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Everything posted by babaganoosh13

  1. It has got the same bad rap with the old Jedi Order as what relationships does, as they considered it to be corrupting. Depending on what Disney and JJ Abrams keeps in the XU, Luke, Kyle Katarn, Mara Jade and others use what they call Emerald Lightning. Galen Marek in The Force Unleashed still used it as powerful as ever when he went to the light side. In the comics, Cade Skywalker can combine FL with Shatterpoint, and basically use it like a defibrillator to save people from the brink of death (or he can kill with it too.) On the flip side, to quote Darth Plagueis (Palpatine's master) about Force Lightning: "A Jedi sufficiently strong in the Force can be trained to produce a facsimile, but not true Sith lightning, which, unabated, has the power not only to incapacitate or kill, but to physically transform the victim. Force lightning requires strength of a sort only a Sith can command because we accept consequence and reject compassion. To do so requires a thirst for power that is not easily satisfied. The Force tries to resist the callings of ravenous spirits; therefore it must be broken and made a beast of burden. It must be made to answer one's will. But the Force cannot be treated deferentially. In order to summon and use lightning properly, you will someday have to be on the receiving end of its power, as a means of taking the energy inside yourself." -------------------- I guess I'm going to abandon my Sorcerer for now. The guy from work I'm playing with absolutely insists on being either a Jedi Knight or a Smuggler now. Why? EDIT: On the flip side, I'm going to keep doing here what I did on WOW, and name my female toons after plays on the names of famous current and former transvestites. Grupaul returns.
  2. Fortunatly, the client download was only 30 MB or so, so I got it going. Right now, Khem Val has kicked my butt twice because my guy wont heal. I've had him on the edge both times. EDIT: 3rd times the charm
  3. I just got an email saying that the Hero-U demo just came out. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1878147873/hero-u-rogue-to-redemption/posts/665859 The only trouble is, that's a backer-only update.
  4. Why would you want two forms of DRM on to run one game, sucking resources from your computer when there is no benefit to it? To the best of my knowledge, any rewards to an Ubisoft game that requires Uplay; things like achievements are handled in Uplay alone. I'm saying that based on my experience with AC2. Plus, I haven't noticed newer Ubisoft games to have Steam-exclusive rewards either. You could always contact Ubisoft directly about getting it on Steam as well. I don't know if they're in a position to answer yet however. In the meantime, I don't think there's anyone here that would have anything to do with that. Hopefully with the news that they've sent it off to the ESRB to be rated that will start to change soon.
  5. That's kinda disappointing. Too bad they didn't put mechanics in for your Jedi/Sith to turn, or better yet, let them go grey and try to balance the force in them. Of course, a large chunk of people would probably just do that then. If I was still into WOW, I would have wanted having to choose sides as a panda be optional. Better yet, they should have had it after Cataclysm, let your character go through a bunch of quests to be a diplomat or something, so that way you could traverse the other sides major and minor cities without being attacked by the guards and other people (assuming you don't try to attack them first.) Needless to say, it will be PvE for me. If I feel like playing against other real people, I'll go to a battleground - or a space battle when they're implemented. In the mean time, it downloading my second update (1GB), and it's not half way done the entire install. I don't think I'll be playing it any time soon. I really wish they didn't make you have to log in to update the game. Oh well, what's one less day?
  6. 460MB to go on the first patch. I don't like how slow the red bar is moving below it though. Hopefully the others are a lot smaller and quicker. Will I be able to use force lightning before I go to sleep? Are Jedi's able to use Force Lightning as well? I always equipped my good Jedi's with that as well in KOTOR. As Heretic proved: There are not too many things cooler than shooting lightning bolts from your fingers. I think that's also why I had so much fun with socks and carpets when I was a kid. It's also why Palpatine's hair looks like this under his robe:
  7. The guys who are training me on the Acme's & New Britain's for the most part just play MMO's. Basically, they've convinced me and one of the guys whom still gets the books to finally get this game. We still follow Pre-RotJedi lore. In my case, I'm just going to be leaving my computer in town here. Heck, I've got fantasy hockey anyways. We've got inventory coming up, so that will be a 4 day weekend the two of us will have with it, less 1 and a half for me anyways when I have the kids. I figured I'd buy the disc version, because of the chunk of the download I'd save, plus preferred status after the month. I just wish the updater went on before you need to log in; save me a full day of updating before I can play. First patch, nearly 7GB; dowloading between 200-300 KBps.
  8. I think in the next Mortal Kombat game, a good fatality for Scorpion would be for him to throw his kunai at his opponents' heart. Then he'll yell: "GET OVER HERE!" But instead of ripping his opponents' actual heart out, it will say the year 1992, 1993 or 1995; depending on the opponent.
  9. He has always seemed like the type that can't get enough to eat.
  10. Fortunately I haven't had the problem of having a too powerful computer/video card for a long time now. A father is someone who has pictures in his wallet where his money used to be.
  11. I wonder if that was something Big Huge was working on before Curt bought it.
  12. Been stuck on Book of Unwritten Tales for some time. I bought it when it first came to GOG, and Critter Chronicles later on for $5 each. That one did a good job of making me laugh and is well worth it at that price. It's biggest problem is probably trying to unload 600 copies at this point.
  13. I guess Pat is the new President, not the GM. Probably why Ted is the intern head coach.
  14. And that's what I've gone through with all of my games on there because they've refused to make fixing their offline mode their biggest priority before they implement any new features.
  15. Ted Nolan is (intern) coaching again in the NHL! And for Buffalo again. And with Pat LaFontaine as the GM, he probably wont get fired for no good reason again. It will be tough for them in that division, but Ted has usually done a heck of a job getting the most of what he has to work with.
  16. That's what happens when you let Justin Bieber make a video game.
  17. And now it's 400 copies of Reus at $2.50 (75% off) I thought it was a steal at $5. And half of 'em are gone already. The crowd must be starting to come back. Probably just 100 copies left by the time I'm done typing.
  18. And done! Now it's The Chaos Engine. An old school war shmup. EDIT: This one took slightly less time to sell 50% out (7 mins) or 200 copies (13 mins) Probably people catching on that Jack Keane 2 is over.
  19. It's starting to speed up a bit. Probably starting to get the "If I buy you, will you then promise to just go away forever?" sales. EDIT: 15 12 11 8 7 5 3 left. It would be funny if that was the last sale, or if it's followed by Omerta which ends up being the last sale. EDIT X2: Apparently Jack Keane 2 is the cure for an insomnia sale. EDIT X3: Watch them slip in a freebee after this EDIT X4: Right now, I feel like Norm McDonald if he was tweet commentating a MLS match, which incidentally, is still going on (MLS.)
  20. Don't know why, but the playthrough crapped out 41 seconds into the 2nd one for me, and 3 wont play. Nothing has convinced me that I want to get this game.
  21. I figured I'd watch a bit of a playthrough to see if it's worth getting. It's only moved like 18 copies in the last hour. Here is one I found in english:
  22. I'm hoping Deponia 2 comes up before I have to leave for work shortly.
  23. And they've basically crashed... I can't do squat. EDIT: Nevermind
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