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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Will there be more variety in clothing/commoner outfits compared to Pillars 1? Will there be more hair and beard styles? Are we finally getting the King Leonidas and Seneca Crane beards? ;D
  2. Throne of Bhaal, actually. Shadows of Amn's OST is the work of Michael Hoeing, like BG's.
  3. Dimitri: - What is it that you like modeling the best and why? - What is the model you are the most proud of in Pillars I and, if you are at liberty of discussing it, in Deadfire? - Beside Xoti's hair, what's the most challenging thing to model and why? - Speaking of hair, IIRC you were looking into making long hair show when wearing helmets (as opposed to a character's suddenly balding up when wearing one in Pillars); did you succeed? What is the main challenge in this process? - What's your favorite gear in Pillars I looks-wise? Will there be unique armors in the style of the Sanguine Plate in Deadfire? Josh: - Will we get to craft armor from the scales of the dragons we kill in Deadfire (possibly ticking off all other dragons for wearing their brethren)? - Can you share who's writing which companion? I know you're writing Pallegina and Eric F. is back for Edér; I'd imagine Carrie's writing Aloth but what about the others? - Will Tekehu have a unique spiritshift form? If yes, did Dimitri curse you upon learning that he'd have to model it? :D
  4. I used PoE portraits in Tyranny no problem. They sell a portrait pack for 4 bucks but you can ignore it and use custom stuff if you like.
  5. Didn't Adam say the art department's going on a field trip to see a real pirate ship for design purposes? It was in one of the E3 interviews, if memory serves. Maybe the base ship won't look spectacular (IIRC it's what you can afford at the beginning of the game with what is left of your fortunes after Eothas destroys everything, so it kind of makes sense that it won't exactly rock your world), but those ships you can upgrade to may well end up being badass.
  6. As though finding the root cause of a bug, developing a fix, and testing said fix was a 10-minute exercise...
  7. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/162089614411/wtf-poe-on-console-deadfire-is-a-pc-exclusive
  8. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/875439243396435968
  9. Right before I could get home to watch it. Great.
  10. Though frankly I would be surprised if they dropped meaty Deadfire news on the same day they're announcing the Tyranny DLC. They'd steal attention from themselves.
  11. I understand what they want to achieve in Deadfire and I do believe that limiting certain enchantments to weapons that already possess specific characteristics from the get-go is a step in the right direction. One of the issues with the enchanting system in Pillars was that you could apply a given set of enchantments to literally any weapon, which made those enchantments mundane; finding a flaming sword is pretty meh if you can just make any sword in the game flaming in the first place. However, the limit to quality enchantments is something I am strongly opposed to. It will force me to change weapons lest I gimp myself even if I'd really want to keep whatever weapon I have at the moment. The main strength (and IIRC the explicit purpose) of the enchanting system in Pillars was that if you liked a piece of gear aesthetically, you'd get to keep it for the entire game without suffering from a power perspective. Now they're taking this away, so if playing the fashion game is something you enjoy (and I know I do), you're in for a bad time unless literally every item in the game looks staggering.
  12. Same. Loved the ability to keep something for the entire game without gimping myself.
  13. Amulet + Cloak was confirmed by Josh on his Tumblr a while ago so that's definitely a thing (and a welcome thing at that.)
  14. And we're even getting a slider to set the opacity we want effects to have while the game is paused. Obsidian's really setting the bar high with Deadfire!
  15. Mate, are you genuinely asking for it? If so, this really isn't the right way. Also I doubt they'd have any meaningful update on the game's release date at this point. When they have it, they'll share it like they did with the first game. For now, March 2018 remains the targeted time frame based on what we know. If you are especially inclined to hear it from Obsidian, I suggest tweeting to one of the developers.
  16. Badass skull-shaped flail: https://www.instagram.com/p/BU-bJ0KFx9u/
  17. Edér was pretty well written though, and I like that we're getting a consistent writing style for the character.
  18. Over-analyzing the video for extra information beyond what we already knew and/or Kat explicitly mentioned: 0:57 Reskinned UI (which imo looks better than the one in PoE, whilst being very similar) Some of the elements are probably still WIP (e.g. the dialog button is squared and doesn't fit well in its new rectangular spot; same with the green selection square that can be seen at 1:10—fits the spell icon, but not the spell-level rectangular icon underneath.) Exploration XP Unfortunately still a thing. Map name The dock area is in Queen's Berth. Portraits A change of style compared to Pillars of Eternity. They look good. We get to see the new ones for Aloth and Pallegina (Edér shows up at 1:56) It seems to me like the new portraits for recurring characters serve the in-story purpose of showing their development since the events of the first game. Aloth, for example, has either become the leader of the Leaden Key or their destructor, either with Iselmyr as an ally or having shown her her place. His new portrait shows his newly found self-confidence and conveys it in the same way his old portrait was a perfect fit for his poised, sheepish demeanor. 1:16 Map name Sanza's Map Emporium and Sanza's Maps are two new areas; what we see in the video is Sanza's Maps. Spells' noise level Nice touch, since now characters also have a hearing range. It will be interesting to see what spells can be pulled off from stealth depending on their noise level. Spells' level scaling Interestingly, spells scale with the Wizard's power level but not all of them do in the same way. For example, Jolting Touch's armor penetration scales, but the Fireball's does not. The number of extra targets in Jolting Touch also scales. Looks like the inherent Accuracy bonus to spells was removed. 1:44 Maia's animal companion Her temporary name is "Mrs. Feathers", which is amusing; she's immune to engagement. 1:48 Barbarian abilities I've never played a Barbarian so I don't really recognize them except rage, the sprint icon, and the (now violet?) dragon leap. Are the other icons new or returning abilities? 1:56 Rotghast The fat undead enemy model used in most of Josh's previews is called a Rotghast. 1:59 Pallegina's abilities When Reaping Knives is cast, Pallegina's weapon slot is "greyed out" with what is obviously a temporary piece of ... uhm ... art. Some of the ability icons seem to have been revamped. FoD has a tiny lightning bolt underneath, which may mean she has a talent that adds shock damage to it? Sworn Enemy has the extra fire projectiles on top, suggesting she's got Wrath of the Five Suns. LoH and Liberating Exhortation are the same. 2:08 Wet textures Looks like the floating dude's texture reflect the fact that he's soaked in water. Nice touch that was missing from the first game.
  19. Making Josh's head appear from the top right corner when Kat mentioned him was brilliant XD Also, Kat is pretty
  20. Oddball crazy thing: https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/870348681811181568
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