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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. So you would like a NWN2 system for crafting the basic weapons and adding enchantments to them, and a BG2 system for crafting epic/legendary/unique items? Because that sounds just dandy to me.
  2. In general, I think that D&D crafting systems are crap. Oo, let's nerf non-casters EVEN MORE by giving ALL crafting abilities to casters who have to spend their precious experience points in order to make items for the non-casters! I'm sure the party wizard and cleric will be delighted to drop two levels so that you can have that +5 funky-ass exotic weapon you always wanted instead of using the +5 longsword you FOUND for FREE. That is why I said Pathfinder improved it quite a bit. No more XP costs for Magic Items.
  3. Indeed Odin reigns supreme. Just look at him. My dog. A blue merle border collie. This was when he was 3 months old. He's now 9 months old and much bigger, but still cute as ever. You sir, have won the thread.
  4. I think that 3.X E(what NWN2 is based on) did crafting pretty well, and Pathfinder(essentially 3.75 E) improved it quite a bit. I think that Obsidian should look in to Pathfinder for ideas on how to do enchantment of items, and just keep the NWN method of crafting normal items.
  5. I'm currently playing Arcanum simply to get ideas for the PnP I'm GMing sunday. I really hate the combat system but the setting is easily one of the best I have ever seen. I'm also torn between starting a Planescape or trying out BGEE.
  6. The God of Abraham does not exist. Odin reigns supreme!
  7. I'm pretty jaded about horror in most games to be honest. I would prefer strangeness myself. I want to see aberration creatures again, and deal with cosmic entities completely alien to me. I think I want less Cthulhu and more Doctor Strange if that makes any sense.
  8. @Ieo I do agree that assuming Romance is the absolute deepest relationship possible is wrong(I'd argue that relationships have "variable depth" from person to person, but that is another topic). I still love that idea about the "relationship branches", but I think that it would be even better if there were more than 2 options per NPC(this might not be possible with resource /time limitation, but one can always hope) and if the "negative" companion relationships actually have some depth to them.
  9. So true, there are many types of bonds that can be formed under the umbrella term of romance: - oaths of friendship over the sound of cracking Orc skulls (lolmance) - characters trying to evoke your empathy with their 'traumatic' past (failmance) - characters with vague intentions playing hard to get (facepalmance) - exploring issues of transgender love (buttmance) - furries and quadrupeds as love interests (beastmance) - a budding interest in dead bodies/ inanimate objects (necromance) Dude, I think you might have misunderstood my statement. I was expressing dismay that no other types of relationships besides romance have been discussed because people keep fighting about romance. And the furry thing was just nasty.
  10. So how many threads have there been and the only type of relationship talked about is Romance? Anyways, I would like the game to be dynamic enough to allow multiple relationship types per NPC, not the friend/enemy thing that usually happens. I would also like to see a mentor-ship , drinking buddies, grudging respect, barely contained hostility but still have to work together as possible relationships. I think Obsidian can do these quite well. And if there is romance, please have one end up like Gwen Stacy, now that would be awesome.
  11. What would have made this video great is if at 1:50 Rob appeared to rub it in.
  12. My biggest problem with "Speech" skills is that they don't really make sense. How does one learn to be persuasive or intimidating? Using attributes in conversation always made more sense to me. I'm also happy about the Health/Stamina split, if for no other reason than it reminds me of Megaversal. I also appreciate that mages in PE will not be protected by multiple layers of protection that need to be striped in a specific order or else the mage is invincible and wipes out the entire party. not only did it all but require you to take a mage, it was extremely boring and got old fast.
