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Mark Havel

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Everything posted by Mark Havel

  1. I'd say Bioware, Irrationnal Games, Arkane "Arx Fatalis" Studio (because they are at 50 km of my current location ).
  2. If think the game and level designs are the most critical parts of the job. If the level is just a boring bunch of rooms, this won't be funny at all. It's obviously important to have good gameplay idea behind this and why not a good storyline, but games like Doom 3 show this is not the most important. Storyline is important in RGP and other story driven games, but you can have a very good FPS without any scenario better than "they cut you a finger, now kill them all".
  3. In most of case, the translation is terrible because bad voice acting. For example, the French voices of KotOR I were quite good, some of them bad, but the result was correct. But the English ones outperformed them (especially for Malak). A good way to avoid this is to translate only the writen parts of the game. I wonder why this is not used more. Maybe you could ask Lucas Arts to do this (translate the contents of the dialog.tlk file) or even do it by yourself. It should be quite easy to find a tool to open and modify the dialog.tlk file. Note that is will be quite a huge task.
  4. What's your config? The point is to keep it balanced. If the video card is too fast compared to the CPU, the performance increase will be limitated.
  5. I don't think there is much technical differencies between Direct3D and OpenGL. But Direct3D is made for games as the DirectX API and it's certaintly one the main point of MS's strategy to perenize the Windows platform.
  6. It will be quite hard to find something correct at these prices. The chips mentionned in my previous post should be available in your price range. Anyway, they should be fine for nowadays games, not next year's (Aoh, don't worry if Deus Ex Invisible War is lagging or have a poor framerate, it's engine is a big piece of crap).
  7. Correct. The OpenGL support is always provided in the video card drivers. Update them and you'll get the OpenGL support if they is any (if not, it's a shame).
  8. As far as I know, Ati announced many times their will to provide better OpenGL support. It seems they didn't change many things since Quake III and when Doom 3 arrived, they decided themselves to work again on the OpenGL part of their driver. But it's not an easy task and we'd better wait a few month to see if there is any results.
  9. It depends how much do you want to spend for your video card. If you want to play mostly OpenGL games such as... hu... the Bioware's and Id's, you should avoid Ati, their OpenGL performances are quite poor compared to the nVIDIA. Anyway, you should find something like a Radeon 9600 Pro/Xt or a GeForce FX 5700 Ultra for about 100
  10. KotOR is one of the clues of my personnal rule about licensed games: the far the game is from the license, the best it is. So a Star Wars RPG which story would be set just after the movie could be not so good. And it should respect the Extended Universe instead of creating it at this period. So no and may we never see this happen.
  11. A must have is at least to know what REALLY happened to Revan. Why not meet him/her. And Bastila too since she's bond to Revan. Of course, we must know what happened to the Exile and her/his Jedi friends. As playable character, HK 47 is also a must have. It's my favorite droid in all Star Wars universe.
  12. That's quite logic. If the HK Planet was cut, I was useless to keep the file either in the XBox or PC version.
  13. You will never see a developper or a normal people saying the work he did during more than a year is plain crap to the media. It would be as saying to all potential employeer "Don't hire me, never hire one of us!"...
  14. It can even be useless since the dialog lines are recorded and somewhere in the StreamVoice directory and the dialog.tlk. They were even translated. The only thing which is still to do should be some progaming and scripting...
  15. Battlewookie, it seems you did not played KotOR. It's Saul Karrath, under the order of Malak who destroyed Telos. This was just after trying to convince Carth Onasi to join the Sith. Carth refused Saul Karrath's proposition then Karrath joined the Sith Fleet and attacked Telos. And it's Revan himself who destroyed the Star Forge in case he were Light Sider. If not, no one knows what happened to the Star Forge. But I don't know why Sion would have destroyed a such convenient way to have a huge fleet so quickly, even if he's as clever as Malak.
  16. I often managed to hit with 40 to 60 hit point with a Master Consular Jedi. You should be able to deal more damage with a Guardian and the affiliate Elite class.
  17. As far as I know, it's just a little addon on EAX3. It's a far less important issue than the musics in 48 kbps 32000 Hz mono MP3...
  18. Stating Nihilus is the spirit of Exar Kun is the worst idea I've seen to ehance the ending of the game. Having Bastila back too. The others parts are insteresting, however.
  19. As far as I know, the XBox is nFORCE powered and the sound is made by a Sound Storm solution, so it's not a piece of crappy AC'97... The KotOR I's soundtrack was encoded in 128 kbps 441100 Hz Stereo MP3 (at least on PC) and it did not seem to cause any trouble to this same XBox.
  20. The patch will obviously come as soon as possible. I prefer waiting a month to get a patch which solves all issues than two weeks to get a patch which fixes some things and broke some other.
  21. A reference to Revan in Ep III can take sense since it could lure more people to KotOR and then have a commercial interest. But I think I'm just dreaming.
  22. These issue have to be mediatized. If so, it will certaintly pressure Lucas Arts more than hundreds of fans petitions. A way to solve this is to write/e-mail to your favorite magazine and gaming websites and asking them why they did not mention the ending and poor quality soundtrack issue (and obviously, to mention them).
  23. I don't know very well the legal concerns of your will. It could be seen as a private save copy, if the legislation of your State (general sense, ie France, UK, ... not American State) allows it.
  24. Understand, you can't undestand the decisions made, as I can't.
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