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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. There absolutely is something comically wrong with America, rent is out of control to the point when I was making $20 an hour (about 2.5x minimum wage) I struggled to afford a single bedroom apartment (relatively cheap) and my less fortunate friends routinely had to go back to their parent's house. Buying a house would require a massive commitment that is practically off the table for me, and I have a credit score of around 800 so I don't get screwed on interest. This is to say nothing of the various loans people end up getting saddled with or the costs of taking care of kiddos, which make prosperity even more out of reach for quite a lot of people. **** is gonna get so bad in America it's either going to need massive reform or the guillotine is coming back in style.
  2. Take a guess what the general population of the Bahamas looks like.
  3. How difficult would it be to tie resource regeneration to stuff like downgraded/upgraded attacks or team attacks with animal companions? Because the idea fits thematically, which is good, but seems to look like it could be messy in implementation or end up being only situationally useful (which is already true of +x resources on kill).
  4. At this point I can barely differentiate between the trolls that have graced this forum.
  5. A real power move would have been to include David Koch.
  6. It depends on the candidate he runs against and if he manages to **** something up around the time of the election. And while the economy might not have gone nuclear it's in a precarious position with real wages being stagnant and rent prices becoming ridiculously high so that could blow up any moment.
  7. Lol, Sauron couldn't stop a couple of shortys from destroying his ring despite having an evil of army of doom, Sauruman had his schemes foiled at every turn, Palpatine got thrown down a shaft by a guy he thought was loyal and had his empire destroyed by some rebels and carebears, Vader managed to miss that he had a kid for 2 decades and then turncoated, Aliens are dumb and only know how to kill and reproduce, and the Preadators routinely get beat by less impressive physical specimens with primitive technology. The point of all this isn't to flex basic scifi/fantasy knowledge, but to point out how competency is usually an illusion based more upon aesthetic and demeanor than proficiency.
  8. The Naked Director. Normally tv sex makes me feel embarrassed, but this ended up being funny more than anything. I'd reccomend it for the nsfw folks, but make sure netflix doesn't set your audio to the dub because it's creepy.
  9. The Peasants were right, royalty deserves the guillotine.
  10. Lowering hitpoints for MBs is a good idea because Megabosses have insane health pools, but Dorudugan (who seems to be an outlier even with MBs) already has some absurd defenses combined with interrupt immunity, mind affliction immunity, Hellfire Iron, and high AR. The other megabosses can be major pains but with the others it felt like I could deal with them without having to use resource regeneration while with Dorudugan you could either exploit resonant touch or apply brilliant to your party members. How would this affect a non-caster/caster multiclass?
  11. I think it's interesting this raid happened directly after the firm lost a sexual harassment lawsuit for a few million.
  12. There's a difference between an hour of standup and over 2 hours of Joe talking when he's had a dime.
  13. I honestly hope they double down on this.
  14. Reddit needs to be wiped from the face of the earth.
  15. It wouldn't surprise me if that number was higher, but yes in the sense of "alt-right" as describing a particular range of nationalist politics rather than not being "mainstream right-wing politics". It's nomenclature that doesn't necessarily resemble reality, like how indie rock isn't necessarily independently published rock music. I share your unease concerning this risen reactionary beliefs and can think of a couple of terms more accurate than "alt-right", but calling things fascist or racist upset certain sensibilities. It's because they have ties to groups antifa brawls with, like the Proud Boys and 3%ers. And because those McVeys will more than likely vote for them.
  16. I'll bet my hat he's some flavor of alt-right incel that ranted on 4chan or reddit.
  17. A three year old screaming "mine" is a breakdown of every Ayn Rand work, and better written to boot. She was also a snitch who reported people to the feds, so that slag can get stuffed.
  18. Yeah, its a shame we're probably not going to get that. Probably not going to see Hughie infiltrate the G-Men or Superduper either.
  19. It's outrage clickbait based on a loose translation of facts designed to get the audience indignantinterested enough to share it on social media or email lists. I don't think much of any politico or government employee but I don't think sharing what amounts to conspiracy theories is a good use of time, especially considering they're openly up to horrible ****.
  20. Well I guess we're not getting the Black Noir reveal in The Boys.
  21. Well Raedric did have a cadre of undead with him and the lore entry for Lich mentions a Priestess of Berath, so I assume he doesn't have anything against undead. Checking the wiki it mentions sending The Pallid Knight demands an impossible toll from travelers who have tarried too long on her lord's road, but this doesn't necessarily mean undead.
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