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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I thought your line was the Holocaust wasn't as bad as it is commonly made out to be, not that it didn't happen? Either way a grown man going up to a neighborhood with the intent to talk to children is creepy. Kids have gone to college forever, hence the common term "college kids" that refers to the 18-22 year olds who attend college after graduating high school.
  2. Aside from the original Xbox (which only makes it due to nostalgia for playing Halo as a kid) all xboxes have been kind of ****. Nintendo Switch is pretty good imo, but I grew up playing smash and zelda so I'm biased to those games even if I spend more time playing on my PC.
  3. Honestly he just looks confused to me. Like Biden is rightfully mocked for losing his mind, but it wouldn't surprise me if Trump was revealed to have been suffering from dementia or similar for a while.
  4. I remember how almost everyone was certain Hillary would beat Trump (and she did win the popular vote) and how much of a shock everyone had when the dust cleared. In 2020, a year that's already seen a plague and a worldwide wave of anti-police sentiment, I truly have no idea what will happen four months from now or if a bizarre upset will be the weirdest thing to happen this year. All things considered, right now I predict Biden wins because Trump will do something that pisses everyone off, like forcing schools to open and unleashing another wave of the rona or it getting revealed that most of the aid relief went into the pockets of rich folks who happened to be connected to Trump's circle. Regardless, I doubt any major secrets will be publicly revealed or sold and whoever occupies the office in 2021 will be a mentally ill old man with questionable morals.
  5. What's the exchange rate with Sunset Sarsaparilla caps?
  6. Who better to call for "law and order" (in this case more police with more power) than someone who had a lot of practice writing racial slurs as a teenager? Seems to be a consistent pattern with a lot of the TPUSA crowd, so much so that you have to wonder if they see the type of policing that resulted in George Floyd being murdered as being good in itself. Anyways the DAPL got shut down. I wonder what will happen to the people who were charged protesting and defending it?
  7. There's almost two months after the 2020 presidential election, something weirder will happen afterwards if the trend continues. I'm hoping it's not some eldritch horror stuff because I'm unreasonably afraid of tentacles.
  8. Well the problem with this is that antifa isn't an organization, but the closest was in Greece where a guy shot some members of the Golden Dawn in retaliation for Golden Dawn killing a rapper who had ties to anarchist groups. In the US we've had hooliganism (assaults, fights, vandalism, looting), but no rapes or murders to my knowledge. Comparatively off the top of my head we've got George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Rayshard Brooks murdered by the police from the last six months. Everyone is a sjw nazi except for sjw nazis, who are fine. History has already been erased, for instance Thomas Jefferson started...his relationship with Sally Hemmings when she was 14 and he was 44. This is something I was never taught in public school or college and had to be told and research on my own, we can probably find similar things with every figure immortalized in statues. To tie it to something similar, if Gromnir had not mentioned that Colby Bryant likely raped someone on this board I would probably not remember that, I doubt if I asked a hundred basketball fans if they knew about it that they would answer in the affirmative. I doubt that taking down some stone is going to result in (in)famous historical figures being erased.
  9. I guess it's time to attack and dethrone God.
  10. Reddit should be destroyed, but the sheer asshurt this will cause trumpanzees, terfs, and chapo larpers will be funny.
  11. That's an excessive number of P.S.s I think the fireworks (which I've noticed more of where I live) is probably because people have been stuck home for months and want something to do, rather than a conspiracy to destabilize activist groups or create a false flag to send in the cops.
  12. Privlidge is posting ****ty opinions on facebook and acting like a martyr when you get called out. "The car hadn’t hit the kid. The kid had hit the car." The article as a whole describes some terrible ****, but this level of denial really sticks out to me.
