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Everything posted by Xaratas

  1. Hi whalepunk, i see your options in a) Retry the kill and loot with the last save before b) Edit the savegame c) Edit the quest file Say which way you want to go.
  2. Thats an interesting bug. Maybe i can look into it somewhere next week.
  3. I am not angry against you. We made this because we only got this mediocre translation and wanted something readable. We asked Obsidian time and time again to include our corrections in the game updates for the benefit of all players, but this never happened. I hope this will get better. With our nexus mod we could help around 5k players, but reaching all would have been so much better. @Lord_Mord Hopefully that 52 pages of history are not a huge dull waste of time. But yeah, we have some searches for specific words in there too. Also somewhere why the „Wächter“ is not a „Seher“.
  4. You mean like these? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83241-translations-mods/
  5. Ok, Lord_Mord, über 2 Seiten bringst du mich glatt zum verzweifeln, und ja, ich schreib das mit voller Absicht in Deutsch 1. Den Community Mod und dessen 50 Seitigen Thread hast du schon gesehen oder? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81258-translation-errors-missing-translations-german 2. Spielst du mit den Originaltexten? Ich hoffe doch nicht, dann wären dir viele der Grausamkeiten erspart geblieben. 3. Ich sehe du hast eine Hohe Wertschätzung gegenüber der Sprache, warum habe ich dich dann nicht regelmäßig im Thread gesehen? Und ja, ich nehme auch jetzt noch Verbesserungen auf. Meinetwegen auch ein komplettes Neusetzen ganzer Sektionen. And to answer on your initial questions (its also written somewhere in the linked 52 pages). The offcial translation team has not played the game, which is sad, and they have mostly translated the stuff literally, which is also not ideal. They got excel files which does not contain the proper structure of the conversation (as that is a bit complex with the branching). And they used most likely apples. The amount and kind of wrong words can only happen with the stupid apple autocorrect. But let me add one thing. Did you find any error in the backer content stories? I have not, it almost look as if they got extra scrutiny. For the examples Ich kann dich sagen -> Fixed with the commit just now. changed to: „Gut. Solltest du aber weglaufen wollen – denk daran, dass meine Pfeile schneller sind.“ Typografische Anführungszeichen, nur echt mit dem Mod.
  6. Will we find the big, scary, deadly, ship sinking sea monsters which were written about in the PoE books?
  7. I don't see the point in getting a „turn to stone“ curse.
  8. That was in one of the last weeks Videos already answered. Great - what was the answer? If i remember correctly they want to get stacking working, so its one stack of Xaurip spears and not 20 to sell.
  9. That was in one of the last weeks Videos already answered. Questions: Can and will the performace gain of PoE 2 be backportet to PoE 1? When? If the „sidekick“ goal is not met, can you release your questeditor instead?
  10. In PoE there was a book about feasts and holidays which was nice to read, but, as my ingame time reached the stated date no one seams to have a party or do the mentioned rituals. Now is the right time to include them.
  11. Thats likewise for me, but PoE hogs up 100% CPU and 100% GPU, regardless of game content, or running in background, or be not visible at all. Thats true, but i would expect that this change is not the sole origin of the performance improvement.
  12. Hi Obsidian, I try yet another request for the greater cause. Josh has said, in the twitch videos, the performance of the PoE Engine has improved quite a lot in the last months. So if it got so good, can you (naively thought) cherry pick the big improvements from your git onto the last PoE build and release a final final last version of PoE 1? It would be so cool to have PoE 1 not melting all gamer PCs anymore!
  13. I have read a bit about the M3 stick, and I would suggest against it. Pillars of Eternity is especially performance hogging, and this stick has a very bad load / temperature tolerance. See Picture 3 and 4: http://www.anandtech.com/show/10447/the-intel-compute-stick-core-m36y30-review/6 It will put the cpu core at ~700MHz which is way to low to get anything moving in PoE. If you however have put on a big big heatsink so that it can sustain the theoretical 2,2GHz Turboboost of this cpu it could be worth a try. (But I doubt that you have )
  14. Sorry if i started to steep. There is a file named "prefs" which saves the asigned hotkeys, and because you said the game itself don't let you bind the right ctrl you would have to edit this file. Make a search for unity3d in %AppData%, i would expect the file under windows there. To make things not so easy the keycodes are encoded in base64 in the file. <pref name="ct_SELECT_ALL" type="string">ODowMDB8</pref> If you decode "ODowMDB8" you get "8:000|". The 8 is the ascii value of Backspace. The rest is some kind of padding. As I wrote, i have not worked out what are the numbers of the modifier keys, and the unity documentation does not contain that info too.
  15. The easy part: All Keys which map to ascii Decimal number from here http://www.asciitable.com/ is the value for the prefs file. Which is in Linux here: ~/.config/unity3d/Obsidian Entertainment/Pillars of Eternity The hotkeys start with ct_ and are base 64 encoded. The decimal number is first, then followed by ":000|", multiple keys are possible. The hard part: Finding the correct number for right ctrl
  16. If you can read x86 assembly fluent then yes, otherwise sorry there is no way to get the performance. Some thing in the game runs all the time, eating all the power up.
  17. Ok, lets go a bit creative. The global variables for this door are: nLeftInlay 2 nMiddleInlay 1 nRightInlay 3 0 = empty, 1 = red seal placed; 2 = blue seal placed; 3 = green seal placed and the wonderful tool Eternity Keeper is up to date Lets edit the savegame. http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/75/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fpillarsofeternity%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D75&pUp=1 Open the file, then select Edit globals in the File Menu and find the 3 named one and change the values. Then save that, and try the modification, the scripted interaction should give you the "is already inserted" options and the door should open.
  18. 18 Pages, no one will see this -.- So the most important problem with the "tags" is how to express them in the Conversation Files, how should people be able to wreck the system havoc and write beautiful, crazy, romances of their own? I directly see the need for that.
  19. At the time for PoE beta they have had no working Linux build pipeline, so only the last two beta-versions were available for Linux.
  20. Will the Linux beta be given out at the same time as the Windows one? That would make me think hard about the early access tier.
  21. Collectors Edition: Steam Installer CD, Clothmap, Mousepad, Concept Art Print, Cloth Patch, and a printed manual! Normal Box: Steam Installer CD, much emptyness See also: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91327-physical-copy-of-the-game-is-drm-and-steam-free/
  22. You know that you can scale the font and icons in windows if its to small to read?
  23. So the sound is again somewhere packed tight? No easy modding? No „easy“ Community voice over? https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anonymous/ccf161da3e9288c05665/raw/81d5c8d0b02a923939835828dd6b8fac8b7dc26f/squish.py <-- at least there is a community way …
  24. See the legacy of threads. PoE does not read much from the disk. Otherwise a SSD would give a nice speed boost. On part in the loading time is the 100% CPU usage. Others may be the setup of all the loaded objects.
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