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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The hype was too much for me, more than even Barbenheimer.
  2. The internet definitely has made us all collectively dumber and worse, but in this case I think it's more funny than anything. Maybe I've just taken too much psychic damage though. BG3 doesn't look to be like the og BGs very much at all and I think you'll be perfectly fine to play this without having touched either of those games. And the hype is very real.
  3. I broke down and bought the game, downloading it now. Uhh I went to Nexus to check out the mods and was greeted with images of a dwarf phallus, a nude fairy, and a half-orc with a beeg hog. Beautiful.
  4. Good to know, I thought it would. I think the game gives one "freebie" level to animal companions without taking Boon Companion because when I run a gestalt character(s) with companions on load the "+" is usually there. Not sure if it's unique to me or is an unintended mod effect, I think @ShadySands is the other player itt that does gestalt so maybe he can confirm.
  5. That's what I'm thinking as well. But I have to say most of what I've heard is positive and I do want to give it a go
  6. The 2007 movie Stardust? The music in Twin Peaks: The Return is consistently great, probably one of the best soundtracks out there.
  7. https://www.texasobserver.org/gods-army-gathers-in-fort-worth/ Some wild stuff. Edit: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/richard-hanania-white-supremacist-pseudonym-richard-hoste_n_64c93928e4b021e2f295e817 I can't say I'm surprised.
  8. Right now where I'm at it's hitting 40+C/100+F (with a "feels like" 4-5C higher due to humidity) temps and the power grid is unreliable, so I want to wait until the heat is more manageable before running my PC for too long. I don't want to spend $400-500 right now, and it will work fine as is. I was mostly surprised after seeing a years worth of articles on how 'You will DEFINITELY NEED to UpGraDe your PC to play this game" and finding out that my 5-year old beast can run it close to recommended. I guess they let AI write all the articles or something. There was a political figure who had an aide whose name translates to Portuguese or Brazilian slang as "Stupid Dumbass". This has nothing to do with BG3, I just think it's funny.
  9. Damn, I'm just behind recommended with an AMD r5 2600x. I do have a 2070 so I'm ahead there. Looks like I'll head back to the Forgotten Realms.....in 6 months to a year. Maybe they should double down on animatronic animations and make Willie's Wonderland into a vidyagame.
  10. Uhhh, how bad are the system requirements?
  11. Judgement Aura now indeed becomes a permanent buff with that mythic ability for limitless judgments and the mod that allows using Judgment out of combat, which would make the Judge a better bard than a bard in some ways. Yeah, after the 1st run I'd reccomend going crazy with mods and stuff to do wild stuff, but different strokes and all that. A playthrough with lots of cheating fits the Trickster very well. Trickster is more fun to play while the story is a letdown of fetch quests for a pervert who got dumped. But it has a very funny interaction with Legend's story in that you leave the council in the black lodge waiting for you to show up again. I keep getting bit by rerolling Lich and have decided to play while I wait for the next (2?)DLC to drop and can give a Reanimator/Shadowcaster gestalt a test to see if I like it. After that I want to do Angel, Demon, Azata (again), Aeon>Devil, Trickster>Legend.
  12. As of the recent update, Inquisitors and Aeons are back on the menu with no more crashes to desktop when using their core features. A curious mod interaction allows Judgements and Enforcing Gazes to be activated outside of combat when they're unlimited. I don't think that it's a huge deal, as it only saves a single swift action, but if you have a swift action heavy character it may be a big boost. Assuming it also applies to the Judge archetype (which the mod I belive is causing it, Dark Codex, does), that would be a massive boost because the Judgement Aura becomes a permanent buff and Sentence + Judgement + Aura comes online in the first round instead of the third. So I guess if you ever wanted to play Judge Dredd, you can do that now. Now that I think of it, there was another Inquisitor archetype that got a swift action ability, some kind of smite iirc. That also grabs a nice benefit from this. I still think that the Sanctified Slayer remains the best Inquisitor for single target damage though.
  13. I've got undersized mount as a feat with the mods, so you can ride things your size. It's very funny to see a human riding a medium animal like a wolf or smilodon, kinda like this It also fixes animal companion sizes, so you can enlarge them properly. Poor horseys though, now they're always in last place.
  14. Stop making me tempted to try building stuff lmao. I've done some testing and at least with my modded game (which has several "fixes" to make it inline with pnp as well as additions), charging specific things besides the Fabled Hero's Lance don't apply on subsequent attacks when pouncing. So if we want the crazy damage we're looking at stacking up stuff for that single charge, for my modded game I'd float a full Gendarme worshipping Gorum using Greatswords and Vital Strike as the best way to do this. One of the things added is Gorum's Divine Fighting Technique, which applies Vital Strike on a charge. Stacked together you're adding x4 the damage roll from Gendarme and Spirited Charge along with the Greater Mythic Vital Strike. Using this with Bloody Red Cleaver outcompetes the Fabled Hero's Lance by a bit on the initial hit, and the 6d6 (the greatsword beats the lance by 2d6 using enlarge shenanigans) from subsequent attacks doesn't make up for it. Mythic paths will obviously complicate things and all that, but it was a fun thot experiment to play with it. Again this is all with mods so it may not be applicable to any vanilla builds, but I highly reccomend Tabletop Tweaks to everyone who has played the game or wants to play it.
  15. Yeah I think that the button you're talking about only works for characters because it runs off xp, which animal companions don't use. Mythic Rank does work, so if you want mythic companions you can do it that way. I'd still lean towards cheating if you're ok with it, I think animal companions have their natural armor and stat bonuses tied to their level in which case you'd be down a substantial amount of AC. If you want to play it fair-ish, you can take Boon Companion as a feat and add in Horse Master via Toybox so it'll act like you skipped the Caviler feature prerequisite that Horse Master has. As an even more cheating alternative, you can play around with an interpretation of Free Archetype from 2e and take Arcane Trickster as a gestalt. Though with +10 CL (you may have to uncap caster level, luckily Toybox has this option) and all the goodies from levels 11-20 of Sylvan Sorcerer you will be substantially stronger, like half a Legend with all the Trickster goodies.
  16. They work similarly and had the same issue, so it could very well be that Owlcat forgot to include the notes. Either way I'll let yall know when I get off work.
  17. I'll test it tonight, I looked at the notes and Aeon isn't mentioned though.
  18. Maybe it could work with the infamous Scaled Fist and Nature Oracle dips to create a tough frontline support/tank but I think that +4 AC and a single damage redirect per round isn't going to save the fragile backline from an archer gang who won initiative, nor is it a good trade for spells.
  19. I think if you go into the features tab on your character, you'll see Animal Companion with a number next to it. Try increasing that to see if it increases the animal companion level. If you're down with cheating and mods....there's a feat for Cavaliers in TTT that makes animal companions scale with character level called Horse Master. Also, if you can wait Trickster gives you 2d6 sneak attack at MR3 so you can qualify for Arcane Trickster right after getting it without taking a Rogue dip. If you respec class levels you can max Arcane Trickster by level 14 with a sorcerer. Divine Guardian isn't worth it. Paladin spells contain useful personal buffs that outweigh whatever the non-caster Paladins get in return.
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