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Everything posted by babaganoosh13

  1. There was an update just a little under a month ago. #37 was on May 24th. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/redthread/dreamfall-chapters-the-longest-journey/posts EDIT: Plus according to the forums, they're going to be showing some new stuff at Rezzed in the UK this weekend.
  2. For me, that's kinda the point. I've been calling the original XBox, the Xbox1 since the 360 came out (which I to referred my 360 as: my Xbox since I thought saying Xbox 360 was dumb and kinda cumbersome with all of those needless syllables) Xbone to me is my way of distinguishing it from the original Xbox (see all of those extra needless letters and syllables), while also in a way, showing my contempt for such a stupid name for a third console.
  3. What would Perry Mason sound like in this situation?
  4. According to the Ubisoft website, they only have the current gen's (and PC) pictured there and on the bottom, so it's probably safe to say that will be it only for those. i wish Sony would have a bit more information on their backwards compatible streaming. It sounded like it could be possible to buy a PS3 game digitally on the PSN, and you might be able to play it that way on the PS4. I wish I knew more about that. That might almost be the way to go if you aren't a PC gamer, and you're planning on getting the new console(s).
  5. Rehearsals & Returns by Peter Brinson He was one of the two guys who worked on The Cat and the Coup, the documentary game where you play the cat of Mohammad Mosaddegh, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, whom the CIA and MI6 helped oust with the coup to put General Zahedi in power after Mosaddegh nationalized their oil, basically pissing off BP. Rehearsals & Returns is basically a game about conversations that will never take place. $4 will get you the game. It has already reached it's funding goal with 10 days left. There's a stretch goal where if it reaches $6300, he'll hire a database programmer for a feature he doesn't want to reveal. The Cat and the Coup is of course, free on Steam.
  6. It's by The Chinese Room, the Dear Esther folks. Now that I know stuff will jump out at me, it would probably freak me out less that what Dear Esther just did by not.
  7. I played a bit of Dear Esther yesterday in between shifts without knowing anything about it. My paranoia made that game a lot scarier than it should be. I kept expecting things to jump out at me, especially when I had the flashlight out.
  8. I knew Microsoft were delusional, but to think they will shift anywhere from almost 3 times as many to nearly 7 times as many units as the 2 most successful consoles of all time (PS2 and DS)? That's straight up absurd. Maybe they can design them to Red Ring equivalent shortly after the warranty expires. Say a month or so after it expires when you have to log in for the day, it sends the signal to cook itself. Then you would have to buy a new unit to play (your?) games. That might help drive up Xbone sales.
  9. For me, argyle is the way to go.
  10. I think it will be a 7 game series, after 4 games.
  11. That was the greatest post in the history of ever. I just found out from Brian Regan what the name of that roller coaster is: (It's supposed to start at 8m53s) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vTc88Govj4&feature=youtu.be&t=8m53s
  12. No, the last I heard, Pat is just doing a comic. The breakdowns are: Comics (3): Colin McComb/Adam Heine Pat Rothfuss MCA Novellas (7): Colin McComb Monte Cook Mur Lafferty Tony Evans Nathan Long Adam Heine Ray Vallese At least that's what it was at the end of the Kickstarter. If they've added some since, they haven't updated their tumbr reference to reflect it. According to the uservoice forums, they are considering a Pat Rothfuss novella. At the end of the day, it will probably be up to him, and how much time and energy he feels he has with all of his other commitments.
  13. But what I want to know is, will MS, Xbox and DRM be together forever?
  14. In Soviet Russia, you don't kickstart games; Games kickstart you! It's an RPG where you don't level up. The 3 characters pretty much decide how you play out the level. It's almost more of a early FPS in how it plays, Seems interesting enough with the setting, but I'll probably wait and see.
  15. So then it's basically like Amalur, but instead of just mashing one random button, you have a series of buttons?
  16. ^^^^ If they're going to do those button timing press games and not having to get it right is an option, why not just scale back the difficulty on them each time someone fails, because they should have to do less because the enemy would have less hit points, or something. Otherwise, they may as well just rid of it completely for a cinematic. This comes from someone who has only likes it the way they did it in Amalur. Those games annoy me, and seems lazy. I don't remember Shadow of the Colossus needing that crap.
  17. Watch out for the Barbie museum! It's NOT what you think!
  18. Either way, when I go home shortly, Origin & UPlay will let me play my games, whereas Steam wont because it has "lost" my login info like it always does, and the couple of attempts that I have made to get around that (backing up files) have failed. Therefore Steam is a worse form of DRM than those two.
