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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'm willing to bet a lot of those same folks thought it was fake news to begin with. And lets be honest, Trump would sacrifice his entire base in order to make the stock market line go for a few minutes up and I doubt the presumptive democratic nominee would be different. We are ****ed.
  2. Yeah, if the 3% mortality is accurate then several few months down the road a death toll of a million in the US wouldn't be inconceivable, and I'll wager that a lot of cases will be confirmed after autopsy. We've already had some tremendously stupid errors like not postponing primary voting (one site had some workers with confirmed cases of covid-19) and it's almost certain more ****ups are coming down the road.
  3. Given how neurotic testing policy can be here (no tests unless specific systems, despite asymptomatic cases being common in many areas) I think the current number is at most a tenth of actual cases and we're not at the peak yet due to disastrous policies.
  4. I mean seeing the rank hypocrisy from these leeches is always morbidly funny, but said grandparents are fine with their grandchildren living with 9 other people in a single bedroom apartment and no prospects to the point of actively opposing stuff like rent control, public healthcare, or student loan forgiveness so it seems to me the boomers couldn't care less about their kids' kids. Anyways looks like there's a stay home order for Houston until April 3rd. Unfortunately it looks like my job is an "essential service" so I still have to make sure the bougies have their pools running. No overtime or hazard pay either.
  5. I think she would have dumped Bruce for sonicmage tbh. On topic, apparently they're floating shoving 6 trillion into wall street to delay its collapse long enough for some folks to cash out. Money printer goes brrrrr indeed.
  6. If true that's the dumbest decision I've heard about this game.
  7. Me too, and I made the joke about shipping Bruce and Qis.
  8. Based on some reports, he may have infected several other congress folks before he got the results. Would be hilarious if this turns out to be the most effective way Paul reduced the government.
  9. So Barr dumped stock before the panic and market dive, but so did a senator from Georgia named Kelly Loeffler. What's more, she is married to the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange and its parent company, and she put her money into a teleconferencing company. Maybe I'm just a loony radical, but something about this nexus of power seems to be a little ****ed to me. Reported for treating DJ Bobo as a joke.
  10. Coming-to-Jesus moments are rare, even moreso for folks who benefit from not doing so like leaders. I think that when the covid-19 panic mellows, regardless of the number of corpses it produces, people will largely go back to where they were before as if it had never happened. To be crass, I think the biggest political impact of Covid-19 would be if it killed off a significant number of old folks(who have a higher mortality rate compared to general population) because they tend vote a certain way.
  11. If BG3 has cheesey and terrible writing with similar breadth of content as DOS2, then it will be a clear successor to BG2. Stuff like the neurotic romances, getting railroaded into rescuing a good npc, and most of the companions was trash and BG2 got by on it's breadth of content more than it did the sloppy writing or clumsily ported 2e mechanics.
  12. The Sphynx sounds like a megadungeon, which would be great if they make it great. I hope we get more companion info, right now we got a Paladin, Monk Archer, Spellcasting Rogue, Witch, Shaman, and Oracle which looks pretty caster heavy. It's good that out of the six characters revealed five have clasees that NPCs in Kingmaker didn't have and I'd love to see a Bloodrager or Slayer companion.
  13. As someone with both a Bachelor's degree and certified by TDLR as a journeyman electrician and a RAIL, that meme is stupid. Working 40 hours a week I am making half of what Robert does (as do most of my similarly qualified peers) and have never meet a Phillipe because most folks I went to school with did so with a career in mind, usually something in business. The problem isn't meme degrees being useless irl, Gromnir has already pointed out how employers care about a degree more than what's on it for many careers, it's that the jobs people get coming out of college aren't paying enough to pay off their debt and live with rents and other expenses necessary to function in modern society.
  14. Yeah, I was talking about stuff like drone strikes or detention camps. Trump has set a bar that probably won't be beat in terms of what he's done for personal enrichment and nepotism, but that's less impactful than standard operating procedure of the US for a lot of people. It's weird to call Bernie revolutionary. He's talking about reforming existing structures in the US to be in line with what other developed countries have, not about guillotines for ceos or whatever some folks seem to be screeching about.
  15. I don't really agree, I think a lot of bad stuff that happens is independent of who is currently head of state so long as they keep managing the same policies. Trump and his crew are a lot more brazenly ****ed up than a lot of past administrations but if Biden gets in there and starts doing the same thing with his friends then it's not a comfort that a different group is doing corrupt stuff that negatively impacts me.
  16. Somehow I'm not concerned about a judge (who may or may not have raped someone in college) getting shot by a frenzied supporter of the cheesecake superfan. I am concerned about the militarization of state forces, like ICE recently knocking on doors in full tacticool gear, because that is actually happening now.
  17. Assuming 5e is similar to other instances of D&D, initiate will be a roll based on the Dexterity attribute. I assume Dex is still good for AC and ranged attacks so I don't think that's going to be a problem.
  18. As someone who is fairly healthy, I haven't personally had any problems with my insurance (aside from stuff that shady mentioned) but my mom had to fight constantly for cancer treatment reccomended by the oncologists and a friend of mine has to jump through insane hoops (at least) monthly just to get his prescriptions. While the cost of an accident is ****ing terrifying for me, I'm also dreading having to do the equivalent of another full time job just to get the care I or my family may need and am already ****ing paid for.
  19. I'm more concerned with the existing authoritarianism in the US than I am with the possibility of expanded public health care or 15 buck minimum wage or whatever morphing into Red Terror 2.0. Ironically Bernie would probably be the best on this, but I guess unconstitutional stop and frisk or dementia addled buffoonery is more palatable than prison reform or cutting down on NSA and ICE to certain folks.
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