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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Yes. They're considering having it so that if you don't hit, you glance unless you missed by a LOT...then you actually miss. And then throwing in the possibility of moving that hit range up and down based on various potential abilities. Thank you. I could see that working. You Critical when x(the roll) is y above AC, Hit when x is (AC+(y-1)) to AC, Graze when x is (AC-1) to (AC-(y-1), and Miss when X is (AC-y).
  2. I hate it when (in some games) every time the PC flirts with a NPC they are attracted to the PC, where every time the PC is nice to a NPC they take it well, and every time the PC insults a NPC they take it badly. I want some reactions to be unexpected, which adds flavor IMO. Maybe someone likes you more when you insult them because they feel you are being honest. Maybe you piss someone off because you were kind to them. Maybe flirtation is ignored because the NPC is oblivious to the PC's intentions.
  3. Doesn't pretty much any character believe they are in the right? Anyway, **** the Joker, he and Batman are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too overrated. Now if we could get someone like good ole Green Goblin or Doctor Doom that would be cool. Hell Doom wouldn't actually look too out of place in a fantasy game.
  4. I think I'm a bit lost, has the proposed system been amended since the initial description on page 1 of this thread?
  5. Would you like an AI that can be turned completely off, has adjustable variables(like who the character attacks, if they will use spells or abilities on their won, when they will use potions, for example), and is always superseded by player commands?
  6. I think that there should be options to have complete control over the party, partially script party member actions, have them act with a default AI, or some combination(member by member case perhaps) of the three. I would also like to have the option to level them up myself or let the game do it. The key word here is OPTION. I don't want to be forced into any choice, but be able to choose after I have played the game a bit and decide how I can enjoy the game the most.
  7. I'm not too sure about the proposed system, but I want to see more information before I condone or condemn it.
  8. I wouldn't. Gaider seems too keen on making cinematic experiences than actual games.
  9. They're busy re-scanning her face with next-gen technology so she can be in DA3 and ME4. This time she's mandatory in exchange for a guaranteed 9.5/10 or better review score. I dunno, I think IGN just likes to suck corporate balls. Makes sense, they are part of the parent company that FOX News.
  10. ^I swear, the dude sounds like a dude I knew in high-school.
  11. 2 hours? Dude I hated the game too but 20 minutes should have been enough. Although I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite, seeing as I've spent hours dissing ASM 700 and the premise behind SSM.
  12. I think Ieo actually addressed this with an idea to have branching character development for different types if relationships. It is a pretty good idea, and hopefully some variation of it will be implemented in PE. Anyone else hoping for more developed negative relationships?
  13. I'm thinking about giving Skyrim another chance or just playing Morrowind a bit. any suggestions?
  14. The far right/tea partiers in the House will do anything they can to sabotage it. These are people who were voted into government on the promise that they'd destroy the government from the inside, after all. Yes the teabaggers are flailing around like children because they can't get their way. How is this different from any other day?
  15. I'll bite... What game? I would love to see a good implementation. The Witcher 2 is probably the best I've played, but CD Projekt Red had the advantage of using a predefined player character, which PE will not have. Actually he is wrong. NWN2 Platinum has been taken off Steam. Of course, I'm referring to "relationships" as any type of character interaction (not just a very one that also involves sexual interest), which I would argue Obsidian does excellently. NWN2 MotB has some of the best character interactions I have ever seen in a game, and the other games Obsidian staff have worked on(like Kotor2, PST, FONV) are pretty damn good too. Obviously there is room for improvement(like more dynamic negative relationships), but Obsidian does characters and relationships well enough where worrying if they won't be good or bitching about one type of relationship for 100+ pages seems a bit silly. Obsidian will make this part of PE well I assure you. Of course seeing promancers and antimancers mudsling at each other is almost as much fun as being a grammar nazi to ruskis, so please don't stop.
  16. Well this is cheery. The hissyfits in this thread tickle my funnybone more than Wacker getting called out for being an obnoxious ass. I wonder how long until the ruskies come in and violate the English language? That should be entertaining.
  17. I would prefer classes not to have special abilities with any particular weapon. What I would like is for classes to have preferences for combat styles instead.
  18. I just know there's going to be a ton of cognitive dissonance after this, all the predictions of earth shattering/soul changing events will morph into less provable fluff..."I know I said Jesus would return but I never said he would make himself known! He is working amongst us now, in secret!" Jesus is here working to save humanity from the forces of darkness!
  19. You are correct, it does sound pretty damn corny, almost like something that would be in an anime. I would prefer an intense rivalry that can end up somewhat like the rivalry in The Prestige. I would like to see the more negative relationships get a bit more depth than "I don't like you".
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