  19. Again, unless it comes equipped with a dial up modem, their potential consumer base in my county is about a dozen. MS is claiming that the data used for checking in is in the K's so that isn't supposed to be a burden people who have caps. That still leaves about 99% of those in my county without broadband out as potential consumers. If they really want back in the game, they should sell the console for $100 cheaper by getting rid of the compulsory Kinect crap that very few people who don't play dance games really want (and aren't happy with the Wii ones,) and scrap ALL of that DRM crap they're adding in. Have two options when installing to the HD. Tie into the account for non-disk playing, or do what they do now with the current consoles by having the disk check at the beginning when playing the game. All of it is unnecessary, and about power over the consumer. The "goodies" are basically crap you get for free anyways as a PC gamer, or offer nothing new for what you pay for less as a PS gamer. Some of those are free there as well (not counting MP.) Yes, right now I think Fable 3 is free, (which is still too much for it IMO for the annoyance of that stupid inventory system alone. A keep would have been a nice place to hold your extra stuff...not everything.) but (assuming one doesn't already own them) Halo 3 and Assassins Creed 2 are supposed to be next in line. I don't think they've announced yet what they're going to do for the XBone in that regards.
  20. I think they just pulled their heads out of their butts for a couple seconds and seen the world from outside of there... and quickly retreated back to where they were the most comfortable. It's kinda like their happy place, and they're used to the smell. EDIT: Heads up people: Your XBox points money will get converted to real money equivilent some time around the XBone launch, and those dollars will expire within a year. MS Xbox source Gametrailers.com article. - easier to read.
  21. Learning the habits of potential customers have proven to be very good for business. MS will do it if they think they can get away with it. Kinect must check in and report on you at least once a day in order for you to be able to play your games. Which is negligible if you have constant internet connection. Besides, it's not like you're forced to check in everyday. Just check in if you want to play games. Example: Monday - Check In Tuesday - Friday - Busy, didn't check in Saturday - Check in and play games. Sunday - Check in and play games. You still have the choice of not checking in. If you're in a pinch, you can always tether your phone, the bandwidth needed to check in won't be big I think, it's more like signing in to Google or something. If you don't have phone reception or internet connection, then this console is simply not for you. You still have the option of not buying it. For me, Kinect 2.0 and the cloud computing outweighs the hassle of checking in. Most of the time, it's not even a hassle. As I have stated earlier here (and elsewhere,) I can probably literally count the number of households in my county outside of the one town that can even use it, because there isn't reasonably affordable reliable high speed internet. Although, I just checked, and the price of the infrastructure for it to be installed in my home has just dropped in price by $100 - to $499, with a 3 yr contract. For what the Xbone says it recommends (1.5Mbs). That only costs $60/month - 20 GB max/month $3.50/GB thereafter. A lot of us just go elsewhere to use the internet (work, family, friends, restaurant w/wifi in the city...) It's a strange route they've gone, intentionally shutting out entire consumer bases. I guess there's always the 360, eh Mattrick? No need for all us yokels to enjoy graphics from the last couple of years on a console. I've only had one Red Ring!
  22. Learning the habits of potential customers have proven to be very good for business. MS will do it if they think they can get away with it. Kinect must check in and report on you at least once a day in order for you to be able to play your games.
  23. I don't know about you, but unless I pick it up and press the "talk" button on my phone, it doesn't listen to, or respond to anything I say. Either way, it's only good as a dance game peripheral, and shouldn't be mandatory for squat, except Just Dance 5.
  24. The first project has been released that I backed. Pandora: Purge of Pride I played it when I got home after the hockey game. I'm only on the second stage so far. Got my first ability to pull items. The game looks like it could use a little bit more polish. Some of the lettering is a bit hard to read. There is no way to configure your controls, or really view them all on demand. There is a picture in a frame like a painting of the controls you need for the level, but it would have been nice to have them in the menu so I could configure Xpadder in one shot. I still found myself having to use the mouse because it seemed to interfere with my right stick. Gamepad control was a stretch goal not reached. There's a patch coming within a week or so, so I'll see what they address in it. On the plus, the jumping was forgiving, and the warp was nice in the first stage so you could avoid jumping all the way back up to the upper platform for if you fell. I largely backed them to see what their next game would be like when they have a lot more time to work on it, and they don't have to please specific people to get a passing grade. I'll see how Pandora goes to see if it's worth the $10 it is now. Platform puzzlers are a genre I'm largely indifferent to. Portal was fun. EDITed for slightly better grammer.
  25. They're basically saying it's supposed to be the same as it is now with the current gen consoles, with publishers online passes and stuff. The difference is Sony games will get rid of them for their games. We'll see though.
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