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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Jesse Ventura is going to be Vermin Supreme's running mate.
  2. But that is what you would do or want, not what everyone who may play BG3 or bring the banjo to an orchestra would do or want. As it is I'd bet my hat multiplayer similar to what Laraian did in DOS2 is going to be in BG3, and that it will be completely optional just as it was in BG, BG2 and DOS2. If you're interested in a single player game adapting D&D mechanics to fit a computer game, then there's been no indication that BG3 won't provide that.
  3. Looks amazing will pick up when it's on sale.
  4. By striving for the impossible we achieve the limits of possibility, if we were to cautiously do no more than what we know to be possible then we would never take a single step forward. Quite a bit of the time a proper single-player cRPG plays like a very poor rendition of a PnP game (even when not directly adapting PnP mechanics) with meh storytelling and most of them only saved by grognards having masochistic tastes in mechanics or waifus, the exceptions are unfortunately few and far between. I think it's almost certain that Baldur's Gate 3 is going to have multiplayer functionality similar to the DOS games, because that fits well in Larian's wheelhouse and with wizards branding D&D as a social experience/lifestyle. It's similarly almost certain that it's going to be able to be played by yourself, and be close enough to D&D 5E for those familiar with the system to recognize it, so it should be good enough for anyone able to slog through Kingmaker.
  5. Honestly, it'd surprise me if BG3 wasn't multiplayer. The first two having multiplayer (which I doubt few on these boards ever used) aside, the shore mages have been trying to brand D&D as sort of a lifestyle thing you do in a group, and a videogame that does multiplayer like the DOS games fits that like a glove. As long as they don't do anything like Armor in DOS2, it will probably be a pretty good game that captures tabletop.
  6. I mostly want to use Forbidden Fist with Draining Touch for thematic reasons and consistent Con afflictions tbh, I wasn't expecting it to scale with unarmed abilities else it'd be as broken as the Woedica spiritual weapon used to be. I'm going to use the Community Patch, and I believe that it raises wound limit to 10 for Shattered Pillar. Does WotEP work with Instruments of Pain in the same way Citzal's Spirit Lance?
  7. Old bearded men can walk into the women's bathroom as well, because there's no bathroom guard or whatever to prevent someone from walking in to a bathroom at the vast majority of places. This further distracts from how pedophiles are more likely to victimize children they are familiar with through family, friendship, work, etc. than to grab a kid in a bathroom. I guess accepting and acting on the fact that uncle eddie is a creep is a lot harder than screaming about hypothetical transwoman pedophiles stalking bathrooms for some people.
  8. I'm considering making a sage for my next Deadfire playthrough and wanted some help. Currently I'm torn between three ideas, 1) a 2-hander Shattered Pillar that uses Citzal's Spirit Lance (WotEP and Willbreaker as backup weapons), a Nalpazca dual wielder that uses Modwyr + something else, or a Forbidden Fist that uses the exploit for infinite Draining Touch. Are there any items in particular I should look out for and any trap abilities I should avoid?
  9. Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that 213374U doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. 213374U is undertaking a systematic effort to change this forum, to make forums.obsidian.net more like the rest of the internet. That's why he posts copypasta and smugly tells gamers off and was rude to a South African user. It is a systematic effort to change forums.obsidian.net. When I'm global moderator of this forum, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made forums.obsidian.net the greatest message board on the internet and we are going to leave future posters with what they deserve: the single greatest forum in the history of the internet.
  10. Related, but the Onion is now a more accurate news source than NYT or Washington Post. What a timeline.
  11. The Kurds have a saying "only the mountains are our friends" because they expect to be betrayed. Trumps actions are absolutely vile and should be condemned, but the reasons for the betrayal go deeper than the buffoon currently squatting in the white house and isn't something that will be fixed by electing an ostensibly anti-war/intervention/ethnic-cleansing politico to take his place. biji biji Rojava
  12. hahahahaha governor goodhair got thrown under the bus hahahahahaha
  13. I think it's safe to say that doing anything special for your inlaws is dangerous and that you should keep as much distance, emotional and physical, as possible. Especially if they're in Florida.
  14. I think that they are both worse, a Clinton presidency would have kept "centrism" alive so that the ticking bombs of climate change and class stratification wouldn't be confronted as much as they are now for example. The presidency isn't just what they do when in charge but is also how they are reacted to and of there's a silver lining to the dementia addled buffon it's that some people are realizing business as usual isn't going to work anymore.
  15. My city made the NYT. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/02/climate/hurricane-adaptation-houston.html Where I grew up may be underwater in several decades, but Bill Koch got to build a replica of an old west town so I guess it's all worth it.
  16. Well Bruce is the kid of a banker who lives a boujee lifestyle, so go figure.
  17. ...aren't there people doing longer stints for weed? What a country.
  18. So if that cop who shot a guy in his own apartment gets off, does that set precedent that off duty cops can kill you on spurious grounds, like getting their apartment confused with yours, and not go to jail?
  19. I only mentioned DOS2 because the mods it has are fairly extensive and intensive, and I don't see that for Deadfire. Honestly I don't really think (vanilla) DOS2 is a very well designed gameplay system, it's wildly unbalanced in most respects and is incredibly easy to cheese. I'd like a classless PoE to keep most of the underlying systems but 1) uncouple abilities from specific classes and put them into a general pool and 2) go to universal HP and defense table with attributes having a more significant effect. More importantly, I want steampunk Eora instead of colonial Eora so I can rob trains and shoot strikebreakers. lol I played through POE1 at launch (it was bad) and it was massively polished to where it is now. Deadfire had about a year of polishing before Turn Based Mode was added and any issues are inherent in the RTwP making me wait half an hour while heavy armor characters recover.
  20. I hope if there is another main Pillars game it jumps forward to Eora Industrialization, significantly alters the system to be turn-based and classless, and is as mod-friendly as DOS2 is.
  21. Not really, flat earthers don't disproportionately wield influence they use to jeopardize the entire planet while enriching themselves. If climate denialists were equivalent to flat earthers we might not be in the **** we are now.
  22. So Koch can spend his life spreading propaganda and directly influencing da big gubbermint in ways that will almost certainly make it harder for my (hypothetical) kids to survive in a world where food scarcity, extreme weather, and geopolitical crisis are exacerbated by rising temperatures, all so he can make more money, and the real villains are the ones who are glad he's dead? Then **** it I'm a villain.
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