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Falkon Swiftblade

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Everything posted by Falkon Swiftblade

  1. I don't think you need as much con depending on your difficulty level and armor you choose to use. I am playing as a orlan monk with a base chance of hits that allow crits and I like that, but you might want to go fire godlike for raw dps, or maybe moon godlike for passive heals so you don't drop so fast. I'm currently lvl 9 and I don't know if I have any AOE skills and that's the only reason you'd want a high intellect. you could keep it at 6-8 probably. I've only seen 2 instances the whole game it did an intel check. I'd also have at least 16 dex, but you might want to max it out over con. depending on how tanky you want your monk you might want to max out dex if you're gonna be using heavy armor. I don't like that bulky looking style on them so I stick with enchanted other armor usually ~30% recovery or less, but it's not a big deal either way. I would encourage you to have a fighter in the party to engage most of the enemy's, if you play on hard sometimes they have too many monsters per encounter and your monk get flanked and waylaid too easily. Not to mention disengagement attacks can be a blessing or a curse. Good if you want a quick way to earn wounds, but sucks if you're like 3 pixels off from where you wanted to be. You also may consider using a sabre in your off hand. You'll still get unarmed damage on the main hand, but the benefits of weapon enchants and hit a little harder.
  2. Hmmmm, so I know some blockbuster film's that were edited in 3 month's, live tv shows like the biggest loser that are an hour long done in 30 days, and commercials done start to finish in a weekend. It's friggen May man, he was almost done a month ago. We're almost on our 5th patch of the game... thank goodness I'm still playing through the game & haven't beaten it yet. Anticipation is bonkers right now. I'll be ok, I just didn't expect there to be much more to do unless they had to go back and reshoot something.
  3. hmm apparently sound's like very soon. Maybe today? and by maybe today, I mean next week wednesday
  4. Did we ever get clarification if the documentary was specific to this project, or was it a documentary on obsidian as a whole? Didn't SP:SOT come out during this window? I wonder how that impacted the team internally. If this is all about pillars though I'm very fine with that.
  5. ^^ i'm thinking it will be huuuge if indeed we can download it. it will be several hundred mb at the least. I actually think what they will do is put the video up on vimeo or youtube and either pay gate it or password protect it and give us the password to view it.
  6. they must have either been adding a lot of extra special fx, or they must have redone a substantial amount of stuff because all my edit jobs for 60 min would be like 6 weeks max and now it's a month after release. However to be fair it has been years in the making and who know's how many hours of footage he has to go through... eagerly awaiting it too!
  7. it should play fine. I'm playing on a mid 2009 mb pro with 8 gig ram. I have to play on better performance mode. My load times are horrible at the first load. Each additional load is ~30 seconds which still seems comparable to many newer systems on the pc I see posted.
  8. I've found in their pipeline everything moves at island speed. Thing's that should have been doable in a week were taking several weeks to do. Not blaming anyone, but it was like this across the board. Even generic walking animations early on that shipped with unity for free were better than the one's they were using for example up until like 1-2 months before release. But I think it was only one guy doing the head's and several other things, so he has to pick his battles.
  9. holy crap I was rolling at the loading screens being your worst nightmare. lol. Seriously, some of those thing's you go through 4 loading screens for 30 sec or more each for 4 seconds of content... I also felt like the optional stuff like the crafting, stronghold, etc all felt really weak and thrown together. That was several hundred thousand dollars we raised for that, and it was just not fun and I'm sorry I funded it. At the same time, I wonder what this game would have turned out with only the initial funding. That scares me too. Hopefully the documentary talks about some of the challenges they ran into along the way. Also, hopefully now that the foundation has been laid, they can really improve upon the future of the game because it still needs a lot of work, and it's a miracle they had so many dedicated people like Sensuki reporting bugs because crikey it would have been uugleey otherwise. I'm not as critical as some feel, but I felt like it was decent for what it tried to capture. Good luck on the next one. You'll have to convince me a bit more on those stretch goals though, really disappointed in them. The megadungeon has been fun to explore, but only because it's mysterious. I don't know after you do it once if you'll rush to do it again.
  10. I think you may have had to be at a certain level for them to put you on there. Cause I paid on kickstarter and paypal and wasn't on there either.
  11. unrelated, but how do I pay my staff of hirelings who haven't been paid and I have a mountain of coins?
  12. same problem. also i was never able to open his chest with the storybook choices
  13. I'm also playing as a monk on normal, but have a party. I am playing on a mac version and load times are also over a minute. Especially the first load after not playing. It was nearly 2 minutes. The in game loads are still 30-45 sec easy. Is it really too much work to allow us a quick way to delete save files or have an option to delete from in game? I never realized how many loading screens there are in game even for the tiniest thing still takes over 30 seconds to load. I did see a way to change the name of the save game files from the info tab in the folder. Could I change those without breaking the game? Dropbox save files. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c9t1c5gfgsja7zs/AABhJoa-CRDajaPnEXGY-hEaa?dl=0 (note I'm unable to delete old files already in Dropbox. Just use the save files close to April 16. The photos and older save file wasn't a bug, I just didn't understand the games rules for allowing stats to stack.) Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,3 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 2 L2 Cache: 6 MB Memory: 8 GB Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT Type: GPU Bus: PCIe PCIe Lane Width: x16 VRAM (Total): 512 MB Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Device ID: 0x0647 Revision ID: 0x00a1 ROM Revision: 3448 gMux Version: 1.8.8 Displays: Color LCD: Resolution: 1440 x 900 Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
  14. I'm playing on a mac, and the loading times are still redonkulous. Especially the first one when you continue a session. It was over a minute. Once you're in the city it still as bad as before. I'm going to attempt a fresh reboot and see if that's any better. Part of the issue is there's no simple way to delete save game files. Is it really that hard to allow us to name the file or add a box for us to choose to delete them?
  15. hmm, so that dude should be done with the documentary by now. Can any dev's give us a heads up of what's left to do with it? He was wrapping it up a week ago and computers render about 800X faster than they did when I went to college for editing, so I wonder what the state of the Doc is?
  16. There's another thread on here which links you to some of the thing's they're working on. Balance issues, custom portraits, and other quality of life issues, etc.
  17. I have this issue on my mac. It's not consistent that I've found where it happens, but it does happen several times a play session. Not game breaking, but it is annoying!
  18. is this the crafted weapon you start getting bits and pieces from within the mega dungeon, or is that something else?
  19. haven't gotten here yet, is this just a prick a finger for blood sacrifice, or do I yield one of my npc's for a permanent stat gain?
  20. I've been reading around the forums and it seems like you will certainly max out your xp long before you reach the final encounter and I've yet to finish act 2. I'm currently lvl 5, so I'm wondering how much wiggle room do we have? I wish it was easier to know which quests to take or pass on. But I guess that's what strat guide's are for... Also I'm interested in doing the mega dungeon, about how long would that take to complete total?
  21. I read yesterday on twitter the guy editing it was putting in final touches and its gonna be 90 min long.
  22. i've got a passion for this sort of thing. love audio design and editing, etc. I'm strongly considering moving out to CA to do this sorta stuff or freelance. While your on here Justin, is it possible we could get transcripts of the audio files? I think i found the audio folder, but I wanted to experiment with other voice sets.
  23. woot, i would've loved to work on that with them. i enjoy that kind of thing.
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