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Everything posted by Jobby

  1. Hey, I'm not sure if this has already been covered but i haven't seen anything on it so i assume not, I was thinking of the various armour types and damage effects and how this could be adapted to archery which led me to purpose crafted arrowheads, i.e. bodkins, broadheads etc.. after a bit of research i also found info regarding mechanical arrowheads that release blades on impact through a spring mechanism thing which also sounds quite cool. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cr%C3%A9cy-en-Ponthieu_24-09-2008_12-11-33.JPG I think this would add to the gameplay mechanics of archery and is a natural expansion of the BG system of "flaming arrows", "acid arrows" etc... What are your thoughts?
  2. My only hangup with the objective based system is that i don't necessarily want to see every playstyle get rewarded identically everytime, I'd like to see more challenging playstyes for certain quests reap the greatest rewards. And in regards to stealth being the easy way out, i don't understand why that needs to be the case.
  3. I get what you mean TRX and yes choice must be maximised and the game should not be designed to force your hand one way or another, but surely lockpicking a door you have the keys to or completing a quest with diplomacy then killing the dude anyway (both of which i have done btw) aren't really choices, they're really stupid loopholes to gain extra xp that ruin immersion and encourage metagaming.
  4. You're missing the point. Osvir wants sexism built into parts of the classes themselves--some by title only (without actual differences, hence pointless), another by getting rid of Obsidian's own already described priest and paladin classes... I do see what you mean however I'm not entirely against it in the character creation screen either, different names for different sexes same professions is a bit pointless (although it is mimicked in real life to some degree), but i do think there should be advantages and disadvantages when choosing the sex of your character beyond aesthetics, again Obsidian have already stated that this will not be the case and i respect their decision, hence my example of how sex could affect reputation and standing with various factions. I would personally propose quite major reactions, although ideally without locking too much game content out, for example, some race or culture don't like women to fight, therefore their fighters guild doesn't allow women in, in order to get into the fighters guild as a female you have to first complete a set of quests for a militant woman's suffragette group. Alternatively if you play as a female this militant suffragette group is your alternative to the fighters guild (and perhaps halfway through the questline this group and fighters guild merge at which point you will have a decent standing and carry on the male branch of quests), point is i'd like to see something real, as opposed to "if you play male women like you more, if you play female men like you more".
  5. My views on romances. 1) Obvious but i'm restating it anyway, don't make every character bisexual. 2) Quality over quantity 3) VO is not essential however text can be easily misinterpreted without the context of tone, therefore if it is text based please indicate to me whether that was a saracastic remark or if the npc is just incredibly naive. 4) No softcore sex scenes, I don't mind the fade to black implied sex (as long as it doesn't come with 50 shades of grey dialogue) 5) Please make an effort to represent it in a real form and not just lovey dovey pandering and ego stroking, i.e. whilst there is obviously an element of cheesyness to any romance there are also arguments, fights, jealousy, betrayal etc.. 6) Sometimes there is no "right" answer, loaded questions etc.. would be nice to see a situation where lying appears to be the nicest approach but has repercussins further on down the line. 7) Again obvious but no DA:O gift giving mechanic, that was ****ing stupid
  6. Sounds like scrapheap challenge lol Seriously though, does your equipment breaking really add anything to the game other than annoyance? I'm all for crafting and other non-combat skills but in a game like P.E. where you could be on level 14 of the 15 level dungeon only for your sword to break and with nothing to repair it with you have trek back to the surface. Point is, i can understand it in a sandbox game like FONV where you have relatively small dungeons and a fast travel mechanic but i really hope they don't put it in this game.
  7. Einstien was one of the most notorious plagerists known to science, irrelevant, but worth stating, on topic i have always advocated there being a difference between male and female classes, abilities and attributes, not because i am sexist but because men and women are different, they always will be, in real life certain professions will appeal more to women than men (and vice versa), I am a bit tired of fantasy games ignoring this simple fact of life, even when they try to bring in more complex themes that parallel society they generally avoid the sexism argument (and i can understand to some extent why). I don't think there needs to be huge differences but the idea of certain cultures finding female warriors abhorrent and then showing this belief by scorning your party would be a nice touch, likewise with, as Osvir suggested, male priests being considered to be out of place in some cultures, given that it is a fantasy game it doesn't need to be clear cut "man fight, woman cook" you could have a society similar to the dark elves in BG2 for example. Point is, they've already stated there will be mature themes in this game, I don't see why sexism has to be avoided but racism is allowed. P.S. i enjoy your meandering brainstorm posts too Osvir, although you maybe shouldn't quote yourself in the original post lol
  8. or graveyards, treasure troves just waiting to be uncovered!
