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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Someone's never played Divorce Court: Enchanced Edition with the Homewrecker dlc.
  2. For a second there I thought you caod cenobites were a boogeyman and I'm now disappointed.
  3. I think money sped up because a particular audience loves romance content and because they picked one of the most lackluster options for a new race. Anywho I predict it will not hit $2mil but gets at least one stretchgoal beyond spirit whisperer half-elf gf.
  4. The Forgotten Realms should be torched tbh. Ravenloft, Starjammer, or Darksun would make objectively better settings.
  5. It works very well if you consider its purpose to be collecting premiums rather than providing adequate healthcare to the insured. I remember talking to a guy who worked at an insurance company and after a few drinks outright said what we all know or suspect, that they don't make money by paying claims.
  6. Eh, being able to stop time and mind control people who are one offhand comment from leaving the party isn't any more believable to me than everybody pausing (except for reactions) while a skinny nerd waves his hands around to hit them with a ball of fire. I prefer turn-based because I prefer slower paced combat and dislike the micro in late game rtwp games that inevitably gets ****ed up by any ai.
  7. Didn't the original Baldur's Gate only have 8 classes? Finally something in the tradition of BG! So we've got 8 classes, of which Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Warlock, and Wizard are in. If 8 is the final number I think Paladin, Druid, and Ranger fill out the rest of the line up while Barbarian, Bard, and Sorcerer are left out.
  8. I'm wondering just how bad it will go if Sanders gets a plurality of votes but the candidacy is given to someone else. I get the feeling a lot of Sanders fans are Vote Blue No Matter Who types this time around but between the demoralization of such folks and the effects of the DNC showing its whole ass I think a lot of the people will stay home and we'll see low turnout. The Dems seem to be banking on VBNMW sentiment about Trump and a calculated risk the Orange Man will be better for their donors their future electoral politics than if Bernie gets elected but given how absolutely wrong the galaxy brain centrists have been this past decade has me thinking something is going to go spectacularly wrong for them.
  9. I think Sagani is ok, she clearly differs from the typical dwarf archetype but not in such a way it feels like an inversion. Given BG3 is happening in the Forgotten Realms it's a safe bet dwarves are gonna be alcoholic scots but maybe we'll get lucky and get a female dwarf companion/pc who just wants put on comedic plays.
  10. South Carolina is notable because it's the first primary Biden has won in 3 decades of running for president.
  11. He's got a note on him that he talks to you about and interacts with some dwarf prisoners.
  12. You're mistaken. Beast's quest and plot is from the island prison until you get to Arx (the endgame). From what we've seen there's a Githyanki, two Humans, a Half-Elf, and an Elf preset so unless they're going to reveal more the anti-Dwarf cabal has struck again.
  13. I haven't played 5e, but if it's like DOS I hope we get to make use of the many non-combat spells and abilities found in other pnp games in exploration. To my knowledge that's not something to have ever been implemented well in a pnp derivative videogame.
  14. The deaths of real people is nothing compared to cgi body horror and githyanki riding dragons.
  15. I hope we get to be in the city of Baldur's Gate for more than the last quarter of the game.
  16. It can't, but that's irrelevant. The implementation is to imitate the pen and paper ruleset, not a jrpg (which are not largely turn-based anymore) or PoE (whose turn-based is pretty much a copy of what Pathfinder plays like in pen and paper).
  17. Yeah, rather than being post-truth it seems we're in a multiple-truth world where any random data set can be used to argue whatever the **** you want. I guess truth, along with everything else, really did end up being a spook. If we're going by how states have historically functioned, the state's job is to pursue it's own interests and those of a select group, call them the elite or ruling class or whatever suits your fancy. Anything beyond that is incidental to this function, and will change to meet such requirements.
  18. I was drinking last night and ended up having a conversation with a guy about how technically true facts ended up making how nothing had really changed. It was either profound or my drunk memory is rose tinted.
  19. This quoting software is pretty bad. The thing about basic economics is that they start falling apart when in the real world, it was funny how in econ 102 (not the actual name of the class) we learned how most of the assumptions we previously learned had to be "relaxed" in order to have a chance of a relevant conclusion. Anyways as hurlshot has somewhat said earlier, more jobs doesn't mean anything if you're already employed and struggling or if said jobs don't pay much. Given that labor is effectively a surplus in the US, in reality more jobs doesn't mean more competition between employers and real wages aren't going to necessarily slide up if there is an increase in employment opportunities because of things like sticky wages. We have that here in the US, enshrined in the 13th amendment that allows involuntary servitude as a punishment for a crime. Given that we have both (one of) the highest rates of incarceration (.7% of total population) and and highest population numbers, it really makes you think something is ****ed.
  20. If it's barring you from doing things that would allow one to not do a certain thing, then it effectively is forcing you to do something making it a semantic difference. For example I'm not forced to pay my landlord money, but sleeping in public, settling a random plot of land, or squatting in an unused building are all prevented by law (aka that person with a gun who will happily kill or jail you for non-compliance) so I'm required to pay for shelter in one form or another because I have not been able to develop the ability to function without sleep. Analyzing what laws do in the vacuum of what they say is meaningless because they are enforced in the real life conditions we find ourselves in.
  21. Weird, given that they've said "Once again, we want to stress out that our new CRPG is designed and balanced for RTWP, but with that, we're aiming to develop a turn-based mode to bring the game closer to a tabletop experience and give more control over combat for those of you, who prefer to play turn-by-turn. " Anyways they're $2k away from the reactivity stretch goal and the next one looks like it's adding more archetypes for each class.
  22. Maybe imitation of Pathfinder 1e pnp, which had been turn-based for about a decade before a videogame based on an adventure path was released.
  23. Well yeah, I think a copycat would be lame and that giving incentive to wait the duration is good. I think both are careful killers, but I the Assassin is setup to fish for a crit while the Ranger using Shadowed Hunters would work with a plain damage bonus and/or something like the effect of Takedown Combo but maybe with reduced defenses instead of bonus damage like the Ranger or companions is opening up the target for the other to hit.
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