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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I've seen several of those and this is the first time I've gotten anything besides a mailer for a candidate. It's probably because in Texas the more people vote, the better the Democrats generally do. This is a big reason why voting in Texas is so inconvenient, especially if you live around urban areas and are working class.
  2. I got a letter from someone I've never heard of begging me to vote, complete with handwritten appeal. This is a first and it strikes me as weird, guess by my demographic they expect me to hate Trump but be unlikely to vote (both of which are true tbh).
  3. Sorry about your teeth, but I'd do it again. **** it, I'd eat it.
  4. I ate a cookie sandwich with fudge in the middle. Completely worth it
  5. I think Avery Brooks is retired, so I hope he enjoys himself doing old man **** instead of acting. It'd be kind of weird to see him come back for a cameo or something like that, let alone on a show that everyone seems to enjoy disliking.
  6. As far as I know I can't catch obesity from someone. If that was the case Gromnir hammering on the muslim ban would have gotten Trump support to disappear on this forum. The more likely outcome is them doubling down and wanting to unleash the freedom police to throw people they don't like in liberty jails to fight big government anarchist mega-corp socialism.
  7. Probably, though at least it's not Naruto. Really just like what you like, we're on a videogame forum with big fans of PS:T so liking some shonen anime isn't the worst thing you can do around these parts.
  8. Shonen stuff is usually a lot of misses with the occasional hit, and such hits are usually subversions of the genre that don't manage to quite go outside the bounds. It's comparable to superhero stuff in that it's boring and predictable but somehow manages to take up an inordinate amount of space. Oh, and Paranoia Agent is another good anime imo.
  9. That's literally the definition of shonen lmao.
  10. The weather outside took a dive so I've been drinking a texas 100 proof bourbon with my fiance and watching movies. We had wings last night so we're going healthier today with tabbouleh and some grilled chicken, which I rather think I cooked pretty well.
  11. My Hero Academia is kinda ****, as are all the Academia anime I've seen. If you enjoy silly and stupid anime, you should check out JoJo's Bizarre Adventure which is extremely stupid but in a good way in that it doesn't even bother taking itself seriously and is just 20 minutes burst of extremely weird ****. I will cosign this. I've really enjoyed everything directed by Masaaki Yuasa so checking him out is something I'd recommend. While not anime, there's an animated film called Away (2019) that was apparently made by one guy from Latvia that looks great and I've heard good things about. I have never watched a the nu Star Trek and given how much everyone seems to hate it I don't think I will.
  12. Again you're weaseling to try and claim it's different when someone you don't like does it, trying to shift by talking about "socialists" (which now presumably includes corporations) thought policing instead of the government's actual policing, and then going on to some conspiracy theory from a guy larping as Brad Pitt's edgelord character from a 90's movie. My dude, stop the cope and just admit you don't care about freedom. This has been a long day, so I'm going to get drunk and eat buffalo wings instead of posting on this forum. Surprisingly, buffalo wings aren't actually wings from a buffalo. Who could have seen that coming? If only. What happened to Bartimaeus? Seems like he hasn't been around lately either.
  13. This weaseling to get around admitting your support for authoritarian use of force is sad. This is made all the worse by equating a private company enforcing a TOS agreement with state repression, and is outright puzzling when coming from someone who is otherwise a free market stan. I guess "freedom for me, but not for thee" is a hard thing to admit to, but it's absolute I think people should just delete twitter because it's a massive waste of time and most people seem angrier or more depressed after using it.
  14. It is what happened, you just did an ad hoc cope and justified it. I guess you only like freedom when it suits you.
  15. You could have just said "I think it's ok when we do it" instead of trying those mental gymnastics lmao.
  16. I thought wageslaves were a myth and anyone can start their own business? Kinda funny how you guys think getting banned from a social media website is Bolshevik cyberpunk anarcho-capitalism but unmarked police disappearing folks is good.
  17. If the worse tyranny you have to worry about is getting banned from Twitter, then you've got it pretty good.
  18. https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project Not sure if this belongs here or in funny stuff.
  19. Trump has dodged the question of accepting the election results and several Republicans have admitted to be considering interpretations of electoral decision-making that ignores the popular vote so yeah probably. It's kind of funny to see this happen and voter suppression happen while liberals droning on with "VOTE" or praying for Trump's safe recovery instead of coming up with any strategy to deal with Trump's possible coup. I guess if America becomes a proper dictatorship, it's only fitting it happens in the dumbest way possible.
  20. I understand it on an intellectual level, but on a personal/emotional level I find the idea of obsessive fanboyism for right-wing authoritarians half a world removed weird and pathetic. Like almost anything else would be a more fulfilling use of time. Yup. The voter fraud is coming from inside the house.
  21. The funny thing is that he never left, Ian has never been to the US and currently lives in Malaysia, which makes his almost exclusive focus on US politics strange.
  22. I think he gets attention because he has a relatively large platform and is a consistent source of bad takes and bull****. In a perfect world he'd be ignored, but in this one he spreads rumors that could get people arrested or killed (he recently did this with a shooting I believe) so monitoring him and similar grifters is necessary to keep people safe.
  23. Probably, a lot of these guys seem to think having a social media account is equivalent to fighting a war so Ian getting dunked on must feel like an assault from the antifa death squads.
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