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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Basher, warhammer. Decent warhammer stats +x to skill-checks for bashing in containers and doors.
  2. Raeesht god of folly and dentists. They say god protects fools and drunks. This god does. He is the god of hare-brained schemes, of "what could go wrong?" and "it seemed like a good idea at the time" Of adventures involving more luck than skill, of getting away with it. He's the god of walking on the highway drunk, naked and shouting "I GOT A LOT OF MONEY" and waking up alive the next morning, maybe minus money. Protector of idiots, children, drunks, he's the one you pray to when you realise, that maybe, maybe what you did wasn't such a good idea after all. Society looks at Raeesht with mixed feelings. On the one hand, maybe his meddling keeps those alive who really shouldn't be. On the other hand, people make mistakes, it happens, especially children. If every time people make a mistake they'd had to suffer the worst that could happen, well... that'd be nasty. Parents thank Raeesht when their child fell from a tree they had no business climbing and ends up with only a broken arm and a bruised ego. Some might curse Raeesht when that ne'er-do-well STILL gets away with his drunk pissing on the porch after getting caught for the umpteenth time. There are a few small temples to Raeesht, set up by some who survived their adolescent idiocies. Raeesht takes drink and drugs as offerings, as well as slips of paper with lessons learned, and stories of adventures which are more fun in the telling than they were in the experiencing. Drunk revellers may toast to Raeest after a night of telling of their dumber (but well ending) exploits. On the festival of Raeesht, people might get drunk and offer each other stupid bets ("I bet you can't jump from the roof of the inn to the roof of the stables") Play some of the wilder games. (strip poker, play tag the angry guardsman.) And ask for forgiveness of past grievances which were the result of stupid decisions. It's customary to offer the maligned party the choice of what penance must be done. And it's accepted tradition that the penance is a playful challenge or prank. (IE: Streak through the town all night shouting "I love to drink barbecue sauce!"; Wear a sign saying "kick me"; Kiss anyone saying "thank you" whenever they say it for a week.) Players might encounter Raeesht as someone who offers them challenges they would be foolish to accept. He rewards them with wisdom, and, sometimes, fun. Raeesht is depicted as a young man with a crooked big smile a black eye and some teeth missing. Symbols associated with Raeesht include teeth, dice and a bare foot above a jagged line
  3. The Hive of the Hiveless. A group of people who refuse to live in homes which are part of a network of similar looking homes. (IE most urban streets, blocks, flats, warrens, hives, etc) An urban society, The Hiveless Hive builds unique homes and links them through an underground network, all connecting to a main dome. The organisation is a group of city dwellers, including slum dwellers and architects, lords and with a dash of criminal enterprise. City dwellers tired of living in a city where one street looks like the next Architects which wish someone would use their services for something pretty for a change Lords who can't stand the averageness which lowers their property value slum dwellers who hope to find themselves living in a proper home sometime and criminals who don't mind making a buck in real-estate and insurance, but don't tell the rest of the Hive this. The Hiveless sabotage and destroy buildings which are to their mind ugly, unoriginal, mass produced pieces of crap. Any house which looks similar to another nearby, any building which houses several living quarters for several families which is cut and paste architecture, is a valid target. However. The Organisation is young and small And it does not seek the attention of the city watch. So, they have limited their sabotage and destruction. Any member is asked to destroy one of these buildings, for each unique and better designed one they commission or build themselves, with subterranean access to the dome. Since they're bound to secrecy, recruitment is limited The Dome is a high ceilinged underground garden maintained with artificial light, coming from the entire ceiling and shining nearly as bright as the sun. It's built directly below the City Garden, though the City doesn't know about this. Visionaries or Mad men, Arrogant, foolish, idealist, selfish, whatever the individual motivations of the members, the Hive has been having some modest success with their impressive building projects, and some horrors on their conscience like collapsing buildings with families still inside. The player is likely to encounter the Hive of the Hiveless investigating their crimes, finding their playerhouse demolished or vandalised, construction sabotaged, or by finding a secret entrance to the network that leads to the dome, in one of the Hiveless's homes. They may bring the Hiveless to justice, or perhaps join their cause. Either would determine the face of the city. Joining them may offer another style of architecture for the stronghold, if certain requirements are met.
