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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. And to think they had a dedicated system designer looking at spreadsheets for this kind of stuff...!
  2. The beta still needs to undergo serious balance passes. Right now not even a 1080ti will give a stable 60 fps, as testified by another user in the beta subforum.
  3. Best puns, unless you can come up with a similarly good one for Xoti
  4. If this is intended, it is fairly poor design, to be honest.
  5. I call bug. Again, stacking rules in this game need a consistency pass. Everything that doesn’t come from the same source (e.g. same Inspiration) should stack; any exceptions should be communicated clearly by the UI. Goldpact Knight’s AR bonus should stack with Berserker’s Frenzy AR bonus for the same reason.
  6. I also posted this in the other thread, but will ripropose it here: casting times should fixed on their own first, before we discuss an attribute that affects casting speed. If we left casting times as they are right now, any attribute affecting them would become an absolute must-pump lest your casters can contribute nothing meaningful to combat and/or are unfun. It would be poor design to leave casting times at their current unfun level and chip in an attribute to ameliorate it.
  7. I agree to an extent. The devs wanted casting times to be longer and that’s fair; however, you can’t lengthen them to the point they aren’t fun anymore (as is currently the case) and then just put there a stat to ameliorate it. That’s poor design. The stat would be an absolute must-pump for all casters if they wanted to contribute anything to a fight before melee mopped the floor. Casting times should be adjusted on their own. If you then want to have a stat influence them, it can be done though I expect balancing to be pretty tricky.
  8. This is a most vexing issue. They have icons over their heads also when doing nothing at all. During the first few battles with this beta build, I kept wasting a lot of time not realizing my men were doing nothing because they had icons overhead suggesting they were busy with some ability.
  9. Yeah, I’ve seen that mentioned before. We need MOAR consistency XD
  10. But Empower is a per-rest ability that is limited to 1/encounter on top of it. Spells shouldn’t be balanced around the assumption that you’ll Empower them (which I believe they aren’t.) We still need casting times to be reduced to reasonable levels. As suggested in the other thread, not everything has to be insta-cast, but 6s is way too long (don’t get me started on 9s spells, which are simply out of this world—or Eora’s, really.) Empower is yet another field in which UI communication is very poor and so is internal consistency (stacking rules being another major offender, along with casting times.) I keep hoping they’ll do a major consistency pass and ensure the UI provides all the information, including actual numbers (I understand fluffy genetic description may be enough for casual gamers, but I want the hard facts in detail.)
  11. If any summoned weapon takes longer than 0.5s to summon, there’s no reason to waste time summoning it. Pretty much every other action you could take would be more efficient. EDIT: To add to the smartphone-induced one-liner above. The whole "summoned weapons" vs. "self-buffs" argument is more about semantics than anything. The problem is not to decide whether summoned weapons are self-buffs or not; it's to make the game fun. Right now, casters aren't much fun because they are slow; summoned weapons aren't fun because by the time they've been conjured, combat's almost over anyway. I'm already spending a spell pick to acquire them; do I also need to expose myself to the risk of losing them to interruption while I give up on 6s of DPS? Bit of a steep cost for a weapon that isn't significantly better than regular, non-summoned ones.
  12. If Matthew Mercer isn’t back to voice Aloth and Edér, I’ll probably just mute the game and crank up some metalcore while I play.
  13. Right now, a Wizard/Cipher is called a Hierophant and a Wizard/Priest is called a Thaumaturgist. In my opinion, it would be a much better fit the other way around: Wizard/Priest should be a Hierophant and Wizard/Cipher should be a Thaumaturgist.
  14. I know; I was explaining to Osvir what the issue was. A SSD isn’t going to make a difference and, without a FPS meter, 40-50 fps aren’t likely to be perceived as an issue either.
  15. Sometimes the description opens almost entirely out of the screen for me, and I can only make out its upper portion from the bottom of the screen, which I can use to drag it back in the middle. Is that the case for you as well?
  16. Isn’t that a Sharpshooter? ;D
  17. The problem is that he’s only getting 40-50 FPS with the most powerful card on the market. A 1080ti runs Witcher 3 with max settings at 4K over 60 FPS; no reason why Deadfire wouldn’t be over 60 all the time. Like, way over 60.
  18. The anti-aliasing setting is already there; it's what the "graphics quality" bar regulates (max setting is 8X.)
  19. ^ I wish I could "like" that multiple times!
  20. I'll add another bug into the mix. During character creation, if you roll a multiclass character and try to check out the talent tree for your second class, you'll often get the talent tree for the first class instead. Not all multiclass combinations have the bug, as it seems, but I got this behavior rather reliably with a Devoted/Helwalker.
  21. IIRC it was 5 even in the previous build. Regardless, if we bring it up, they’ll change whichever is wrong according to their vision.
  22. IME overpenetration happens every time your PEN is higher than your enemy’s AR by 5 or more; it doesn’t have to be twice as much (although IIRC the tooltip does say so; it’s perhaps worth bringing up in the bug forum as the tooltip is probably a leftover from a previous iteration of the system.)
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