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Everything posted by Flow

  1. Only seems to be character creation. Works fine at the Adventurers hall. I have also noticed anyone with the Ayder culture apparently has a transparent body if they wear clothes only or are naked Seems to have been a 434 problem. Fixed in 435.
  2. Voices no longer seem to work during character creation. They still trigger when giving orders during game play. Are they being redone?
  3. ? I'm seeing version 1.0.434.
  4. Truth is, I usually turn the music way down in games with combat music. Not usually because I don't like the ambient stuff, but because combat music gets really, really repetitive.
  5. I tried scripting once in BG2. Hated it, never used it again. Am I unusual? I thought most people just did the pause spam+micro thing in IE games.
  6. +1 I assume they keep Fenstermaker in the Obsidian basement surrounded by moldy Gene Wolfe paperbacks and expired vending machine sandwiches... but let him out just this once.
  7. Does anyone remember the Bioware forums after NWN released?' So far, this is fairly pleasant.
  8. "Bugsidian" is increasingly irrelevant now that we live in a world where even AAA consoles games are a buggy mess on release.
  9. Are you looking for an actual "import" button in the UI? That would be nice, but it isn't necessary to add your own portraits. Navigate to: <Steam dir>\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\art\gui\portraits\player\<male|female> As I recall, It accepts a variety of graphics file formats. Copy the naming scheme and (for best results) pixel dimensions, and you're good to go.
  10. Your money. It will matter to the people who backed because to them that was a selling point. Bigger games were toppled for less, multiple times. So for a fragile thing like a KS, where word of mouth is king, I think it pays to keep your promises. Oh FFS. They will not be "toppled" by anything that happens in these forums. Especially not because a couple of senior Obs employees don't post here. If PoE is a raging piece of ****, that will be a problem. Nothing else matters.
  11. If PoE does well sure, otherwise I doubt it. Should the game fail, the only thing that could possibly pull them out of the ****er is if they by some miracle got their hands on the rights to do KOTOR 3 or Fallout 4(or 5, too lazy to look). Anyways, what you quoted wasn't implying their inability to get funding for the next KS, but getting away with saying that they will communicate with the backers/fans. I'm willing to place that bet now with no knowledge of how PoE sells after release. What does "get away with" mean? If they can easily fund future Kickstarters, who the hell cares how a small subset of Obs forum denizens complain about perceived lack of communication?
  12. Heh... I will happily bet any amount you care to name that, if Obsidian chooses to launch another Kickstarter, that project will easily exceed its funding goal within the first week.
  13. It's a fair complaint, but I think the reason he's not here is much less cloak & dagger than you're making it out to be. The guys we hear from are mostly team leaders - Sawyer, Adler, and Brennecke. They're directly involved in the day-to-day of getting PoE out, and they're established themselves as point of contact with the backers. I suspect... 1) Avellone's writing work was over and done with months ago, so he doesn't have much to say about current status. 2) There's not much he can say about what he did without spoiling content. 3) This is Sawyer's baby. Avellone doesn't want to step on the project director's toes by blabbing about design philosophy. Wait until it releases. I think tongues will loosen after that.
  14. Probably because a chunk of it sounds like it was lifted directly from the BG2 intro track. Not that some fan service call backs are bad.
  15. Eh... this kind of thing is more useful as a way to market the game to a larger audience. Someone asking granular questions about the stuff forum grogs fight about wouldn't have been helpful or interesting to most people there.
  16. It's up. Start at about 2:23. http://www.twitch.tv/pax/b/615407985
  17. The leaping around is a bit silly, but the shooting style is probably fairly accurate for horse archers and mobile infantry. Like the Mongols, for instance. Not very representative of English longbowmen, of course
  18. I think you're right. Whew. Sanity restored.
  19. At the risk of ruining the thread.... I'm pretty sure that's a grasshopper.
  20. What kind of place do you work? Other than a filthy unwashed hermit beard, I can't imagine HR at my job ever talking to someone about their facial hair.
  21. You should never have posted this. Now I won't be happy unless I can play with a "Franz Josef".
  22. I tend to agree, but there's no shortage of obsessives in the RPG community.
  23. Yes... so many IWD remakes. When will people stop remaking IWD, already? It's endless.
  24. Zero chance I'll wait. I'm expecting bugs of the type we've seen in the beta. They won't bother me. Seriously bugged quests are a different story. If I run into those, it's rage quit and wait for patches time.
  25. I made the mistake of reading the price complaint thread there. Now I kinda hate humanity.
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