  9. As I understand it, the objective in both cases would be "get past bandit"; the objective XP system should not care what method is used to get past the bandit. So satisfying the objective could be based on three things for example: Did the bandit let the party past [Y/N] (yes = diplomacy success) Did the bandit spot the party [Y/N] (N = stealth success) Is the bandit alive? [Y/N] (N = combat success) ^^^ This, nobody is penalised for the way they choose to complete an objective and everyone is equally rewarded, throw in some optional objectives to encourage people to try out different playstyles and keep the incentive to not just create a tank/sneak/diplomacy party and i think it could be a wonderful system. What I am curious about is, could you be rewarded in different ways? Or do you reward yourself in different ways? I think the answer is a given. Dishonored does work in a way like this, somewhat. The runes are the "Objective", in a way. Gold could be seen as "Experience" for Equipment. Of course, the outcome cannot be identical, the combat route perhaps lets you pick up some additional equipment or money, the sneak route could prevent, for example, the "bandit faction" from knowing you had a part to play in whatever the greater goal was, therefore you wont be instantly hated etc.. Other repercussions from this could be that when you get to the bandit leader and decide you want to kill him there are extra guards to fight becuase you avoided them on the way in.
  10. This has been stated and restated numerous times but surely combat loot (esp rare items) is more than enough incentive to outweigh the "lost resources" from fighting, especially as with this game engine we should be able to see unique weapons in game, therefore we can decide "oo his morningstar looks nice, think i'll take the combat approach" sure it's encouraging greed but in a way that also encourages varied playstyles.
  11. As I understand it, the objective in both cases would be "get past bandit"; the objective XP system should not care what method is used to get past the bandit. So satisfying the objective could be based on three things for example: Did the bandit let the party past [Y/N] (yes = diplomacy success) Did the bandit spot the party [Y/N] (N = stealth success) Is the bandit alive? [Y/N] (N = combat success) ^^^ This, nobody is penalised for the way they choose to complete an objective and everyone is equally rewarded, throw in some optional objectives to encourage people to try out different playstyles and keep the incentive to not just create a tank/sneak/diplomacy party and i think it could be a wonderful system.
  12. Sorry ****ed that post up, started off as a quote and ended up a weird misquote, not trying to put words in your mouth Indira!
  13. Perhaps if they want to encourage sneaking that could have more "optional" objectives in quests that provide a bonus to xp.
  14. I really don't understand why people are getting so upset over this, at the end of the day you will receive xp and your character will level up, is the manner in which the xp is dished out all that important? I'm not defending the "overlords" i just don't see the issue. As far as I can see this system should make game balance easier for devs, therefore more time spent on content and less on balance, which is surely a good thing.
  15. Yeah i found dishonored to be far easier just killing everything, hitman even more so, despite this it was still an enjoyable challenge trying to be a silent assassin. In regards to your waypoints I personally would prefer it if sneaking was more sandbox, i.e. the game does not measure whether you successfully sneak past enemies, it simply measures whether or not they see you, them not being alerted is a successful sneak attempt. I do realise that this may not be as simple to incorporate into an isometric game with a FOW mechanic as it is in dishonored and there needs to be some way around the issue of scripted events occurring after you've just been spotted by another group of enemies you failed to sneak past, i.e. two guards start having an argument once you sneak into range, in all I.E. games it would assume that you have killed everything in your path thus there is nothing to hinder the scripted event, however in this sneaking scenario you may still be spotted by the enemies you didn't kill which could mean you have two guards arguing while you fight the entire castle. The more i think about this the more convoluted it becomes lol. P.S. Osvir, splitting up your party would be a wonderful addition it could add so much tactical depth, and it would remove "you need to gather your party before venturing forth" lol
  16. Feats/talents are definitely something i'd like to see, it would be nice if they weren't completely tied to xp aswel, perhaps joining different factions could provide bonuses although this is skewed if you join the warriors guild and suddenly your mage has a shield bash talent, perhaps pick one character to represent your group for each faction, i also like the idea of mentoring npcs as i've stated in other threads. Dutch courage is a fantastic idea for a perk though, not so keen on the thug prerequisite however, sounds like an unfortunate stereotype to me lol.
