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Everything posted by Marceror

  1. They aren't so good at making website updates. This just isn't their forte. If you keep this thread going for the next 5 years, you might learn that they've wanted to make the update but just aren't sure how. At least, that has been my experience. Wait, what? They already made the update...? Well, rock on with your bad self!
  2. So... no fruit drinks?
  3. What's chance 6? Based on their logo I'm guessing it's a new fruit drink company. Yah for fruit drinks! Take a chance and have a fruit drink, or better yet, have 6 of them!
  4. Thank you for being our collective voice, when we just couldn't find the right words to say ourselves. Such poetry.
  5. Nice. I was pleasantly surprised to not have to log back in this morning. Thx to the administrators for that.
  6. Um, just go to the main forum page https://forums.obsidian.net/ and it's like the 14th forum from the top.
  7. There is a dedicated forum for this game. You should post this there.
  8. This is a "public message on my own feed". Just checking to see what this actually does.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marceror


      You're good enough. You're smart enough. And darn it, people like you.

    3. Marceror


      No you're not. And no they don't. Stop lying to yourself! Gollum! Gollum!

    4. Marceror


      Get out of here you! Leave, now, and never come back!

  9. Not sure if I'm losing my mind, but I could have swore that the like heart was originally colored blue rather than red immediately after the updated site launched. The blue seemed much more appropriate for a like. Than when I came back at some point the next day I noticed it had been changed to from blue to red. Or, I may just be losing my mind.
  10. Maybe 3 or 4 flashing images that things like "Moderation is Key", "Moderating is just my thing", "I Moderate, therefore I am", etc., etc.... could help add a little more clarity on this matter. I do love how this forum is really taking a "hit 'em over the head" sort of approach to getting a message across. But have they really done enough yet?
  11. And sorry to the now Microsoft owned Obsidian, but I'm a till the death Personal Computer (PC) gamer. No Xbox gamer tag, ever.
  12. I filled out all of my fields with whatever responses. And haha, several of those fields are displayed every time I post now. I'm having fun.
  13. Same here, really -- hence my edit (you did notice the edit, right? Oh god, they may need to make the edits stand out more...!). Previously I was able to stay logged in for a good month before having to log back in. That would be very nice to keep with.
  14. Obsidian is working on increasing the "session" time. Hopefully it will be for like a week or so, at minimum. There's really nothing "sensitive" about these forums accounts that requires timed sessions or even multi-factor authentication. If people are storing their social security numbers on this forum, they are doofs. There's essentially just words about games and even less meaningful stuff.
  15. What if all edited posts also had a watermark image taking up the entirety of the body said post. It could say something like "Attention Dip****s! This Mother F&%kin' post was edited by the Mother F*&kin' poster. Obsidian wants to ensure that NO ONE overlooks this fact!!!" If the watermark made the actual post kind of hard to read, that would be most appropriate.
  16. Yes, the constant logouts are even more annoying than overly sensitive edit function. Please fix!
  17. Thank you for the response. After 5 years, I had given up all hope of ever getting any official response, so it is truly appreciated.
  18. Well it's all in this thread I started nearly 5 years ago (linked below). But since that apparently hasn't been noticed yet, I've been questioning why there isn't a short grace period to edit a thread before the thead is marked as edited. Nearly all other forums seem to give at least a couple of minutes, so that minor typos can be corrected. But here it's always been an immediate notification on the thread. Since the upgrade, now the thread is called out TWICE. Once at the top of the post, and a second time in the body of the post. This absolutely drives me up a wall.
  19. Oh crap! It does mention it twice now. I somehow missed that before. Doh! So glad to know Obsidian is listening! Warms the ole heart, it does.
  20. Likely Obsidian feels the same way. They couldn't dream of making a change that result in this thread no longer being posted in. You totally figured it out!
  21. The forum edit function is still too sensitive. Really, I've been asking about this for 5 years now!
  22. Oh cool. Posts still get immediately tagged as edited. 5 years of asking about this have definitely been worth it! Thanks Obs!!! Guess I'll just have to wait until next time. At least the notification isn't nearly as obnoxious as before. This thread continues....
  23. Forum Edit Function Test
  24. It is rather telling that Obsidian locked the thread announcing forum changes. Like, no, we're not going to dialogue with you about this. This just isn't a level of communication they are any good at.
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