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Mark Havel

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Everything posted by Mark Havel

  1. Between "onboard sound" and "Audigy", there is quite a gap. Anyway, the music is so badly compressed that they are unworthy of a good Audigy.
  2. The spoken dialog may be better, but the StreamVoice directory takes 600 MB on hard drive, it will be quite difficult to get one from a friend. It's quite useless to have the dialog file IMHO.
  3. Gamestop.com, Play.com or Amazon.co.uk are your best friends. We are on the forum of the developpers, remember it.
  4. It the patches which fixe the corrupted .pdf manuals. Very usefull...
  5. Make also sure you got the lastest drivers from Creative.
  6. Kreia said the Republic will fall during millenia. It's not just after K2 ending. It's an obvious reference to the slow Republic erosion and it's fall described in the Prequel Trilogy...
  7. It will be. I've made this for the fisrt KotOR but I bought the English version AND the French one... This time, I've only bought the US version of the game and grab the French dialog.tlk from a friend and it worked very well.
  8. Why the Hell did you need to make a 3 km quote, Insssect? Anyway, I agree fully to this thread. It's quite a shame or weird to have hired a real orchestra, Skywalker Sound, being an affiliate of a corporation who cares a lot about the overall quality of their creation with a dedicated certificate and having such damn crappy soundtrack (technical quality-wise, they must be very good artisticaly(?)). I've already wrote to Lucas Arts, Obsidian and Griskey about this issue.
  9. I wont quote anything, but I agree with most of the posts here. If there is a third KotOR, it will be either one of the best CRPG ever or one the worst piece of crap.
  10. Here is my point: I don't think Revan think about saving the Republic against True Sith during the Mandaloran Wars or the Jedi Civil War. He and some others Jedis disobeyed the Council because he thought something had to be done. Then, perhaps he begin to fall, but he most likely he felt on Malachor V (Kreia says these kind of places consumes everybody or push them to Dark Side. The discovering of clues about the StarForge may certaintly has helped to this. He should also discovered some knowledge about the True Sith. After falling to the DS, he began to invade the Republic since he thought he could be the only real and worth leader of the galaxy/Republic. He was a good stratege since he managed to wipe out the Mandaloreans from a desperate situation, so he didn't need all the power of the Starforge nor destroying entire planets. This could have been so to honor his strategist ego (a battle won ala Thrawn could have been more satisfying for him than a swarm of 1000000 Sith Destroyers against a small Republic Frigate). Then Revan is captured by the Jedi, turn against his creation while Malak take the power. Malak was described by HK 47 as "brutal and efficient. He made me a good impression when I saw him, Master...". In KotOR I, he appears to be exactly this, looking for more power and strength, but without really caring for the consequences. He is the fool leader, able to lead it's people to the destruction just for satisfying its power lust. When the search for Bastila appeared to be too long for him, he destroyed Taris. I think someone like Reven or Kreia would have set up some machiavelous plot to capture her. When Revan finish the first KotOR as LSer, he get its memory back and then and only then, he began to realize the True Sith threat, maybe that they lured the Mandalorean to war and them vanished to deal with them. To go back to the topic, I think Malak is really the good old vilain. Brutal, Evil, charismatic is his Evilness but not so clever. He even laugh "Mwahahaha" and has the inhuman touch with his metalical voice and mechanic implants which made him a bit like Vader. In this way, Malak is a very KotOR and traditionnal Star Wars vilain: undoubtely Evil, he is THE final boss the player will fight against in the end of the game. He fits perfectly the very manicheist scenario of KotOR I. As Revan has quite importance in the second opus, there is also more ambiguity about him, as the KotOR II's scenario is more subtle and less manicheist.
  11. They'd better get rid of these crappy .bik cut-scenes where they can be handled by the game engine and allow us to get better quality soundtrack (for now, it's a very poor 48 kbps 32000 Hz mono MP3...). And why not change some things in the end of the game to have it more coherent.
  12. You really lost your saves or you just began a new game with a new character? It it's the case, click on "change/swap character" in the save menu.
  13. It seems we can unlock an holomessage on T3, which could be similar to Luke's discovering of Leia's SOS on R2D2 in A New Hope.
  14. In your dreams. All modern gamer video card does not only handle T&L but Pixel Shaders now. It the way of the progress, for the best of the graphical quality. Anyway, puting the T&L to processor would be quite a pain in the ass for the unluckily CPU. And a big loss in performance too. A video card which handles T&L or even Pixel Shaders is 50$ worth now, even if it will not be the best hardware...
  15. The voice directory takes 600 MB in my hard drive. It would be quite hard to get the English voices. But if Lucas Arts thought about releasing the game on DVD, this may have been possible. Your only solution is to wait for rebates on the game price and pick it on English sites such as Play.com, Amazon.co.uk or even Gamestop if you like paying 25$ for a two days delivery. That what I did for the first one. Then you will have to replace the dialog.tlk with the french one. I'll be worth of it is the voices are like in the firts KotOR: the French voices were not so bad and even good, but the English ones outperformed them, especially for Malak.
  16. Comrad, this is more subtle than you can think as first impression. Continue through the game and you'll see... Anyway, I chose the second answer since I've notice some plots holes in the end of the game.
  17. It seems that KotOR II on PC is quite a great backward. First the musics far too much compressed (48 kbps mono for classical records, what a piece of crap...), the overall design (some textures are quite ugly, even in high details) and worse, the cinematics. Most of them are these crappy and ugly .bik. But it seems that a third of them were first made with the game engine and then became ugly .bik. It's quite strange a strange choice, and for the worse. Unfortunately, this is not the kind of things which are changed in a patch.
  18. An even more radical idea for the KotOR III PC would be having one of the True Sith trainee as PC. He/She could have been trained by Revan of the Exile infiltrated in their ranks. This would be quite original to be grown first in the Dark Side way of the Force and then go to the light or something like this.
  19. This could be a good idea to know a bit more about these quite ocnfused events on Malachor V.
  20. Which only leads me to think there will be a third KotOR to solve all theses issues. Perhaps will we even play the Exile again or why not a True Sith?
  21. Yes there were a big one: Revan almost wiped the republic out...
  22. Since I tried to have a romance with her, I tried to get a lot on influence with her. I also tried all the dialog options I can and did not found anything relevant with this power. I think this is more like a racial ability than a real force power.
  23. Well, they don't need to record all dialogues made by the PC. In the other games, the main characters did not speak (Oh, yes, in the fisrt one, Revan said some words when asked to lockpick something, poisoned, critical miss...), so I would not care if my character does not speak in the third KotOR, even if it's one of the Jedi we already know. Obviously, they could record the most important lines.
  24. Why were I so certain you'll say you have an Ati?
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