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Everything posted by Marceror

  1. The IE games had auto-attack. Actually, what they had were AI templates you could assign to characters. One of those being none. And those AI templates could be turned on and off globally for your party. So the idea of characters not attacking in the IE games was a common enough occurrence. What I'm more commenting on though is Adam's apparent lack of awareness of what was going on during the battle. Unless he was trying to get his party killed, an IE veteran should have easily been able to determine that something was going very wrong during the battle, and made the appropriate adjustments to improve his tactics. He also had his archer trying to fire in melee range. And why the hell was he playing on easy in the first place? Logical conclusion: he has no idea how to properly play the game!
  2. yeah, but then the beetles get a disengagement attack and the mage drops anyway. If he would have dealt with the problem as soon as it presented himself, he likely could have brushed off the blow.
  3. Heya Zeckul. Still bummed about your Youtube shutdown. Unless Obsidian plans to add a lot more content later, this whole "PoE Beta" doesn't sound like it's going to be a beta at all. It sounds more like a sneak preview. When you do "beta testing" the idea of getting spoiled is pretty much a foregone conclusion. So I hope that Obsidian will actually offer the beta opportunity that they claimed they would. I'll take the sneak preview for starters, but this does not fulfill the promise that backers will have the opportunity to beta test the game.
  4. He clearly wasn't as big of a fan of the Infinity Engine games as he claims. He easily could have paused, selected all, and ordered them to attack a single target. And when you're mage is getting hammered, you always run them out of harm's way. Lots of "rookie" mistakes in that video. In fairness, I'm sure I could never code these games as well as he does.
  5. Did they ask for your feedback yet, I'm curious about that. All the backers in the higher tiers were supposed to enter their items on the backer portal a few months ago. I participated indirectly in this through another website that I frequent.
  6. I'm pretty sure those are just placeholder.
  7. I just rewatched that part, and Josh definitely said "there are four quests you can go through in the backer beta" at 1:09.
  8. Well, I also get the impression Adam doesn't really know how to play the game well.
  9. I suppose a traditional cRPG in the Pathfinder world would have been too similar to PoE. I can respect that. But I would sign up in a second for a proper cRPG in the Pathfinder setting in the future. Build it in Unity on the PoE engine. Who cares if they are similar. So were BG, BG2, IWD, IWD2 and PST. But we still loved them all. I'd be happy as a pig in you know what if Obsidian continued to create sequels in the PoE world, AND added a series of Pathfinder cRPGs. But I'm probably hoping for too much. I'm still doing much better than I was a couple of years ago with PoE, TToN and WL2, so I guess I won't complain too much if the Pathfinder opportunity doesn't pan out the way I would like.
  10. Sorry to be contrary, but here's to hoping that the expansion doesn't include multiplayer. Nearly every game feels compelled to be multiplayer anymore. And it seems like either significant development time is spent on this (in lieu of other features) or the MP functionality sucks. I have always applauded PE/PoE for being a focused single player game, and I hope it will remain as such. Vs. tacking something on at the end that may not be that good, and will result in less single player content.
  11. It's a fair observation. Bugs that could have been caught by a pool of thousands of play testers will escape notice, but they're unlikely to be major bugs. I'm much more interested in the opportunity to provide feedback on look, feel, and mechanics. Which is exactly what we'll be doing. They may or may not be fairly major. I feel like I've personally brought a couple of fairly significant bugs in Wasteland 2 to light. And I was just trying to play, rather than locate bugs. One was an area of the game that was causing players to lose their ability to save their game. Hadn't been caught by the paid beta testers, and could have resulted in who knows how many hours being lost. And could repeat over and over in that location. Another was causing the game to partially freeze, where only one character could be selected and the main game menus were deactivated. It required some specific steps to identify and recreate. If you didn't know what was going on and how to avoid (which I didn't at first), it could have been a total show stopper. Both of those are fixed in the latest version of the beta, and I presume will remain fixed for final release. I've also found several more minor bugs. And that's just me. One pathetic fan. So I'm not sure we can assume that it will only be minor bugs that will get through. Many bugs are situational, and not immediately obvious depending on how you play. And the larger the game, the greater chance for bugs to slip through. Since PoE will be a very large game, I'm expecting some nasty bugs, particularly if the backers aren't included in more thorough testing. But at the end of the day, I defer to Obsidian/Josh. This is their gig, and just because I may not agree with every decision I respect that they have to do what they believe is in the best interest of the game.
