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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Isn't Cheong the guy who was a nazi fanboy on rpg codex and then bounced around different grifts for the last decade?
  2. Instead of a debate, they should have to compete in a fighting game tournament.
  3. I cooked strip steak and drank quite a bit of whiskey and now I'm gonna play videogames while my fiance watches kill la kill.
  4. That's always been a glaring weakness of D&D. They dropped 2.1 (official turn-based option) a while back and there's been lots of issues reported.
  5. It's not great. There are subclasses, but after picking them at level 2 or 3 you're locked into a set path like the kits from BG2. There are feats, but they share a resource with attribute increases and for the most part aren't as good as just pumping your stats. You can try some stuff with multiclassing (which I don't know if it made it into BG3), but it's kind of a clustercuss and I mostly see it used as a dip, like 1 level of Hexblade Warlock for Paladins to get CHA to hit and damage, instead of trying to build a character that's half and half.
  6. Other than multiclassing shenanigans there's not much customization per level in 5e. If BG3 is mostly that you can expect to be on rails for most of your levels with a handful of choices.
  7. Occasionally you have to adjust your vehicle's suspension so it handles well.
  8. In 5e they tried to design around bounded accuracy, so even high level enemies have an AC of like 19 and can be hit by a level 1 scrub. The meta of this makes very difficult monsters something possible for a comparitively low-level party to take care of, and hordes of low level monsters a death sentence for groups without aoe damage. If Larian does have stat rolls instead of point buy that can hilariously unbalance the game by potentially having characters hit the soft attribute cap at level 1 and pick up a number of feats they normally wouldn't get. There's a lot I don't like about 5e, and I ended up going to Pathfinder 2e which I've found plays easier once you parse the rules, so someone who currently plays 5e could tell you more.
  9. In 5e using point buy, the stat cap at character creation is 15 + racial bonuses. Attribute increases are determined by class level (most get 5, Fighters and Rogues get more, split multiclassing is a bitch), and attribute increases can be swapped out for a feat (some of which increase attributes) which is the only way in 5e to get feats. There's a soft cap of 20 that is the max without using abilities or magic items, and a hard cap of 30. It's kind of a clustercuss, like a lot of 5e is.
  10. Well yeah, so it seems strange to credit religion specifically for not murdering or exploiting people.
  11. Historically this doesn't hold up, religion has easily gone hand in hand with murder, exploitation, and other atrocities.
  12. I was about to say that SNL was trash but then I noticed it was Jim Carey so that might be worth watching. Yeah, Trump has never been poor and the truth is he's just a rich **** who likes gaming the system. I think rather than laughing at Trump for not quite being the bizzness man he plays on TV we should be concerned how such people can do whatever the **** they want with almost zero repercussions.
  13. Well ain't this something? Unfortunately the most likely outcome is that Trump survives and claims that his survival means Covid-19 is no big deal while he will pushes for stuff that endangers more people. By now it should be obvious that Trump doesn't care about the danger of Covid-19 and would gladly sacrifice millions of people at the altar of productivity, anyone hoping for a "come to God" moment is delusional.
  14. Law and Order for my enemies, FREEDOMtm for me.
  15. https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2016 Breaking it up into just 3 income brackets, under $50k voted much more for Clinton, $50-$100 preferred Trump by a bit, and over $100k were split. Less educated doesn't necessarily mean working class and the age difference probably has significance as well. As an electrician/residential appliance installer who works full time, I'm below the $50k and from what I've seen most millennials and zoomers in working class jobs are as well. Trump's biggest lead (aside from party and ideology) is white people and men, which I'd reckon is a bigger predictor for reading Breitbart and watching FOX than being old or uneducated. My dad is one such fella, he thinks the pandemic is fake news and that climate change is just the world tipping on its axis.
  16. I didn't watch the debate, did Trump throw his **** around while Biden just rolled along uninspiringly?
  17. Now that I think of it, the Pawns in Dragons Dogma. It'd be one thing if they were just blank slates, but not being able to get hybrid classes really sucks. I have 250 hr in Kingmaker, of which at least 100 (in all likelihood 200) is having the game running while I do other things. The game is ok, but the love some folks have for it is headscratching. It's really weird to see people who hate turn-based games praise it, given that it's built on a turn-based ruleset jammed into a real time chasis. I think Deadfire is better in every way, but I guess my taste is weird.
  18. I'm right from a historical and current standpoint. When most current Marxists engage in intraleft disputes with their great other, the anarchists, their go to response is quoting "On Authority" and saying something to the effect of "authoritarianism is good, actually". Those that don't have usually managed to formulate an anarchistic politic, often without having read any anarchists. Your history of the left is lacking and you should read some books instead of wikipedia.
  19. Marxists are largely bootlicking authority lovers though, and those that aren't are anarchists in denial.
  20. I watched The Devil All The Time a few days ago and thought it was pretty good. Yelling "DELUSIONS" to get out of **** seems like a winning move tbh.
  21. Lack of talent, imagination, and humor are limiting factors. Edgelords would end up making something where they virtually harm their ex. Me too. Ace Attorney might have already done it.
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