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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Do not take this the wrong way, but you are pretty wrong about the buff sessions in D&D. As you said, you are only familiar with it in CRPGs, but it functions much differently in PnP, where resting is not as easy and where most spells have material components. If they want to improve buffing in a CRPG, they should have less stackable spells that last longer, so spending 4 minutes on buffing is not optimal.
  2. Crafting should be as simple as possible, with an easy to use an robust interface and relying solely on character skill. No archaic rules or pressing buttons at intervals should be required. 3.X and Pathfinder are probably the best to look at for crating "basic" items, while Pathfinder should be used as inspiration for enchantment.
  3. I wonder if there will be some kind of mentor-ship relationship in the game, perhaps Forton would be a good candidate for it? I think that Obsidian has shown they can do them very well(see Kreia) and it would be an obvious role for an old monk.
  4. This may come off as rather brash, but Hurlshot, your dad sounds like a condescending ****. From the instances in the letter, it sounds like he worked himself in to a tizzy over nothing. If you want my advice tell your dad to **** off and that you think your wife is perfectly fine the way she is. Sorry if I sound a bit dickish on the matter, I just had to deal with a girlfriends parents who were incredibly uptight as well.
  5. Well I worked a good 10 hour shift, got to hit the gym, and ended up reading Amazing Spider-Man 700, which is complete ****.
  6. Would it be possible to choose starting abilities from a list? For example, could a Priest select something other than Sacred Circle at first level? Also do you intend to have classes progress certain metrics(like base attack bonus or hp) differently?
  7. You know, this sounds almost exactly like what Sawyer said about classes except for the statement in (). [To the thread in general]Anyways, I think the general sentiment on romances here is "If you do them, do them well, make sure the other alternatives have enough character interaction where they don't seem shallow in comparison, and make it more than about boning the character in question", essentially, do not do them like Bioware does them. Can we move on to other types of personal relationships now? I think the dead horse has been beaten enough already.
  8. I like puzzles where what you are supposed to do is clear. I hate puzzles where there are no instructions at all.
  9. This is clearly an Illuminati plot to steal our guns so we can't defend ourselves against their brainwaves and stop listening to the high prophet Alex Jones. EDIT: Obviously the problem with violence in the US is that weapons are available to those who shouldn't have them(like crazy people) and that seems to be the major problem here. Still, suggesting that someone may have to wait a bit for an extensive background/mental stability check or that sales at gunshows be a bit more restricted will drive some people into a frenzy.
  10. We are. All we need is for someone to cleverly put together random scraps of unconnected information to unveil our conspiracy.
  11. But it's the only time it'll ever come up for discussion. Times like this happen everyday. With some people there never is a time to talk about gun control.
  12. Comedy Gold. I honestly can't tell if he is truthful, his bull**** is so damn crazy. Not to mention his followers are even more religiously devoted than the paultards.
  13. Gun Control will not happen in the US. Any attempts to even start a conversation about it will draw the gun nuts who believe that banning semi-automatic assault rifles or requiring a through background check means that the government is trying to take away all of your guns. Damn shame.
  14. I think that D&D 3.X/Pathfinder did dual-wielding very well. While it has the potential to deal higher amounts of damage than Two-Handed weapons, it is more feat and ability intensive(3 feats and 19 DEX) to be competitive. I think that PE could take inspiration from Pathfinder for combat styles, with feats(or whatever the PE analogue) for all combat styles that correct weaknesses and add strengths.
  15. This is a good thing and must be applauded. I can't get on a boat in an RPG and not expect a giant sea monster battle. I blame Shining Force. Now a Kraken would be an awesome monster to face. Damn Shining Force.
  16. I think that skills should all cost the same amount of points per rank, and all should be about equally useful in the game. I also don't get the Sawyer hate. We don't really know enough about the mechanics to start hating at the moment.
  17. Just implement dual-wielding how it was in 3.X and Pathfinder. Slap an attack(hit) penalty on both weapons, off-hand only gets .5 strength bonus to damage, and it requires feats(or whatever the PE analogue is) to gain access to more off-hand attacks per round(or however PE calculates attack rate) and/or unique abilities.
  18. I think the best balance is where some classes' OP abilities are limited(like concentration checks and spells per day for casters). From what I can tell, that is what Sawyer is going for with class design in PE. I also like the idea of removing encounters or mechanics that require the player to have one particular class in their party(like a locked gate only a rogue can unlock, an opponent whose mystical protections can only be removed by a mage, etc.) and instead providing many ways to overcome an obstacle and removing certain spells that made someone invincible and could only be dispelled by a very specific spell.
  19. I want all classes to have the potential to become powerful. I think that designing classes with balanced progression where they do not gain super-powerful abilities early on or they not gain anything of use after level 10 is the best way to do things. A level 1 fighter should be a competent amateur at combat, while a level 20 fighter should be a master at combat(switch out "fighter" with x class and "combat" with whatever you feel x class is good at and the statement should still be true). I don't want one class to be amazing(or awful) compared to other classes. A fighter should be a reasonable alternative to a mage, not the choice of a guy who hits things with a sword or a powerful wizard who can throw around meteor storms every round with impunity. There are two ways to balance the two, one is to design the system where both classes do everything equally and the other is to design the system to have them be balanced by having strengths and weaknesses. For example, in an equal system at level 7 both classes would be able to deal 17 damage per hit, the only difference being how it was dealt(melee attack for the fighter, acid arrow for the mage), while in a strength and weakness system at level 7 the fighter would deal 7-14 damage per hit(using a longsword with a high strength score and specializing in longswords) and be able to hit a foe until they die, while the mage would be able to blast areas of foes with fireballs for 7-42 damage but be limited in the amount of spells they could cast, so when they were out of their spells they would be pretty vulnerable(compared to the fighter).
  20. Being a bit more serious, there was an old Doctor Strange issue where this guy basically knew shout magic; each word, perfectly shouted created an effect. I'm really thinking that's going to be what the Chanter does channeling energy into the old texts and using those words to cause things to happen. I'm hoping its not just buffing, though, as I find buff oriented classes fairly boring. I think I might have that issue in my dad's collection. Would be a cool take on a Bard.
  21. I cleaned my apartment top to bottom(great way to spend a day off btw), then got around to designing a few encounters for a GURPS game I am GMing. I have been thinking of trying to get an Arcanum playthrough in before December 26, might end up doing that.
  22. The conspiracy theorists who thought that the end of the Mayan Calender meant the end of the world try to destroy the world in order to be right.
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