  12. Presumably. In addition to Obsidian being a much larger studio than inXile, they also have access to Paradox employees for play testing. My understanding is that inXile also has a large team in Europe (Russia, I'm thinking) doing beta testing for the full game. They are reported to know the game inside and out at this point. But even still, fans have found plenty that was missed. They always do, and always will. EDIT And for what it's worth, on the one hand I can respect Obsidian not wanting to "spoil" their fans. But you know, in this case the backers are more than just fans. Giving us greater opportunity to see the game and provide feedback is a rare opportunity. Not just for the backers, but for Obsidian. Seems like perhaps it's turning out to be a bit of a missed opportunity.
  13. It's good to know, I suppose. Sounds like the beta in its initial state at least will require a couple of evenings only. So perhaps I can take a closer look at D:OS finally.
  14. I think Obsidian could take a cue from inXile who allowed 50% of their game to be included in the Wasteland 2 beta. The amount of bugs caught and feedback offered on such a large chunk of the game I know has been massive. The game will be far better as a result. Give a much narrower slice of the game for beta testing, and expect a significantly reduced level of benefit.
  15. Thanks for that confirm, and yikes! 3 - 5 hours only? I hope A LOT more content is planned for shortly thereafter. Again, if Winter 2014 is the release timeframe, that doesn't leave a whole lot of time for the beta testers to do their work. At any rate, doesn't sound like I'll be scheduling any time off work for such a small appetizer.
  16. The expansion was added as a tier reward fairly early in the Kickstarter, yes. By all accounts, PoE is going to be a fairly massive game in its own right. Obsidian has shared that it will have more maps than IWD2, and will approach the number included in Baldur's Gate. So it should be a big game. There will also be two major cities, so imagine having Baldur's Gate and Athkatla in a single game, and all of the side quests and additional content that implies. I'm choosing not to worry about this. Hopefully I'm in the right for that. But I really don't think Obsidian is purposely cutting content that should be in the base release for the expansion. I'm betting they have ideas for the expansion, but will wait to develop those ideas and the corresponding content until after the release of PoE.
  17. Nice thread necromancy. But yeah, $250 was a good tier that included all of the goodies I really cared about. Nearly 2 years later I'm quite happy I took that plunge.
  18. I haven't logged in here for a while, but I came by to ask precisely this question. Not seeing a dev response to this and a few other threads that likely could have been easily answered, I'm wondering if Obsidian has gone tight-lipped/silent on us? Disappointing if so. inXile has managed to keep a reasonable amount of dev activity on their forum. Hopefully Obsidian will do likewise. After all, that was one of the stated benefits of going crowd-funded vs. publisher. Or has the introduction of Paradox to the picture resulted in less freedom in sharing? At any rate, would be great to know if we'll be getting the full game to beta test, or just snippets. Since we are supposedly only 4 months away from launch, I would think we should be getting the better part of the game, because there's otherwise not going to be a whole lot of time to beta test the whole thing.
  19. Seriously, this board should give at least 30 seconds of "grace period" before marking a post as "edited". All I did was fix your to you're immediately after posting.
  20. Such folk are most likely neglecting some important things, even if on the surface it may not seem that way. It's hard to be responsive to your kids needs when you're tied up in an MMO, deep in a dungeon and if you go AFK your party is going to die because the healer is suddenly gone.
  21. Sounds like you're way too much of an old codger to play this game. You should surrender your copy of the game over to me at once. Oh, wait, I've already got a couple of copies coming to me... and I'm an old codger too!! Ah well, mayhap we can chat when the game comes out, about how they just don't make em like they used to (because the problem couldn't be with us, right?).
  22. Single player is our focus? I'll take that... with a nice piece of cake, any day of the week!
  23. December 2014 is what's on the backer portal. I won't be incredibly surprised if that date slips.
  24. I also hold out hope for Torment and Wasteland 2. I didn't back WL2 though. I wish I had, but it and Kickstarter weren't really on my radar at that point.
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