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Everything posted by babaganoosh13

  1. I really don't have the time to get into the game for the next couple of days so I can't comment on these ones right now. However, I will say that I am forever spoiled by Shadow of the Colossus. It is the definitive proof to me that we never need QTE's again. But if you're going to have them, at least have the option to make them forgivable if that's not standard.
  2. Sorry, just a pet peeve. These are horrible though. Around Dragon Age 2 bad, but yellow as well. Actually, all the text is bad small. It will be a bit better at home on my regular TV, but still, man! Are they this bad for the different language subtitles? (Xbox version) EDIT: I honestly wish the standard size for all games is the size used in the dashboard sub-menus (not the Metro garbage.) with an HD option for large HDTV's (the only size available for this game.)
  3. It sounds like Valve used to charge extra for midnight releases. I'm assuming not that many companies wish to bite anymore, or Valve has just stopped doing them all together. If they can't get an offline mode right, chances are adding a time to an automatic release date is beyond their capabilities as well. EDIT: It is now set to midnight EST for NA customers.
  4. This is looking like it will get bumped up to third on the to do list after South Park.
  5. Probably a pool of Cartman's diarrhea for people who are into it.
  6. I would assume there will be lots of optional side quests to add up time.
  7. Fighter and mage aren't far behind. Perhaps here they are farther ahead of the Jew class because they are more traditional RPG classes.
  8. That's okay. That song takes my breath away.
  9. It's probably almost safe to say it's about 100% up to Matt & Trey if they want to go through this all over again. The beauty of video game sequels of course is you can reuse a lot of what you've done in the original. Of course they would need to make with it the new consoles in mind this time.
  10. I wonder if that means they'll be able to get Doom 2, along with its "fair local prices"TM. $ 4.99 > £ 5.99 > € 9.99
  11. I'll probably be a thief. I'm usually always a thief for my first playthroughs. That way I can also find out what loot I'm looking at getting for other playthoughs, and usually maximize cash.
  12. You have been sought out new kid, because humans everywhere are in great danger. I need something from you, and in return I'm prepared to allow you into my kingdom. I know you are very excited. It's time for your first quest but first, please tell us thy name. You entered "Dingbat", is that correct? Are you sure you want to keep the name "Dingbat"? Very well Dingbat, you will now choose a class...
  13. For those that kickstarted it: Did you get GOG keys, and do you know if the release date is the same there as on Steam?
  14. It was a joke. Also, the umpteenth vast majority of gamers in first world countries don't use multiple screen setups. Not to mention those in emerging economies that also buy games... Usually those games that do support it do so because there is some sort of advantage visually for doing so i.e. FPS's, exploration games [like Skyrim], some RTS's... (plus many of those whom worked on the game probably have a multi screen setup themselves.) On the other hand, many games wouldn't really benefit from it. Some might use a type of Nintendo DS setup, but that's not the same thing. (Most people with a multi monitor setup do so for business ala DS style. See your investment banker, insurance salesperson, accountant...) They wanted this game to look and feel like an episode of South Park - a show made in 16:9 and largely shown in 4:3 on SDTV. There probably is some sort of wider-screen support, but there is only so many different resolutions that's worth doing. Also hey, some people are also used to slightly stretched images if they don't like to utilize black bars on the sides of their screen.
  15. I have always maintained for years, since he was originally with Buffalo: Ted Nolan is one of the best coaches of all time for getting the most out of his players - even if they lack any real talent. If I was Charles Wang, I would have fired Garth Snow, then unfired Ted. Buffalo had 10 points after 20 games when they fired everybody and brought in Pat & Ted. I mean, John Scott has already doubled his total goal total! This is nuts.
  16. Are you referring to the price alone? This was one of the few new games that is actually cheaper when buying with the Euro. That's Steam's regional pricing for you. I can see there being discrepancies with physical copies because of differences of costs associated with that. Discrepancies with digital copies is garbage. GOG does it right.
  17. Dust is by far my favorite Metroidvania type game.
  18. Here are the minimums. Basically, if your computer is good enough to run your typical PS3/360 era DirectX 9c game, it should be good enough to run SP:SoT Minimum: OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1, Windows 7, Windows 8 Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz or equivalent Memory: 1.5 GB GB RAM Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 3870 or NVIDIA 9800 GT DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard Drive: 6 GB available space Sound Card: No accelerated sound hardware required I'm assuming your only real concern would be your processor.
  19. I would imagine the difference is that they put the 1.05 patch on Steam, so because of how they handle updates, those with it on there would automatically get that version. Meanwhile whoever is in charge of putting the latest builds on Origin have just neglected to update the version that you get when you download it through there. It would make life a lot easier if they did for all of their games, rather that having to leave it up to the user to manually update. Perhaps they are better with their other games. I haven't had a problem with my other Origin games, but then again, I only have a few that I've played through it. I usually play my EA games on consoles.
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