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Everything posted by Marceror

  1. lol I've been searching for an answer to that for a couple days now, but Obsidian, despite their refreshing transparancy and eager willingness to discuss the development of this game, has been remarkably tight-lipped about anything relating to storylines/plots in Eternity. I'm assuming Od Nua is some.... person. Here's what was said during the Kickstarter campaign about it. Definitely a person, in fact, the builder of the dungeon: In the western reaches of the Dyrwood lies the Endless Paths, an ancient network of cobbled trails that wind through arches of dense overgrowth, twisting within the confines of a high castle wall as they make their way to the gates of iron-shuttered towers that jut forth from the interior. In ages past, the towers rising from the gardens to pierce the canopy of the forest once marked the dominion of the castle's relentless, crazed builder: Od Nua. But the courses of Od Nua's madness run far below the surface, stretching forever deeper into wandering catacombs and bone-cramped oubliettes unseen by living eyes for centuries. The Endless Paths, as the old Glanfathans call them, cannot be walked by the living, but the storytellers say with certainty that many strong souls have found a permanent home beneath the grieving creator's estate. Most else that is said and written of the place is fiction or conjecture, more likely to have sprouted from the svef-enhanced imaginations of bored and boasting mercenaries than from any seed of truth. Hosts of lost souls that relentlessly stalk the living, cathedral-sized tombs overflowing with the restless victims of a horrific plague, lightless chambers sealing in the remnants of Od Nua's failed experiments. Most legends converge on a common theme: that under the castle rest myriad forgotten vaults of death and darkness glittering with Od Nua's enchanted creations and the abandoned treasure of ill-fated interlopers. So great is the fear of the castle's denizens that even drunken and drug-cheered adventurers do not joke of setting foot on the paths, lest their souls join the eternal ranks of those that have gone before them.
  2. And it's just fine with me if they continue thinking that.
  3. So am I :D I'm trying to decide whether it's ironic that the largest contributors aren't here on the boards showing their enthusiasm for the game and showing off their shiny badges, or perhaps its expected as these individuals are too busy making the mad cash required to drop major bucks on Kickstarter campaigns. Perhaps it's a little of both.
  4. You should have the option to wear your cloak as well, not just your guards. Perhaps a more ornate version of it.
  5. What is the criteria for the bronze/copper badge? On the kickstarter awards I only see mention made of the silver VIP, gold VIP and gold Watcher badges. I must have missed the copper one. Also, does anyone on the message boards have the watcher badges yet? I'm curious as to what they look like (not sure why, I just am).
  6. Rad? I remember using that word, like in 1986.
  7. "I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a.44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?" Well, given the technology level, this would have to be changed to something like: I know what you're thinking: "Did he fire 1 shot, or 1...?"
  8. And while they're making a Playstation version, they should also make the game an MMO, playable on Facebook. And switch it to an FPS, since that would work better on those platforms! Awesome!
  9. Next time Obsidian puts out a two minute video, they should be careful to ensure that any and all game features are represented in it. I mean, seriously. The nerve of these guys!
  10. Why wouldn't they be? Guns have been a fairly integral part of the game world since its inception.
  11. How about a game about life several decades after a nuclear holocaust, where you lead a small party soldiers in the barren terrain that is left behind.
  12. It totally won't. Think December 31, 2013, and you're probably getting very warm.
  13. Yeah, pillars are totally lame. I totally hate the way they hold stuff up, and they seem so arrogant about it too. I wish there was no such thing as pillars.
  14. "This", I believe is the expression used by you youngsters.
  15. I wonder what % of Kickstarter backers will be dead when this is finally released. Or will have just plain forgotten about it.
  16. Maybe I'll never change it, and everyone will be stuck in a time warp. Besides, if the "Community" drop down on Obsidian.net still says Project Eternity, why shouldn't my sig?
  17. How long will it take until we stop calling this game Project Eternity? Will we ever stop? Inquiring minds want to know. At least they kept the name very similar, which should make the transition easier, and avoid a lot of confusion that one equals the other.
  18. Espero que lo vas a tener pronto!
  19. I had no problems with my K badge. I wonder what I did differently.
  20. If something was listed on the Kickstarter for a specific tier, you will get that item. We just need to update our description. Cool, as I said, I gave you the benefit of the doubt on this and went ahead and finalized the order.
  21. Yeah, there seems to be a lot of data issues with the site right now. I was hesitant to finalize my order as the options included didn't look right, but I did anyway, figuring Obsidian wouldn't have the audacity to try get away with removing items that they previously said would be included in my tier.
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