  13. Did they get that red dawn but with antifa movie confused with reality?
  14. Ending the monopoly on violence sounds good to me.
  15. It also appears that public crime data contradicts the police narrative about rape reports (only crimes reported are theft, vandalism, assault, and aggravated assault). Who could have foreseen the government lying? His administration also rolled back LGBT protections with healthcare providers...on the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre. There's someone who knows dogwhistles involved in this administration, probably Miller.
  16. No one does, 2020 ain't even halfway and we've already seen a plague and an anti-state insurgency. Remember that we lost 8 years centuries ago with calendar changes and this year is the real 2012, maybe the Mayan doomsday was right after all.
  17. Man, in two weeks "antifa" has done more to fight the government than any supposedly freedom loving right-wing groups in their entire existence. I guess it shows that their belief in people being able to stop the government once it becomes tyrannical is bull**** or only applied to white guys running sex cults.
  18. Googlefu tells me neither Oakland PD or the FBI believe Patrick Underwood's death is linked to the demonstration that was ongoing, David Dorn was killed responding to a robbery at a friend's pawn shop, and Chris Beaty was a protester himself who was shot trying to stop violence. Seems like bad faith to claim protesters are all complicit in such killings, but I don't have galaxy brain so what do I know.
  19. So protestors and covid-19 mean suspending environmental policy? https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/501258-trump-signs-order-removing-environmental-review-for-major-projects
  20. There's video of it from another angle across the street. The old man clearly falls after being pushed and the guy cops grap jumps up to try to help him. The cop who pushed the old man has already been identified.
  21. https://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/6520779-Port-Fargo-Deputy-Chief-sends-apology-email-after-he-was-seen-at-George-Floyd-protest-with-a-beer-can-cursing-at-law-enforcement lmao
  22. The feds don't even think the far left and antifa were behind it...but some far right group wanted to attack the agents and shoot protesters with automatic weapons. I wonder why the 3%ers, Proud Boys, and the various militias haven't gotten the same attention from politicians and media types? https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/antifa-trump-fbi
  23. "You do realize there are other stores than just the silly bar the silly sword guy was at? Right?" You do realize "Dallas store owner, the white guy in the green shirt that was beaten and left robbed and bleeding in the street" is very specific? Right? r00fles
  24. Man **** happens after a few days. This is getting unwieldy to respond to so I'll just number it. 1. Well there has been several changes in the last few days to escalate the situation to make the US seem worse. Let me ask you this, if looting was happening in Hong Kong as claimed by China, HK police, and HK business owners, would that be enough for you to stop supporting Hong Kongers rebelling against China? 2. That's true of any geopolitics, and if I haven't been clear I think every state is an encroaching totalitarian regime and that virtually any rebellion against it is good. 3. Forced removal of a population is ethnic cleansing, you're confusing it with genocide. 4. I went to night classes to get a bachelor's degree and then studied to become an electrician, all while working 40 hours a week. If that's not developing a good proficiency in a skill while working I don't know what is. The idea that if you aren't doing well is because you haven't tried is usually false and condescending to boot, ignoring the effects of luck makes it down right delusional. 5. If you said "the most heinous things about white people and cops" you would be "cancelled" by another group of people. 6. The mainstream is about maintaining the present order, which is why we see the black entertainers you think hooked black people onto "gangster culture" are now trying to get people to go home and vote for Joe in five months or the white on black PR **** that various brands are doing. You also assume that people care enough about what Don Lemon or Killer Mike say to have it determine their actions, which seems fanciful at best. 7. Holding neighbors or protesters to the same amount of accountability for looters as you would the state for police ignores the difference in power between the two. The state has numerous ways to discipline police that neighbors or protesters do not when it comes to looters, the most obvious being that the state already knows who the police are. 8. Harsh policing seems to create and exacerbate crime rather than ensure safety: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-017-0211-5 The dude with the store didn't even own the business, he just charged at people with a machete because he liked drinking there (alone) and is probably some kind of edgelord. To my knowledge he was able to tweet the next day, so I think the likelihood of him dying from his wounds to be unlikely.
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