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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. <.< Every time alanshu posts on here, another bug ships with DA3.
  2. "New Jade Empire". Didn't like the first myself.
  3. Already did, medical associations think its bull****. 80s Lawmakers aren't the best judges of science, seeing as they contemplated categorizing "ketchup" as a vegetable. Legislators. That is some massive butthurt. I don't see how nuclear energy and battery powered vehicles that have already been proven to work is "wishful thinking" but whatever. If the West protests and boycotts, I'd say that the stance softens a few months before the Olympics. If just online protests and a few pundits, Putin will push harder to look tough.
  4. It is interesting you bring up South Africa Bruce, because that is a perfect example of a nation with a barbaric policies that changed due in part to pressure from other nations. If people started boycotting a certain countries products because they dislike what that country does, that sends a clear message that can't be ignored if enough people do it.
  5. 12 month delay != banned forever. I don't suppose you know what "forever" actually means? It was once considered normal to have a son marry his father's wife, stone people for eating shrimp, and for someone to own slaves. Not very good things, and with the exception of the first, all are illegal in civilized countries. Not sure what this has to do with homosexuality though. So you aren't the "Cultist" who would whine about being betray or whatever? Heh, must of been that other one then. Never mind that China's huge inequality will lead them to collapse, or that Russia's and Saudi Arabia's power will likely evaporate with the advancement of renewable energy. The idea that any country has the right to harass it's citizens to the degree Russia, China, and the Islamic countries do is so against the idea of human rights anyone who believes they are justified in doing that is insane.
  6. You seem to enjoy defending them and the cold hostility of Russia seems more suited to your temperament than the sickening politeness of Canada.Well, I'm usually above declaring an entire nation of millions to be a ****hole or the people being vile, human garbage or some other of litany of bad names, as it's boring and lazy to do. Not sure you know much of my temperament, much as Bruce above here, anyway. I don't see how calling out a nation with large tracts of frozen wasteland, an economy almost solely supported by petro, is governed by a "strongman dictator", is much more corrupt than its peers and has rampant human rights abuses for being a ****hole is lazy. Or when I said that Russians were "human garbage".
  7. You seem to enjoy defending them and the cold hostility of Russia seems more suited to your temperament than the sickening politeness of Canada. Islamic nations are just as bad as Russia, but they have the possibility of destroying each other and saving the West some effort.
  8. No That's unfair, outdated and not relevant to how the USA implements foreign policy decisions or military intervention anymore Actually it is pretty damn relevant and true. Working against the interests of nation means you are against them, and those states that are should not be treated well by the nation they are working against. Certain countries love slandering the US over almost anything, but can't wait to stick their hands out for money and cry if the US doesn't save their ass fast enough.
  9. False. Homosexual != HIV positive. You aren't very good with science are you? None of which is comparable to homosexuality, seeing as they either involved non-consenting parties or are just plain malicious. I'd say that is laughably stupid, but then again you're the guy that thought PE was started because DA2 sucked more **** than a Russian on Saturday. The laws of Russia are wrong. Russia is wrong. It is the right and responsibility of the West to either make that ****hole behave themselves or justly purge them from the face of the Earth.
  10. Is it just me, or when someone says "immersion" they just want something but don't know how to explain it? Anyways, the problem with activated abilities in most games is that they are tied to a cool down that often doesn't make sense. There is no reason why a Warrior has to wait 15 seconds between shield bashes or a Mage can't toss out all of their spells at once.
  11. Why not both? Why not throw in "deadbeat dad" for laughs?
  12. Russians only use the Internet for porn and to praise Putiepoo.
  13. I suppose either Asswad or the Islamists could be behind it. Either way, it is the work of anti-West forces who need to be bombed into oblivion.
  14. Why are you so butthurt about some homos being killed and beaten up on the other side of the planet?Because killing people who have committed no crime is wrong, not to mention that Russia is truly a blight upon the world that must be purged with fire and sword.
  15. That cracked me up. But the idea makes sense, Russia is such a friendly place where they treat foreigners and people that are different to them really well. It would make sense and Russia has loads of land that they doing nothing with? Perhaps with the surge of extremism, Russia will actually be relevant again, and the West can crush them.
  16. No one here is fighting for the trash that is Russia aside from a lunatic masquerading as a woman.
  17. I'm out late tonight so I suppose I will eat some cereal.
  18. $10 says the Maker turns out to be a superdemon or a stripper.
  19. Something like that.
  20. Your westling ancestors clearly lacked the idiocy and abcense of class possessed by Russian.
  21. My survival kit is a bottle of whiskey, a pistol, a shotgun, hundreds of bullets and shells, and some dried food.
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