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Everything posted by babaganoosh13

  1. I forgot Cthulhu Saves the World's PC port was kickstarted. That game is fantastic. I also forgot I had the Larry 1 remake. Exactly. I was looking forward to remakes 2 & 3, because P&C. Now with no Al or Josh...
  2. Steam kicked you out? What's the deal with that? Steam's broken offline mode would lose my info after 2 weeks. I refused to bring my computer back into town just so I could login and play the games I owned. Supposed that bug is fixed, but I was having problems with Steam losing my login info before that - just at a longer period of time. I'll find out eventually if it's fixed for me or not. I couldn't care less. GOG, Desura, my 360 and even Uplay and Origin are still my friends. Doesn't matter now though with Shadowrun; Harebrained made things right and gave me a GOG key. I have a feeling that's what I'll be playing at home after Dust: An Elysian Tail.
  3. I've got my Yoko screenshot for Rehearsals & Returns.
  4. My biggest disappointment is that Precinct by Jim Walls seems to be deader than dead, with just a facebook page left outside of KS as a memorandum. My other one was recently corrected. (Bloom) As far as released games: Technically only 1 game has come out that I've kickstarted, I have access right now to 2 (pre)betas, and I pre-ordered Shadowrun, so that kinda counts. I also own FTL. The game that I've kickstarted that's out: Pandora - Purge of Pride was unpolished when I played it. It's been updated since I played it, so I don't know how far along it's come. My expectations for it was low to begin with. It wasn't my type of game. I was mostly pledging the kids involved. Their page was kinda funny, and I liked their company logo. It was mostly to see what they would do. I liked the little bit I played Shadowrun before Steam kicked me out after 2 weeks. I was busy those weeks so I only got to the graveyard. The little bit I've played FTL was alright too. Sometime I'll really sit down and play it. I've already commented on Rehearsals and Returns in the Kickstarter thread, and was tremendously pleased with the pre-beta. I've already got more than my money's worth with it. I haven't tried Delver's Drop yet. I have that beta. ----- As far as Godus goes: It's Peter Molyneux. All I would expect with that game is Populous 2013-14. He could promise me the moon (as a playable area) and I would just expect Populous. The trouble is I already own a few Populous games, and I don't need DRM to play those ones. Plus, I assumed he had a tonne of money, and didn't need mine. There's also that Curiosity Cube deal. That's stupid. I don't want other people bugging me when I'm playing Populous. My understanding about the winner of that is that he kinda feels the same way, so you shouldn't have to worry about him bugging you with stupid trolling crap. Oh well. If it wasn't for Peter Molyneux, there would be Peter Molydeux. And without him, there wouldn't be MolyJam games. http://www.molyjam.com/games http://archive.molyjam.com/
  5. Mobile devices. (I blame Windows 8 for that one.)
  6. F*** the troubles. Here's Zombie.
  7. I voted for Original IP, but I'd also be more than happy to get another Dark Sun game.
  8. The pre-beta for Peter Brinson's Rehersals & Returns just came out. It is as fantastic as I thought it would be so far. http://rehearsalsandreturns.peterbrinson.com/ (a new comic comes up every time you load the page.) I got to tell Yoko One: (Hate 5) You did more harm than good. Afterwards, there is a feature to tweet a quote you made. Here are my three: Genghis Khan: "Only the dead have seen the end of the war" Harry Houdini: "If you don't have time to have done it right, when will you have time to have done it over?" Johnny Cash: "You were the best." I really, really wanted the Yoko one, but there was only a few to choose from. Again, pre-beta. The more you did, the more you got to choose from. The game itself is a simple platformer. You try to grab love/hate quote bubbles. You also automatically get a new wisdom quote regardless if you used a wisdom quote or not. You can walk back and forth. You jump by walking over or landing on bumps. If you fall off the bottom of the screen, you respawn from a character cloud at the top of the screen and fall down from there. Sometimes that is the only way to get a quote bubble. With each quote bubble to get, your jumping ability goes up by 1. You need to get it up high enough to get through a doors at the other end of the room to go to the next level. Simple, easy, funny, fun.
  9. I've got $5.46 sitting in my PayPal account right now that has Copernicus's name all over it. Hurry up before the exchange rate goes down even farther!