  13. I think that these should be the attributes that PE uses(and their combat uses) Strength: + Damage, +Hit(Melee), Carry Weight, effects combat skills Dexterity: + AC, +Hit, Reflex save Constitution: Health, Stamina, Stamina Regen rate, Intelligence: Potency of spells/prayers(damage, duration, save DC, spell penetration, etc.), Skill points per level, Spell amount Willpower: Potency of spells/prayers, Will save, spell amount(per day or whatever PE ends up using), Spell resistance Perception: +Hit(Ranged) Now it looks like that some attributes play more of a role in combat, but this is where skills can come in.... Strength, Constitution, and Willpower would probably have the least use in skills of all the attributes. I honestly can't think of a way that Willpower or Constitution could be used for more than a few niche skills, while the majority of skills that would benefit from strength are very hard to implement outside of PnP. Dexterity obviously would impact skills such as stealth and pickpocket, Intelligence would impact the "knowledge" and crafting skills, and Perception would impact pretty much everything else. I would also argue that Perception can possibly effect every skill in some way. So while Perception would be the least valuable skill for combat it would be the most valuable for skill use, with the opposite true for Willpower(ironically these are fused together in D&D for Wisdom). I was a bit tired when I wrote this, so if I missed something please let me know.
  14. Maybe now Russian males will have some apparatus that keeps them from drinking some much booze they die.
  15. A good one? Something like AA or AC that is based upon the comic in general and not any particular event or movie. The only problem would be getting the Spider Sense to work well. @Amentep 699 was a bit creepy and I think he experienced the memory of Otto doing a little more than kissing Aunt May.... Anyways, I probably wouldn't want to play a Spider-Man game if it plays out how ASM698-700 seem to be and leads in to SSM where Peter isn't Spidey. Anything other than Peter behind the mask as Spider-Man in current continuity just seems wrong.
  16. No. It means that in certain countries that are majority Muslim, sexism is institutionalized and accepted by the general population to some degree. Some cultures are inherently sexist, jingoistic, racist, and prejudiced. Just look at Japan, Southern United States, or Fundamentalist Islam. Which is how sexism should be handled in PE, where certain cultures(Not all of them) will see the sexes as unequal because of X. We already know that there will be different cultures and regions, so it would be very plausible for one to be sexist, jingoistic, racist, etc.
  17. Except that Branch Davidians are not in positions of power. Extremist Muslims are in power in quite a few Muslim countries.
  18. Look up "Effects of Soviet Invasion on Afghanistan". It was that little thing that helped the Taliban rise and turn a modern and liberal country into a backwater ****hole where religious extremists rule, kind of like Alabama.
  19. Warning, this post will be a bit long. I think that PE would have been better served by having 4(maybe 5*) base classes with several "subclasses"(at the moment the PE wiki says that subclasses will be included) instead of the 11 we have now. I believe that Paladin, Barbarian, Ranger, Monk, Druid, and Chanter are simply subclasses of the 4 usual base classes(Fighter, Priest, Rogue, and Wizard) and really don't need their own specific class, especially since subclasses are already going to be included. However, there will be 11 base classes, so Obsidian needs to make them as distinct as possible. They need to have abilities specific to classes that no other class has access to. I have some ideas on how to make the classes listed in the OP more distinct. The main problem I have with Druids is that as casters they can't compete with Clerics as divine casters or Mages as offensive casters, I would like to see a more unique druid spell list that lets them more effectively fill in a niche. I also think that letting a druid choose a "favored environment" where their spells are more effective when cast in that environment and/or a "favored element" which increases the strength of spells that deal with that element would make sense for a druid. As far as shifting goes, I think it either needs to be improved dramatically by allowing more creatures to shift in to and/or allowing the bonuses they get from equipment to carry in to the shifted form (as well as being able to cast spells while shifted", or ditched for an ability to channel an aspect of nature. What I mean by channeling an aspect of nature is that the druid could take upon the aspect of stone or flame to gain certain abilities, yet remain in human(oid) form and still have ready access to all equipment. Spoiler: I don't like Monks. Monks in most RPGs are not really that broad of a class. They almost always end up developing very similarly and IMO get pretty bland. I