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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'll have to check, but I think the difference between difficulty settings is just the stat modifier. If that's the case, fighting Unfair Playful Darkness will be a lot like fighting the normal one in terms of tactics, with the obvious disclaimer that +8 to attack/AC/saves ain't nothing to sneeze at. This is probably a relatively good thing, in that if Owlcat did something like Fire Emblem's Lunatic(+) modes and added various feats and buffs to enemies, the game would be unplayable on those settings instead of just extremely frustrating.
  2. Honestly as good as pets are I couldn't see myself using a ranger without the party bond thing. Stackable bonus with (pretty much) infinite uses? Yes please.
  3. I was just typing to advise you to have Arueshalae use instant enemy and share the bonus lmao.
  4. You could say that the Playful Darknes fight is......unbalanced. There's lots of tips, but in general I'd make dispelling him a top priority and feed some summons (swarms if you have them) to him to distract him. He's damaged by positive energy like an undead so the Pillars of Life spell will hurt him badly if you stack it and I think his will saves and touch AC are relatively low.
  5. I made pizza around New Year's, Margherita and prosciutto with fig. Very good but too carb heavy for regular eating. I'm doing OK on diet, but this morning I had a hangover celebration meal of going to Whataburger and getting a chicken strip sandwich with honey butter instead of barbecue sauce and onion rings. It's good, but has enough calories to send a man to the moon.
  6. I woke up relatively early and decided to excercise. The best date format is month NAME then day NUMBER then year NUMBER. You tell someone January 10 2023, (and if you can believe it...it's a Friday once again) and they will know you which date you mean.
  7. I've seen a few films recently Reservoir Dogs (1992)- Quentin Tarantino at his best, I think because he had an editor willing to cut the fat. Not a perfect movie and not one of my favorites, to me it's the cinematic equivalent of eating a really good hamburger. You're not expecting it to wow you with innovation but you know it's going to be good and you'd like to watch another some other time. Men (2022)- A very strange horror film with Rory Kinnear terrorizing a woman. As multiple characters including a child with Rory Kinnear's face. Has some weird cgi stuff and the end sequence will probably give you nightmares. Would not recommend to the faint of heart. Old Man (2022)- Almost a bottle movie. Almost very good. As it is, it's ok to good. Basically an old man living (mostly) alone in the woods gets suspicious of a man that turns up on his doorstep. That can go several different ways and it's up to you to find out, because I'm not spoiling.
  8. Saint Arnold French Press This is reminding me why I don't drink beer. It's not bad, in fact it's good, but it's no Black Yukon Sucker Punch.
  9. Next DLC release date is march 7, 2023. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1184370/view/3677786821887571853 "Child of the Manticore, as the name suggests, allows you to play as a descendant of a manticore."
  10. Monster. So Tenma did more wandering around chasing after clues, which lead to him stumbling into a plot by nazis to make the main villain the next Hitler and burn down a city to kill the Turks, which the main villain has no interest in because.....well I guess next Hitler isn't a great gig for an anime villain in a mystery drama. There is also a dwarf nazi who is a homage to The Man From Another Place in Twin Peaks, which means that watching this show to unwind from how weird Twin Peaks is (Twin Peaks: The Return is perhaps the best television I've seen, but it is heavy and dense at parts) just hit a brick wall. Still going to keep with it, because I like mysteries and the show is good, Dr. Tenma should have shot the Nazis though.
  11. How naughty Sosiel or Daeran on a mount. Both of them can get one for the price of a mythic ability and a revelation or feat, and the animal companion will be a better tank than most things. To boot it adds mobility to get them to the front line.
  12. I take full blame for starting this, but come on guys, this is going too far. Like bloody marys with shrimp and beef jerky in it, which are real unlike the Swedish special. We all know you're getting it to drink, as would I.
  13. If we're talking non-alcoholic beverages, I made a beautiful hot chocolate the otherday with a mix of whole milk, evaporated milk, and heavy cream with 70% chocolate melted into it. Very good for a (relatively) cold night and highly recommended. But you know what made it perfect? Bourbon.
  14. If I'm going to be reloading I may as well take the easy way out and cheat. I think there may be a difference based on alignment, the CG and LE had different music at least and I remember slightly different map layouts....but it has been a long time since I played it. WotR is much the same, the big difference between Drezen in my two playthroughs was due to being an Azata or Trickster with my war management having no effect. Anyways I agree on both fronts, it would have been really cool to see Drezen or the Kingmaker city change as you build more stuff. The way it's removed from the game makes me feel like it feel like an add-on of dubious enjoyment. Anyways.....I'm gonna start a Lich playthrough next to finally play as an evil necromancer.
  15. I cheated at the kingdom management after destroying my stats once over doing a project before a curse. Truly a terrible experience.
  16. In WotR, the one puzzle (that I can think of off hand) that makes sense is at Seelah's final quest where you get a note explaining the basics and a hint for the solution. Everything other puzzle is poorly explained at best and all are tedious. Owlcat puzzles just aren't enjoyable.
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