patch DLL zip archive (currently called "5.2.1 Patch DLL"), extract the IEMod.pw.dll from it, and place it in the Mods subfolder of the launcher folder - overwriting the IEMod.pw.dll that is already there. Run the PatchworkLauncher.exe in your launcher folder. If you're on Windows, you can just click it. If you're on Mac or Linux, you'll have make sure that mono is installed, then open a terminal to that folder and type: mono PatchworkLauncher.exe The first time you run it, it asks you for the game folder. Click 'Browse', find the Pillars of Eternity game folder, and click 'OK', then 'Okay'. The game folder is the one that is called "game" in the GOG.com version (no idea about Steam) and contains the PillarsOfEternity(.exe) executable. Another thing you need to do the first time you run it, is activate the mod. Click 'Active Mods', then 'Add'. Double-click the 'Mods' folder, select the IEMod.pw.dll file, and click 'Open'. Click 'Close' to get back to the launcher. Now you can click 'Launch with Mods' to start the game. If everything worked correctly you'll see an 'IE Mod' tab in the game settings. Using the IE mod From now on, each time you want to play with the mod you need to repeat the steps 3 and 6. Updating the IE mod Each time a new Patch DLL download is released, you need to repeat the step 2. Using the experimental "Load custom companion attributes" feature Since the 3.00 patch, using the AttributeScore cheat to change the attributes of scripted companions, no longer "sticks" - whenever you load the game, or enter a new map, their attributes reset to their factory values. While it was probably not an intentional change, Obsidian likely won't be fixing it. So the IE Mod provides an experimental solution instead, but it is a little complicated to use. Here are the steps: Go to your game folder. (Not the launcher folder!) Enter its PillarsOfEternity_Data subfolder (may be called slightly differently in your version - something with "data" though). Enter its Managed subfolder. Create a new subfolder called iemod here, and enter it. Create a new subfolder called customStats here, and enter it. Place the two XML files (custom.xml and default.xml) from the "5.2.1 Patch DLL" zip archive here. Open custom.xml in a text editor, and change the attribute numbers however you see fit. It's an XML file which will be parsed by the game, so make sure not to break the structure. If you only change numbers to other numbers and don't touch anything else, you'll be fine. Now inside the game, you can enable the "Load custom companion attributes" checkbox in the IE Mod settings.
  8. See this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84825-playthrough-with-customizeable-companions-attributes-via-console-commands-again/ The IE Mod has an experimental solution for this now, but it is a little cumbersome to use - see instructions.
  9. I agree in theory, but for some reason I loved Icewind Dale 2 as well... Sure, it took me probably half a year to finish it, but so what! The linearity and lack of reactivity actually helped with that, because remembering for several months what your status is in relation to countless NPCs and factions and story branches, would have been hard.
  10. But the drama questions make it fun! If I wanted to read a "professional" interview where the interviewer plays it safe and the answers are all marketing speak, I'd read an IGN or Kotaku interview, not an RPG Codex one...
  11. I wish Skill tier bonuses scaled exponentially (e.g. +1, +2, +4) instead of linearly, to make up for the exponential cost to reach them.
  12. GOG is responsible for putting together those patches, not Obsidian. Also, some people do manage to get a working game with them. I think you have to: install the whole sequence of patches without gaps (e.g. 2.02->2.03, 2.03->3.00, 3.00->3.01) install both the basegame patches and expansion patches together maybe even follow a specific install order (that part is the subject of myths and rumors ) I've settled on downloading the full installers again each time, myself. It means I have to wait a little longer, but it's less of a hassle.
  13. Similarly, Aefre is coded as "Meadow folk" even though her skin tone suggests "Savannah folk":
  14. Marceno is an quest NPC who can found in Ondra's Gift. The thing is, his appearance does not match his description and coding: When you first meet him, the in-dialog description calls him "young" and "lanky". But his 3D model looks middle-aged and sturdy. When you add him to your party via the "AddToParty NPC_Marceno" cheat, you'll see he's coded as Ocean human. But his 3D model looks Meadow human. Screenshot:
  15. I think you're way exaggerating. He functions just fine on a day-to-day basis, and in some interactions with NPCs his observations/interjections actually indicate above-average clarity and even wisdom. Sure he lives in a separate reality in a sense, but it seems to me that that's more due to his refusal to come to terms with Magran's rejection of him and his attempts to rationalize an evil philosophy, than a result of clinical illness. You seem to be arguing from the premise that if someone has just a pinch of craziness in them, their free will and capacity to be responsible for evil acts immediately drops from 100% to 0%. I'd say it's more of an overlapping spectrum, and I'd put Durance at about "15% crazy, 85% evil" in that spectrum.
  16. If I understand correctly, before switching to the launcher, for every new release of the mod the devs had to collect DLL's from all three platforms and manually patch them, and then bundle up three separate release packages for the three platforms. This hassle for the devs was likely part of the reason why releases have been so sparse or took so long at times. Now, the launcher automatically patches the DLL's on the user side, so the devs can simply bundle up their mod files together with the launcher, and it will magically work on all platforms. That is to say, relying on the launcher makes the release process easier for the mod developers (freeing them up to work on the actual mod contents instead) - and btw. also means that Mac&Linux releases of the mod won't lag behind Windows releases anymore. I'd say that makes the little extra trouble for us users, more than worth it.. And it's not that much trouble really. You only have to install mono/.NET once, after all.
  17. What does this line mean?
  18. I thought it was when you first enter Defiance Bay, because that's when a cutscene movie plays. Just like a cutscene movie plays at the start of act 3...
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