  17. I don't agree with sneaking mid-combat unless there's some kind of environmental reason for it, i.e. dark areas, out of line of sight, etc.. I think the idea of your characters stealth skill being related to what you see on screen regarding noise radii and enemies line of sight is a very good idea, expanding on this you could add in the Hitman mechanic whereby your instinct allows you to see where patrolling guards are going, indicated by a red line on the ground. Personally not so keen on the triggers either, i don't want the game to congratulate for me for sneaking past a bunch of enemies or to tell me "well done you are now safe" that seems a touch contrived and immersion breaking, i may have misunderstood your point however. Essentially what i'm saying is that i'd love to see the sneaking mechanics expanded and brought up to date, i do not however want the game to cater specifically for the few people that decide to sneak past every encounter and avoid all combat, if you choose to sneak past everyone you will miss content. Oh as a point of note it would be nice if you could watch conversations between enemies while stealthed, even if it was a simple as text above their heads, this could glean useful information, lore, or just bad bar jokes.
  18. I have to admit i think learn by doing is unlikely, however was it to be implemented a possible way to cap it would be to have mentors/teachers (like Arcanum) where you could only raise a skill to a certain level before you had to seek out a mentor to advance it further, these usually involved some kind of interesting skill related quest. By placing these mentors in locations that may be harder to get to for weaker lvled characters you could make a reasonably balanced system using this, as a point of note i think the mentoring system would be quite good for any xp system not just learn by doing.
  19. I like the idea of different death animations for overkill, but not destructible loot, unless were talking about forcing locks in which case i think it is imperative that "force lock" is either not implemented or there is a pre-chosen, useful item of loot destroyed on every chest, otherwise people will re-load and lockpicking will be useless.
  20. Arcanum orcs, nuff said, that orc with the suit and monocle was legendary! Also had some interesting real world parallels, perhaps as this game is set in a slightly less advanced society (i think) we could have some Orcs as slaves and some as tribes yet to be conquered. I did find it interesting that in Arcanum the Orcs weren't inherently stupid, they were just bred that way through slavery and a lack of education.
  21. I can see where your coming from PJ and i agree on most points, for example lockpicking a door you have the key to for the experience is a stupid mechanic and should be avoided, however upon reflection i don't think combat xp needs to be avoided, although if there is combat xp there needs to be rewards for avoiding it, even if those rewards are not directly linked to character development, but rather your standing with other factions. Say you could avoid killing any thieves or being spotted when stealing something for a quest for another faction, the thieves guild then shouldn't dislike you which could allow you to do quests for them also, thus decreasing the combat xp gained but increasing the total quest xp available. This is however rather complex for a cRPG but it would be wonderful to see imo.
  22. I guess that could be quite fun, my point was merely that from what i can ascertain (and from previous experience with I.E. games) stealth is more about tactics and positioning than the absolute avoidance of combat, of course that could just be my playstyle, are we allowed to create an entire party from scratch btw?
  23. BG2 endgame is acceptable, TOB however felt incredibly overpowered, i haven't voted as there's no reference for "normal" but to summarize I'd rather defeat a dragon with clever tactics rather than sheer power.
  24. There is to be no combat xp, quest xp only.
  25. The major issue with stealth in these games as opposed to dishonored or hitman is that you have a party of 6 to sneak around which isn't really feasible, so it would be nice to be able to split your party up and perhaps sneak the lightly armored characters into a flanking position before you initiate combat, or use them to flick switches that could, for example, drop a drawbridge on a guard etc.. It would also be great to have some assassination quests where you get a bonus for being unseen, as long as it allows you to use one character. I just don't really see anyone sneaking their entire party through the entire game, i doubt the sneaking mechanics will be that easy without making a very unbalanced party that will still have to fight some battles (unless they put in a pacifist option).
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