  10. I'm pretty certain it's a single player game. Nothing that has been released has indicated otherwise.
  11. They must be starting production on Skyforge at their end. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-05-20-obsidian-collaborating-on-a-russian-mmo-called-skyforge
  12. I had never heard of anyone having a problem with wind turbines before they wanted to put an offshore wind farm off the coast of Nantucket Island around 2004ish. The Kennedy's et al didn't want to look at them, so they had them shut it down. Slowly after that, more and more people seemed to not want them around. All of a sudden health problems started arising for the neighbours of those who had turbines. My guess is, if they started paying the neighbours (say $100 a month) as well as the land owners, a lot of those health problems would go away. I feel as though if someone has a problem with a wind turbine, the should have an option: have a mini-coal generator in their backyard, or they should have to have nuclear waste dumped in their property. All of a sudden wind doesn't seem so bad. That is the cost of our current non-renewable energy sources. Personally, I think they should invest real money and resources on solar. Right now in Canada, we've really only got the University of Toronto (edit: just found out about U of Alberta now) working on it. They've kinda figured it out. They currently have cells at 11% efficiency. They're finally starting to make strides. It was at just over 7% last year. Here's an article from 2005: http://www.ross.ws/content/solar-power-gets-big-boost-nano I would be very, very happy if we could finally get rid of nuclear. Short-term, we need to reduce the carbon we put in the air. I just see the long-term fact the nuclear waste does not go away. Unless we some how come up with a neutralizer for the radiation, I think it will do a lot more harm in the long run (assuming climate change doesn't do us in. [Except for parts* of Florida. That can be under water.]) *The parts of Florida that can be under water are wherever large percentages of people are who own snakes because they think they're cool, but have no idea how to handle them. Plus the parts that think "I felt threatened by him, even though I was the one with the gun and started the whole thing." is a perfectly good defense for murder. Essentially the white trash parts. Even the rich white trash.
  13. The BGS/Zenimax and ZOS buildings are linked by a sewer filled with radiation and ghouls.
  14. THERE IS NO GOG!!!!!! Just a 404 error. EDIT: Hopefully when they get it back up and running, they'll have it so you don't get coupons for games you already own. EDIT X2: The Fallout 2 one for 75% off is kind of silly at this point.
  15. That would not surprise me at all. My super-optimistic hat says that this would establish a relationship between Bethesda and GOG, and we start seeing their other games on there. I hope that's my super-optimistic hat.
  16. That too. EDIT: (or my anticipation level and hopes that Bethesda does right this time plummets though the floor if my some weird ungodly reason that one ends up being legit.)
  17. I'm pretty sure it was next calendar year that Bethesda took over them (or sometime December 31st because of timezones. Maybe that's a limbo day where no one can sell it.) Micro Forte still has the source code for Tactics. Interplay didn't think they could release it because Bethesda, and Bethesda didn't think they could release it because Interplay. I'm hoping they will finally release it next year.
  18. To be fair, even EA is setting an example for Valve. Ubisoft was even great to me and gave me a refund for that copy of New Vegas I bought during the black friday weekend sale.
  19. Did anyone get Redshirt since it is 40% off today? I like the Star Trek part of it, but it just seems like it's mostly a facebook simulator in a Star Trek-like universe with the occasional away mission. Is it as bad as I think it is?
  20. The "War - War never changes" bit places it at the time of the resource war. Considering if I remember correctly, either Emil or Todd said that they would never set a game back in time (DLC excluded of course) this one seems like a very lazy hoax. Of course, I don't think anything will top the brilliance of that survivor2299 site. I will forever expect greater things because of that hoax.
  21. Since they've sent it in to the ESRB, hopefully they're pretty much all done with adding content. http://www.esrb.org/ratings/synopsis.jsp?Certificate=33231&Title=
  22. The PS4 and the Xbone are not backwards compatible the same way the PS3 and 360 are. Rather than a patch (or the old PS3 systems that had the PS2 chip in them) the PS4 (and possibly someday the Xbone) will be doing some sort of cloud-based thing. https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5049 By the time SoT comes out, digitally might be the way to get it for those that just want to use the new-gen consoles.
  23. Fact: The captchas we've been typing all of these years that seem like misspellings is actually R'lyehian without the apostrophes.
  24. And why is trying to hide the romance between two jedis "dark side"? At least they made that couple immature enough that you wanted to break them up. If I could have given my Jedi Force Lightning, I would have zapped them.
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