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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Only if it tastes good, a cool cake that tastes bad is one hell of a disappointment. I got burned like that once. Tonight I made beef fajitas.
  2. Why? You can't look at Bush Jr or Trump and think this is a party who isn't throughly invested in growing state power and willing to lie, cheat, and steal. To a large extent yes, however the targets have shifted from vague notions of bad guys to people with different political views.
  3. It most likely will, but it wouldn't take very many of them radicalized over this stuff to pile up a sizeable amount of bodies. I'd lean closer to earnestly held belief, albeit they mostly buy into it because it sounds good to them and for the most part aren't likely to do anything but talk **** and vote Republican every few years. Still the tendency to embrace conspiracy theories and fantasize about vigilantism or the state dropping the boot on people they don't like is worrisome.
  4. What's interesting for this election is how almost all error was in Trump's favor. I've heard explanations that range from lack of analysis of Facebook engagement to Qanon supporters, whatever the case is something clearly caused an underestimation of Trump support. Tonight I had to go to a meeting for work, some of the folks there were heavy Trump supporters who thought masks were useless because covid was fake, the Democrats stole the election and "arms need to be taken up", that voting Republican was fighting against communism, and Kamala Harris would destroy the country by doing something they couldn't outright say but were very convinced of. This is just a bunch of drunk dipsticks who should probably learn to close their mouths, but given that I've been hearing similar propaganda since before I could vote it seems the well is really poisoned with large swathes of the conservatives who think Democrats are satantic islamic commies or some other dumb ****.
  5. I think it will be interesting in a decade or so to see if Trump gets rehabilitated in the same way Bush did in recent years. Imagine Democrats trotting out Donald as an example of when Republicans used to behave courteously in response to President Kevin Sorbo wanting to purge Anarchist Jurisdictions in Democrat run cities.
  6. Compared to Clinton in 2016? In certain cases, like Philly, in terms of percentage at least yes though I suspect in terms of raw votes he did better. He also outperformed Clinton in Atlanta for sure and probably Detroit. Regardless it was his performance in particular cities that allowed him to win Michigan, Pennsylvania, and (very likely) Georgia. Which in turn is what won him the race against Trump.
  7. I think they're going to go all in with trying to stealcontest the election. Not doing so would risk losing their base, who overwhelming support Trump, and will have little consequences if it fails because the Democrats are the Democrats. As @Pidesco said, if there was going to be a jump from Trump we would have seen more over the last four years. The Republican party is the Trump party now, the effort Democrats spent courting moderate conservatives resulted in more conservative votes going to Trump by a number of 8.5 million. Even if they think Trump is a buffoon, and most of the old ones probably do, they've accepted Trumpism wins primaries and gets people to vote. There was something wrong with the polling in the last two presidential elections that caused sizeable underestimation of turnout for Trump. Biden won by the skin of his teeth and the hard work of activists in urban areas, without the existential threat of Trump the Democrats are going to have to work to satisfy such people or you will see Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and likely Georgia and Arizona shift back to Republicans in 2022 and 2024.
  8. My bad. Anyway it looks like Giuliani's press conference in front of a landscaping company may have used that location to be at least 500 feet away from a school. https://www.politico.com/states/new-jersey/story/2020/11/09/man-featured-at-giuliani-press-conference-is-a-sex-offender-1335241
  9. No problem. Yeah it doesn't really say anything controversial about AOC herself, so much as a PAC that supported her. Comparatively the holes poked in the idea that Democrats would necessarily do better with higher voter turnout and the amount of white people who supported Trump after the last four years is more interesting, in a scary way, to Democratic strategy running forward.
  10. If right wing media wasn't so transparently horny and weird, she probably wouldn't have gotten the attention that made her become the face of the Democrats left wing. Reading what she's said in her recent interview, I can't find any site (not behind a paywall) explicitly calling falsehood on her claims. What her claims seem to be is that (1) politicians who endorsed such progressive polices as the GND and M4A did win races in swing races (which is true so much as I can tell), (2) that some of the losses can be attributed to the Democratic Party/DNC lacking core competencies in running campaigns rather than ideology (which I have no way of knowing, as some **** on the internet), and (3) that credit for winning the election should go more to progressive activists who got the vote out in Detroit, Atlanta, and Philly instead of Never Trump Republicans like John Kasich or the Lincoln Project grabbing moderate conservatives for Biden (which based upon available data looks true, participation in those cities was huge and Trump looks to have done better in both pure numbers and percentage with Republicans and whites than he did in 2016).
  11. Even Cephal? They need to rope in their other personalities for a battle royale.
  12. Vermin Supreme is the only LP candidate worth anything.
  13. Not true, Eric Trump is actually three possums in a trench coat.
  14. When he said bad people would go to the suburbs if he lost, he was talking about himself.
  15. Whelp, looks like I was wrong and Trump will be gone in a few months. Biden is better than Trump if only because he won't try to accelerate the climate collapse, but he's far from good and I hope his victory doesn't neutralize organizing for labor, environmental sustainability, and liberation. We will probably never go back to pre-Trump and the cult of brain dead dipsticks he's generated are the future of right-wing politics so that will be fun.
  16. The entire thing is a bad faith argument from people trying to ensure they can speak without being challenged and have listening to them be mandatory. They don't care about free speech, integrity of the press, far and balanced coverage, or whatever else, they just want to force their views down your throat without being talked back to. Engaging with it like that instead of trying to apply logic to the spurious claims like censorship of the president of the us will save you a lot of time and headache. Oh and in terms of popular vote Biden now has 4 million more votes than Trump with close to a 3% lead.
  17. Is the ignore feature on these forums curtailing free speech?
  18. The sheer amount of cope is the funniest **** I've seen this year.
  19. How's that different from the last four years?
  20. Free Speech is when the government forces you to broadcast things I agree with and the more the government forces the freer the speech.
  21. They play Street Fighter 2 to determine the winner.
  22. Florida is one of such swing states though, as are Texas and Ohio in theory. Those states are going to be an obstacle because of their tendency to flip makes it difficult for them to get the momentum needed to join the NPVIC.
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