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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I was just thinking of reinstalling New Vegas. If the cool bald man likes it then it's probably good and I'll give it a go.
  2. It's not a good idea to have plans that involve kidnapping, much less high profile elected officials, unless you want a visit from the feds. Really though, all of that doesn't address the systematic issues with the US political and social systems that result in choosing which mentally ill old white man with questionable ties to industry and robber barons who may have sexually assaulted someone you want in charge every four years. We've got to work outside of electoral politics and get back into strategies employed by labor and civil rights movements if we want to get the goods instead of hoping we can push the Democrats away from being irl versions of Bruce by coming from their left flank. A lot of media channels strive to appear unbiased to a comical degree, if you read MLKs Letter from Birmingham Jail the white moderates has been consistently accurate in describing such behavior. Moreover, the cancel culture panic is just media figures being mad the filthy peasants have the gall to mock them for being awful people. I can't recall any of them who have destroyed careers, most of them are actually getting a higher profile when they go on talk shows or get applauded by their peers.
  3. I guess I'll be the dude to side with GD. There's lots of stuff structurally wrong with the US and whether your opinions on what they are or how to go about addressing them replacing the orange man (who is undeniably a festering piece of **** that needs to **** off) is insufficient. Biden is a career politician with ties to various industries who presided over such structural issues since before I was born, furthermore the whole "settle for Biden" campaign signals that he isn't going to budge on his positions that maintain said structural issues. A vote for Biden is a vote to keep the same issues but have a management that is nice to you while doing nothing instead of one that screams incoherent gibberish and says that 150000 people dying is actually good or that BLM antifa omega stalinists are going to force you to gay marry a transgender mexican muslim after they take your guns. It's not enough to change your shirt, you've got to take off all your poop stained clothes and clean yourself up.
  4. That comparison seems harsh to disingenuous dog****ters tbh. I'd argue that mandatory minimum sentences is one of many problems with the carceral system and is something that should be done away with along with the whole tough on crime bull****. And the Settle for Biden is a hoot, it's pretty much saying Biden isn't going to satisfy the bernouts but they better vote for him anyways. That's enough politics for now, I've got a bottle of bourbon and it's stay the **** inside weather so I'm going to watch a movie.
  5. I think we'll see either a loose class system like Morrowind (with customizable classes) or a classless system. The latter is most likely, but there's a good deal of variety there so it could work in a variety of ways. I'd be surprised if we didn't see many weapon types and abilities from PoE/Deadfire pop up, but if it is classless it will be interesting to see how they fit in abilities that consume class specific resources (focus, phrases, and wounds).
  6. All of that applies to Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel though, which was released a few years before Fallout 3. As of now, Avowed and PoE aren't the same game series and there's nothing to say PoE3 will be a Skyrim clone, if it happens at all. If steam achievements are any indication, few players manage to get past the first third any game. This applies to DOS2, a sequel that sold extraordinarily well and better than DOS (let alone other Divinity games), where only about 60% of players proceeded past the first area. Things like mods and console commands that can disable achievements complicate this, but it's a pattern that consistently holds across most games.
  7. MATH is a TERRORIST plot by BLM/antifa, they murdered TEN THOUSAND with CALCULUS last week. LMAO
  8. That depends on what you consider "PoE 3" to be. If you think any game set in Eora is a Pillars of Eternity game, then Avowed is PoE 3 in the same way Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel was Fallout 4. If you think PoE 3 would be a game that followed the specific story of the watcher and/or a RTwP/Turn-based D&D ripoff set in Eora during a time period that mirrors the early years of colonization, Avowed is not PoE3. Personally, I'm going to take Avowed as being Avowed and leave it at that. I'd like a PoE3 that is a RTwP/Turn-based D&D ripoff, but after Deadfire didn't perform as expected (which I blame on the lack of sea monster battles, seriously Obsidian you had one job), Josh Sawyer feeling bummed about it, and the general decline of RTwP Baldur's Gate ripoffs spiritual successors in favor of turn-based games or action rpgs that is an uncertainty.
  9. Yeah, but in Skyrim (and Bethesda Fallouts) third person is worse for a lot of stuff than first person. While I would honestly be surprised if third person wasn't an option in Avowed, the game is going to be designed around first person and we will be seeing the effects of that on the gameplay,
  10. Probably to control for big attacks, like how they left out 911 for jihadists. It holds that left-wing violence tends to focus more on property destruction and defacement (the justification for sending in the feds to portland is almost entirely graffiti) while right-wing violence tends towards targeted killings like shooting up places of worship and shopping centers frequented by Black and Brown people or Jews.
  11. Truthfully I don't really care, at most it would be an easter egg like remembering how you were an inquisitor in a past life. I just want my magical western with magical train robberies and magical gunfights. The lack of scale for reclaiming your soul is a big reason why it failed in Deadfire, for a setting where souls are treated as extremely important the main character does relatively well without theirs. Yes it is hard. The abstraction of levels aside, it was weird to have gone from the events of PoE back to doing low tier adventuring stuff in Deadfire, especially considering the overarching thing where a giant statue is walking around with your soul in it. I think Deadfire would have worked better with a new protagonist for this reason alone.
  12. The next Obsidian RPG will be a romance-centric game where you navigate the intricacies of the Minneapolis music scene after the death of Prince. Purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka. Yeah, I meant that the protagonist is at most implied to have the same soul as the Watcher. It should be a new character everytime imo, it was weird to go from a badass who killed dragons and an archmage to a wimp in deadfire.
  13. That looks good, but maybe some AR reduction (aside from Crush and Shock) and downgrade Perception Immunity to Resistance as well.
  14. Huh, honestly surprised at this. Hopefully it turns out well and is fun. Of course I'd still like to see a PoE trilogy (isometric and turn-based/rtwp) that takes place in three different eras (industrial revolution, modern, and spacefaring future) and is only linked with the implication the protagonist is the reincarnation of The Watcher so there isn't any import funny business. One can hope.
  15. Most people I know in Chicago hate her and think she empowers the police to brutalize people. The Census Cowboy is cool though. It's going to be tremendous bull****, but the people he's trying to appeal to don't care.
  16. It's funny how some folks who spent years crying about Tyranny (because teh gays could tie the knot or something) are completely fine with this. Really makes ya think they were talking about something else when they said "freedom".
  17. I looked at the report they used as justification for sending in the feds to Portland. 72 counts of violent anarchists brutally graffiting helpless buildings. It'd be funny that the feds were better prepared to roll out the secret police than deal with a plague if I didn't have to live it.
  18. I'm still hearing it, along with Soros stuff. Obamagate was a thing some months back and I still have no idea what it was about but the folks who think Covid is a hoax were rabid.
  19. The people who end up in the US military lean heavily towards positions in line with the Republican party, and such positions have led to an embrace of Trump that is similar to a certain golden calf. It isn't unique to military veterans, and you could probably find the same thing with other groups who tend towards said positions.
  20. We all have to make sacrifices so the government can give billions to businesses whose owners and operators are friends with people in the government.
  21. BLM left the seat up on my toilet this morning. TERRORISTS.
  22. He's got a box of cookies to balance it out.
  23. Given how he likes steaks well done, eating a bag of dry beans and downing a can of coconut milk isn't unbelievable.
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