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Everything posted by illathid

  1. Every single game made with the infinity engine was a D&D game.
  2. Topic is, as i said from the start, considering only some minimalistic additions that could be doable, that would reflect stats and mechanics instead of being there just for show, designed in a way fitting for the poV and style of the game. Not just any animation - which lead to all those pointless strawman arguments against "tonns of complex animations" and similar, that are just invented, imagined. My opinion on this issue has exactly as much merit and relevance as your own. You say you want feature X for reason Y. I'm saying I don't want feature X for reason Z. I understand exactly what it is you'd like to have added to the game. I disagree, and I don't want it. I've explained why it is that I don't want it and you preceded to call me obtuse and ignorant. That is very rude, and I would still like an apology.
  3. Complexity is not some binary switch, it is a continuum. And the animations you've suggested are more complex than those currently in the game. Even if the things you suggested are relatively basic in the grand scheme of things, they are still more complex than I want. Not sure how you think you can argue with this. And it's not very polite to call someone obtuse or dumb. Could you please apologize for that?
  4. yeah, It's not a matter of opinion. You want animations that are more complex than those currently in the game, I do not. Not sure how directly responding to your comments and opening post could be off topic.
  5. They are more complex than the current animations.
  6. Yeah, i'm saying I disagree with your opening post. I do not want the animations you described in PoE. I think they would make the game worse. The complex animations I'm refering to are the ones you explicitly mentioned: "lurching, heaving, stepping around, jumping back and forth etc."
  7. I never really moved my team around unless they had killed thier target. There's really functionaly no difference in how I play PoE and how I played BG, IWD, or the rest. And the advances I want in over the IE games are in the rule mechanics (thank god for no save-or-die spells) and art resolution (BG:EE helps a lot, but still can be less than ideal at my monitor's native resolution). Having a ton of complex animations would turn PoE from a RPG I want to play, into one I don't... of which there are already many (e.g. Divinity: Original SIn; the Witcher 1, 2, or 3; the Elder Scrolls; etc.) EDIT: Neverwinter Nights 2 was completely developed by Obsidian. Bioware wasn't involved at all.
  8. I'm actively against any animations that would move PoE from the IE feel. So I'd be very upset if the characters did anything except stand in place in front of one another and swing. Any sort of lurching, heaving, stepping around, jumping back and forth by characters would make the game worse in my opinion. But then again, I like to play dwarf fortress with just ASCII art so...
  9. Well originally there wasn't going to be a miss chance at all. There would only be Graze, Hit, and Crit. This only changed after there was a big out cry on the forums.
  10. Doesn't the fighter already have a bonus to the number of engagement he can have? Why not keep that? So a fighter could engage two enemies; paladins, barbarians, and monks one enemy; and everyon elese no enemies.
  11. So I've been thinking about romance in video games, and the one that keeps coming to mind as doing it well is "Catherine." Basically, it seperates your romance choices from your attitude. So while you can choose one love interest over the other, if it doesn't match your attitude the romance will not end well. I could see something like this working well with PoE by using the dispositions. So you could say the right things to woo a benevolent party member as a cruel PC, but the relationship woul be toxic. Or make it so another character is only attracted to PC with an agressive disposition, regardless of anything said to them. Using a system like this wouldn't have to be limited to romance options either. You could have abbusive friendships, etc.
  12. A simulationist! Kill it with fire!
  13. You can change the party spacing so they stand closer together. Only issue though that the click location is off center.
  14. Completely disagree with the OP. BG1 wilderness areas were horrible. I like the BB's area's much, much more.
  15. I think the PoE characters look much better than W2's. Not sure why you think otherwise.
  16. If negative traits > positive traits, then there is a net imbalance. The positive trait would be there to make it an interesting character. It would be easy to unbalance a character just by having it walk around naked, but not very interesting. The only issue I have with this is due to how people will minimize a negative trait so meaninglessness . In F:NV for instance, the Four Eyes and Small Frame traits ended up being just being a buff if you played any kind of ranged character.
  17. I put the BB Fighter's Plate armor on my paladin character and it colored the breast plate the character's minor color while it doesn't do that for the BB fighter. My character is on the right (if you couldn't tell ).
  18. So I tried to make a character the other day based on the excellent portrait on the left here: I figured pale elf would be the best fit, however none of the skin tone choices availble seem appropriate. There's two shades of red/purple and two shades of brown. This seems very odd. Not a huge issue, but I'd appreciate being able to make a very pale pale elf. Thanks for your time!
  19. Yeah, the multiplier stacking is crazy. It should definitely be looked at.
  20. Incorrect. For low-res, tiny sprites, it may not take long (but more than you'd think) Large sprites are usually renders of 3D models (meaning you had to make and animate a 3D model anyway) Would you classify Fallout 1's sprites as low-res, tiny sprites? I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect that for any given death animation present in Fallout 1, it would take longer to do an equivalent animation in PoE. Fallout's sprites are renders of 3D models, so they were animated in much the same way PoE's models are. Well this death animation looks like it was mostly hand drawn, not modeled:
  21. Incorrect. For low-res, tiny sprites, it may not take long (but more than you'd think) Large sprites are usually renders of 3D models (meaning you had to make and animate a 3D model anyway) Would you classify Fallout 1's sprites as low-res, tiny sprites? I may be wrong, but I strongly suspect that for any given death animation present in Fallout 1, it would take longer to do an equivalent animation in PoE.
  22. So... Is UI modding going to be possible? I imagine one of the first mods I'd want to get is a side screen (i.e. better) UI mod.
  23. Yeah, I like divine characters in DnD. However it's easy to go over the top for fighty clerics. 3rd and 3.5 edition clerics were better at tanking than fighters and could cast spells too. I don't envy Josh's job trying to make them feel right.
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