think that a big part of it is that their main combat ability(unarmed martial arts) grows so rapidly in most games that it is incredibly sub-optimal to have them use a weapon. I think that if the progression for unarmed damage was less steep this would be mitigated quite a bit. I would suggest that instead of upping the damage output as rapidly, the Monk's unarmed attacks could gain some magical proprieties at benchmarks instead of just dealing more damage. Also the monk's Chi or Ki or whatever you want to call it could be utilized in many different ways. I would love a Ki points per day system with the options to learn abilities besides stunning fist, perhaps some techniques that allow the monk to resist spells or move quicker. The biggest problem I've had with Rangers is that they usually get pushed in to being either a two-weapon warrior or archer. I think that if PE ditched the combat specialization rangers would get a bit more diverse. I generally think the concept of a favored enemy is fine, although I would like to see the list be a bit less redundant(Outsiders and Humanoids should not be split in to so many sub-categories) and the ability apply to more than just hit and damage. I also think the "druid-lite" nature powers need to be ditched in favor of other abilities, perhaps some that favor survival in certain environments or something. *On account of the Cipher, if it is like a Psion, then it should be it's own class
  20. How the **** did this thread go from "Sexism in Project Eternity" to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other things by Whedon" to Political Correctness? Anyways I'd like to address a few things. The world should be consistent. The laws of the world should be firmly established and apply evenly throughout the setting. If having strength lower than X incurs a penalty for a certain race or class, that needs to be true in all situations involving those variables. There shouldn't be people who are immune to x element simply because the difficulty was set higher(like in the crapheap DA2) or bandits suddenly being able to take 10 times the damage they used to(level scaling). Motivations and actions should be realistic. Bandits should be in to the whole plundering thing and exist to do that, they should not be motiveless badies for the PC and party to slay to get XP. I'm tired of motivation-less(or even worse bull**** motive) characters. The world should take as little influence from real life as possible. I don't want to travel to a "sort of France" or adventure in "not quite Spain" or whatever. I want to see a world that is original and was designed without trying to emulate cultures from the real world.
  21. That is similar to what I do. I love making characters that are different from the other PCs I create and see how the world reacts to them.
  22. I do think the "mainstream" or "AAA" RPGs are mutating into something else entirely, but I do think that there is hope with kickstarter. I would argue that the main things AAA titles tend to feature(extremely detailed graphics, long cinematics, and lots of voice acting) are the things that matter least to most fans of RPGs. The thing that makes an RPG a RPG is the ability to roleplay a character consistently, which does not benefit from(and in the case of voiced PC suffers from) what most AAA titles have to offer. So what most of us would call a great RPG would not really benefit from the requirements for a AAA game, and don't really need the 20 million + budget. Kickstarter comes in to play by allowing developers to crowd source directly from their customers(essentially a pre-order in most cases) to create the game the fans want. This means we can have the great RPGs without having to sit through hours of cinematics, see zots thrown at making environments pretty rather than content rich, or having less dialogue available because all lines have to be voiced. We have a real successor to Fallout with Wasteland 2, a great RPG in Shadowrun Returns, Obsidian's Project Eternity is almost certain to be excellent, and others to scratch our RPG itch that AAA publishers seem hesitant to touch thanks to the opportunity provided by kickstarter. To answer the OP's question: I think that it is Western Publishers who believe that the traditional-RPG market is not worth pursuing, not necessarily Western Developers.
  23. I think that sexism, racism, jingoism, bigotry, should exist. I also think that truly horrible thing should occur like rape, massacre, and incredibly cruel torture. Why? Because of realism. Not realism in the sense of having things be exactly like they are in real life, but realistic behaviors and motives. Take bandits for example. In quite a few games they are reduced to bad people who do bad things, even though those bad things are rarely shown or even discussed. I would love to see a band of racist and/or jingoistic bandits who go around raping and pillaging towns, because that is what bandits would do.
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