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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'm still disappointed at the lack of sea monster battles in Deadfire, but I can't be terribly disappointed that Grounded isn't getting much attention or that Outer Worlds (which I haven't played yet) didn't win one of its four awards.
  2. If I was playing a character I'd come up with something way better than being a tough guy whose wife thinks he's cool. Like I spent last summer on a bizarre adventure with an old man, his grandson, a fortune teller, a high school student, and a dog travelling to Egypt to fight a hundred year old vampire who could stop time. Go big or go home, much like current politics where milquetoast reforms are as unlikely (or even moreso) than massive overhauls or restructuring so you may as well play to your people instead of trying to convince two dozen galaxy brained centrists whose sole qualification is the baffling ability to fail upward by consistently being wrong.
  3. To take away from quibbling over how bad CNN was in smearing Bernard, recently a group of moms occupying a vacant home in Oakland were evicted by police with militaty gear. Seems just a bit excessive, but I guess homeless moms are a big enough threat to need to bring out a tank.
  4. Well Aktually..... there is a large anti-war and anti-intervensionist among the far-right. It's tied to nationalism, anti-Semitism, or the fact a sizeable number used to be libertarians. Carlson is undeniably the first on that list. I'm sure this is going to backfire horribly so I wondered if it was some sort of ploy by deep cover Bernie folks, then I remembered it was CNN and they really are that idiotic.
  5. It depends, how much do you want for it and what flavor of alcohol have you been drinking in the last 3 months?
  6. It makes sense if you consider that the purpose of US policy is to support megacorps.
  7. IT BEGINS. And fascism starts either when the government hands power to them (Germany and Italy), they launch a coup (Spain and Latin America), or when liberalism doesn't let states do enough imperialism (Japan). The forms of bigotry associated with fascist movements/states were widely existing phenomenon before and after.
  8. This is the guy who advised Theresa May in her surprising loss against Corbyn, lost Matteo Renzi his referendum that led to the Five Star Movement and Northern League coming to power in Italy, and thought Hillary was going to destroy Trump in 2016 so I'm not going to put much stock in what he says.
  9. A smoking crater would be an aesthetic improvement over those hideous hotels.
  10. I saw Cats. This is entirely accurate and I wish the world would end. https://m.imgur.com/a/QBU5BJm
  11. I forgot who Miller was for a second, guess after a while all the alt-right goons working in politics start to look and sound the same.
  12. Hopefully this means a united Ireland.
  13. I reinstalled Kingmaker. So far I ran into an issue where a save I loaded on the worldmap for the Varnhold dlc froze the game, and when using the unity mod manager the game the game frequently freezes when loaded and does not close. Otherwise cosmetic bugs and clunky feeling navigating the menus. In terms of gameplay it requires a knowledge not just of Pathfinder but of the specfic things implemented in game. For instance Magus is missing Close Range arcana so spellstrike caps out with Vampiric Touch (which is bad) but Eldritch Scion and Sword Saint are much better than their PnP counterparts (which is good). All in all my experience has been fun with severe bumps of frustration.
  14. A decent PC with (close to) modern componets will provide better performance but cost at least 2.5x more than a console (which run for around $300) for high end PCs you're looking at over 1k for the GPU alone. If you don't have the money because wages are stagnant and landlords and repugnant leeches, you're probably not going to see much difference or at least not enough to justify the higher price point between a console and a PC you can reasonably afford tbh.
  15. I'm a little disappointed tbh, the 2nd edition of Pathfinder is significantly better and it's a shame they're seemingly sticking to the first edition.
  16. Your stats are for loan application approvals, not what percentage or segment(s) of the population is able to get a loan or afford the terms of a loan. The closest your linked stats get is a 12% approval for new business, which isn't particularly encouraging to a ragged crew of would be employee-owners. And if your example of the mine was accurate, the $8 million in capital for the initial investment is 12 times that of the "average business loan" of 663k in 2017, which given that the average small business loan from a large firm is 493k and over half of business loans are for less than 100k seems to be evidence that large firm loans are in another league. Which all goes back to business owner(s) of a mine having an ability to eat it that a small business loan applicant doesn't due to higher capital or state assistance, effectively making their risk significantly less relative to wealth than it would be for eighty guys who work in the mines (average salary for US miners is $63K) taking out $100k loans. Thus the huge risk is not so huge for someone like Freeport-McMoRan.
  17. That wasn't what I was expecting, but I will probably end up giving it a try.
  18. Those are some faces I've (thankfully) not seen in a while. And now I feel like a chump for continuing it. That's what I get for not following the forum for a few days I guess.
  19. Yes, I'm telling you finding 20 (25 if we're still rounding up to 10 mil) guys with the ability to get the equivalent of 2 home loans (for my area) and are financially secure enough to take out such a loan to become co-owners of a mine is incredibly unlikely. Same as above. Is this middle sized coal mine financed in Poland you've used as an example owned by a business with capital reserves by any chance? That's 10-40x the car loans I took out, and at least half of what I would need for an ok house in my area. If that's your idea of a regular cash loan then you have no understanding of working/middle class financial situations.
  20. Yes, barring a historical aberration.
  21. It's more likely the US government gets overthrown than it implementing free healthcare.
  22. The amount of capital needed to start up a mining operation is out of reach for most wageslaves in developed countries even if they did band together to start a mining co-op, whether through simple denial by financial institutions or absurd interests rates. Significantly more so for African miners in the elite fella's example. Conversely business owner has significantly better access to capital (loan and wealth) and has the ability to eat the loss whether through accumulated wealth or state bailouts.
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