  4. A sort of vampire which instead of taking life, takes your abilities and skills, leaving its victims drained of these while taking over their role. So a master weapon-smith wakes up one day, to find out he doesn't know how to wield a hammer any more. While Smith's guild has just accepted this new prodigy, who came out of nowhere. The Vampire's acquired skills would degrade over time, requiring him to keep seeking victims, or move on to another field of expertise, or another place. Players would encounter a befuddled weapon-smith and investigate his loss of skill, or are asked to investigate a new prodigious recruit's past after accusations of foul play surface. Or follow the vampire exposed, while the vampire leaves a trail of breadcrumbs in the form of skill damaged souls. The vampire may be a single creature or be part of a larger group, in which case their society might be exposed, finding a specific vampire might be harder as they help each other (or compete) While every new capable recruit in any organisation is automatically suspect. (false accusations of witchcraft! I mean, vampirism!) The most skilled vampires are capable of powerful illusions and know how to pose as the person they drained. These vampires kill their victims and start posing as them.
  5. But you can only master it if you manage to survive tutelage by a misogynistic racist monk with an overly long beard who's awfully spry for his age.
  6. And I don't like twitchy either. I don't believe that twitchiness is a requirement for something to be a minigame.
  7. Except that without exception, you're making the decisions, because it's not a simulation. And as long as the game is dependent on your own input, you're playing. And I'm fine with player skill augmenting character skill. After all, combat doesn't play out randomly, you position your party, call targets, choose spells and abilities to play, prioritise actions. Would you rather combat played out according to the numbers of the player skills, with no clicks from you? I'm going to assume not. So, I believe, the argument that minigames involve player skill rather than character skill, is irrelevant. Perhaps character skill influences the difficulty of the challenge, but I think it's absolutely fine to have the player do it.
  8. But... if you control all party members, wouldn't you know you're doing an AOE spell? Unless using the 'call out grenade' key provokes some automatic dodge reaction from your party.


    I'm pleasantly surprised by that one. I love this thread, makes me listen to all kinds of music I would normally ignore.
  10. but peer pressure does.
  11. ouch, I feel your pain.
  12. Be nice. And remember that this is a discussion forum. it's fine to discuss alternatives, especially as it may give insight to the strengths and weaknesses of each system, whether it's used or not.
  13. Volo you just summed up everything that is wrong with the world today. If we all just left each other alone what a wonderful world this would be. No, this would be true enough, if it weren't for the fact that tobacco (and alcohol) is ADDICTIVE. That means sometimes people need help, and personal responsibility can;t (always) be counted on.
  14. Kidney stones suck, I had one recently and I never knew something so small could hurt so much. Today I tried to catch up on my forum reading, I'm almost halfway
  15. Quest for glory V had a very fun trap disarming mechanic. It may have been terribly unrealistic, but it was really part of the greek-esque world, and I really enjoyed it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qXZmQvDB-I&t=49m57s click to 49 minutes 57 seconds
  16. Alignments, nooooooo! Faction, nice
  17. scary looking, though bears are scary with and without hair. DimuthuK, that's really cool, I like the lore as well, and I can see several ways this could be used in the game.
  18. I know it's not on kickstarter, but it's similar enough, you guys should check out this: http://www.introversion.co.uk/prisonarchitect/ there's also 7 update videos and the alpha is playable for the backers.
  19. http://eternity.obsidian.net/ in the side bar to the right, below the "slacker backer' option, click "donate your own amount"
  20. You may not have heard, but now they want to put images on fizzy drinks, and I guess condoms, and probably ostriches. Ah yes, it's a slippery slope to total totalitarian nanny-state control., I've heard that one before. Except the evidence for the health hazards of tobacco are by now extremely well researched and documented. You can't ban it, because it's too easy to produce, but you can discourage it.
  21. that's a question of pacing though. If minigames exist, they should be spaced out accordingly.
  22. Good question. I'd say, yes for 'normal' magic items, no for legendary weapons. Those should be pretty damn good anyway.
  23. perhaps we were overly enthusiastic, but I still like the discussion
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