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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. No. Just no. PS:T was 200% of pure perfection as it was. And this is one of the reasons why I won't even touch a "remake" if it's ever made. It's just won't be the same thing. When you're developing a remake the temptation to "improve" something is just too great. Unfortunately, in the case of PS:T remake "improving" anything means insta-ruining the whole thing. I jumped out of my lolocopter. PST is easily the weakest IE game in terms of combat. PST is only fun if you're playing a High Wisdom character, which is counter-intuitive to available classes to TNO. Claiming that PST is "200% of pure perfection" is deluded, and I say this as someone who loves the game.
  2. We don't have any in Houston, but I prefer Little Bitty Burger Barn or Hubcap Grill when I want a burger.
  3. Huh, I've had that problem as well. The Monk I rolled with managed to dispatch enemies much faster than the Paladin, and seemed to take less damage as well.
  4. IMO, this is less of a bug and more that Culture should be selected right after subrace.
  5. IMO, a remastering of PST would need to add stuff the original lacked, like equipable armor. As it is, I'm going to stick to the originals until most of the better mods are made compatible. Playing BG2 without Ascension and SCS seems wrong.
  6. I don't care about what you feel that it's fun for you. Considering time/resources, they should stick to what they have and use their remaining time/resources to fix/balance/polish the game and not catering some loud people. Unless that loud people want to pay from their pocket those optional systems. Then that's ok a long as the resource known as time allows it. The only way they will have the time to allow it is if the pro-combatxpers come up with around 200k or so and make another donation. They are asking them to overhaul the one system that has more to do with game balance and power curves than anything else. It would easily take a month or two possibly more to do just that, forget about all the bugs, polishing, and everything else you have to put on hold. It is a ridiculous request that is not as popular as people think and it is not going to happen. I am more than happy to fund Combat XP, just show me where. You'll be receiving an e-mail from an African Prince shortly.
  7. This. Using a Paladin or Monk with the BBFighter allows you to engage mobs and keep other characters safe from charging melee. Use the BBCleric to buff and have the BBWizard fire off CC if possible. Finally use the BBRogue to flank or plink with a ranged weapon.
  8. You can't avoid/talk your way out of all the combat - it will be combat heavy - lots of mandatory combat - you just won't get xp for the combat so you'll still have to do the quests. Hoping so. Seems like you can pretty much get through the beta without combat, which is definitely setting a tone that I'm growing disturbed by. I blame that on the Beta being buggy as ****. IIRC, some XP was supposed to be tied to stuff like clearing levels of the megadungeon or exploring. Would be nice to get some clarification on that.
  9. No, new body so its reincarnation. The corpse of romance would probably get reanimated as a soulless beast if the South African spent enough time in the thread though.
  10. Then prove it. Disown this type of stuff and double standards based on gender that negatively affect men. Striving for equality by focusing solely on the needs of one group is....not a very good way to get equality. It is fitting though, a lot like characterizations of anyone that has a problem at all with "Anita" as the rape and death threat makers. If SJWs want me to take responsibility for some a troll being an asshat, then they need to own up to this stuff.
  11. Its a bug that makes the grimore disappear. Devs are aware and hopefully it will be ironed out in the update.
  12. No, I have a 9mm Glock. Gotcha, stainless steel S&M 686 here I come.
  13. Why a revolver? And what for? Target shooting, home defense, plinking, competition? 1. Cause I think they're awesome. 2. Probably target shooting, mother****ers know better than to **** with me.
  14. I hear walking for the rest of your life can really suck....oh not what you meant. I'm thinking of buying a revolver with my tax refund, any advice?
  15. I ate boneless chicken wings before, they were called nuggets. If I'm going to eat buffalo wings, I'm eating them with the bone-in and dipped in blue cheese dressing.
  16. I could see that working, but some classes would need a revamp to line up with the lore of PoE, Monks in particular.
  17. *sigh* I find that the XP threads are getting worse than the romance threads ever were. The two systems are incompatible due to philosophical reasons. Kill-XP(or XP for doing everything from scribbling scrolls to lockpicking) rewards what the player does, while Objective-XP rewards what the player gets done. Obsidian is using Quest-XP because they want many party configurations and playstyles to feel viable and that doesn't take much effort when you tie XP to getting stuff done without factoring in how it got done. Trying to accomplish the goal of reasonably equal viability while rewarding XP for most skill based actions becomes very difficult, because you now have to figure out a way to provide enough XP for many different playstyles and parties so that no one feels like they're making a mistake by not taking a certain course of action. This isn't aimed at Cantousent, BTW.
  18. Again I feel the sting of irony that you are critiquing me on lack of understanding leading to an ineffective debate. I mean seriously dude.. I barely can piece together what your even talking about.. I read every third word and hope I caught the gist of what you meant.. Which clearly I didn't. HA! Good Fun! finally, something we can agree to: you have a fundamental "lack of understanding." HA! Good Fun! I don't think my lack of understanding is fundamental unless everyone in the world starts talking like a retarded orc. I need a Gromnir translator. http://i.word.com
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