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Everything posted by Fluffboll

  1. If you also take into consideration that a lot of people that will play this game will do so in a secondary language it can become a huge problem due to spelling or not understanding the riddle or lots of other reasons. I like the idea, I just don't think it would work.
  2. This doesn't usually happen in TB games and if it does it's a bad encounter design. It's better to have 8-12 mobs that can actually hurt you and offer challenge, rather than fighting 30 trash mobs and rolling through them because they are weak just to stroke the player's ego. RTwP is just there so developers can speed up combat and make it faster and easier to defeat encounters. The solution to this would be to simply remove trash mobs and make most encounters unique and challenging in some way in a turn based setting. Just for some reason developers have problems with this, so people think they need real time combat because they're bored or something. Maybe they can't handle the challenge and want something easier, because that's also what RTwP is. Oh yes... unique and interesting... I guess the 32895463478563286 bandits/scorpions and other worthless trashmobs I murdered throughout Fallout 1&2 were extraordinarly diverse and unique...
  3. Well, most "real-world" mythological creatures are already well established as fantasy creatures I don't see a problem with it.
  4. Mostly I play games for the story, so if the story is good enough I'll suffer through even the most atrocious of gameplay systems. Turn-Based combat is one of those things that I really really dislike so the story better be amazing if they put that system in Project Eternity. If you then consider that they announced the game with a RTwP combat system the story had better be the best damn thing in the Universe if they switch now.
  5. This is a hard one... for me it has to be NWN 1, that game is just amazing IMO. BG1&2, IWD1&2, PS:T, FO1&2, KoTOR1&2... all of those are great great games and I would miss being able to play them but if the choice comes down to just one, I can't pick any other then my favorite RPG of all time NWN 1. Unless Deus Ex 1 counts as an RPG in this scenario, then it has to be Deus Ex 1.
  6. Yay, backed this project just now, So glad the PayPal option stayed open so I could do this Let's hope it stays open a little while longer so others who are also waiting for their next paycheck will be able to back this game.
  7. Depends, if persuation/speech/diplomacy type skills are class-locked I will go with the class that has access to those skills (likely to be rogue... it is always rogue). If those skills are open to all classes I will go for a cleric with the race that makes the most sense.
  8. I hope the Paypal option stays open a little while longer, haven't been able due to a multide of reasons to back this project within the kickstarter period and I were hoping to be able to do so once I get my next paycheck (this friday 2012-10-19). I think it would be ideal to at the very least leave it open until the end of October to let people recieve their next paycheck so they have some funds to spend.
  9. I'll stick with expert mode I think, might enable some of the extra stuff from the added difficulty modes but won't be playing straight up Trial of Iron.
  10. This is amazing! So happy it's been going so well for this kickstarter!
  11. Anyone played Jade Empire? They created an entirely new language for that game and it made the game sooooooooooooooooooooo much better for it. If they can afford/have time to do it I really hope they will.
  12. Oh, I love this and am actually missing this in games. Why should we (the player) be able to beat everything? As long as it is at the very least strongly hinted that the encounter is way beyond the party and not used too much I would love to see things like this. The player character and his/her party should be strong but shouldn't be unstoppable or the most powerful things ever to grace the world. At least that is my opinion.
  13. Huh, never thought about that actually. I just asumed there were some form of printing technique available (be it magic, technological or both) that were able to get texts out to the populace in books, pamphlets or what have you. Certainly an interesting topic to discuss around.
  14. You need to play Fallout 1&2 and Planescape! If you enjoyed BG and Arcanum you'll more then likely love those titles, they may be old but not many games can beat them in atmosphere, story and just plain awesomeness (That is true of most games in this poll though ^^ )
  15. Well this is awkward, been a fan of Obsidian (and Black Isle before them) since Baldur's Gate but have never been on these boards before... I feel ashamed That said since I could only pick one game I picked Baldur's Gate 1 because that was the game that showed me how incredibly awesome RPG's can be and made RPG's my favorite game genre.
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