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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Yeah, my forum experience got a lot better when I just stopped giving a **** about dead end arguments.
  2. My fiance did something with blood orange and bourbon. It's getting us drunk and tastes good.
  3. Coming into this thread after drinking is a bad idea. All I'll say is anyone making a variation of the bootstraps line needs a hard kick in the ass.
  4. Because the US is really dumb and malicious.
  5. Nationally I think in 2009, which I think was part of a three step plan to slowly raise it from 5.15 which it had been set at for about a decade. There's quite a few states with higher minimum wages though. Last I look most data showed that $15 was below the minimum (lmao) to be considered a living wage in most major US cities, with Houston being a few cents more and cities like New York and San Francisco being a few bucks over $20. This data is a little old though, so with potential rent increases it could be quite a bit off. Near as I can tell rent is (one of) the biggest drivers of the high estimation of a living wage with rent being consistently overpriced and inflated across the US, but specially bad in cali and new york. Some sort of rent control could be as beneficial as a minimum wage increase, but such is going to be politically harder to get legislated than the already titanic struggle to get wage increases.
  6. It's split between that and posturing. It's probably not going to amount to anything though. Honestly I doubt Donald Trump is going to run for anything besides president due to ego. Assuming Donald doesn't or can't run in 2024 the likelihood of the primary winner is the one closest to Trump is pretty good. Right now I'd say it's most likely to be that dip**** from Missouri or Ivanka, but if there's one thing the US has a lot of it's really dumb rich people with horrible beliefs so we could see another one come out of the woodwork promising stuff that gets the ****wits fired up.
  7. It has been getting attention for years now, and folks even reached out to groups like the ACLU and Intercept (less after Reality Winner) with no reply. In this light columns decrying social media tyranny after the President of the US gets suspended looks a lot more like opportunistic careerism than a real desire to combat social media tyranny. Frankly it's a mirror of the social media companies themselves, who had years to address growing right wing violence being encouraged on their platforms and only acted when it was evident there wouldn't be any blowback from people in positions of power. "The United States is also a one-party state, but with typical American extravagance, they have two of them." Facetiousness aside, there have been some concentrated efforts by the Democrats and Republicans to make big hurdles from other parties from making any real headway. The political mechanisms of the US also contribute towards this, with voting for other parties being seen as a vote for whatever Democrat or Republican you're further away from. Isn't that the guy who authored the torture memos?
  8. It would turn out similar, and I believe that Facebook's own data shows most people who joined extremist groups did when recommended by Facebook algorithms. This is a separate issue from how the "free-speech" forks of social media end up being hivsa of reactionaries plotting heinous ****, which Parler now has in common with 8chan, Voat, and Gab. Greenwald is a soft-libertarian who supported the Iraq war before his come to Jesus moment. If it wasn't for his ambivalence towards Trump, his political alignment would be near identical to our good buddy Gromnir. I'm not expecting him to condemn every instance of suspension simply because the sheer volume makes it impossible. I'm saying I can't take it seriously when I've seen (near)silence for years when it was happening to people who weren't major politicians. You can put all of those things together as stuff that won't happen within the legal framework of the US (and much of Europe) without a militant labor movement at minimum.
  9. The rona is just part of climate change, with habitats collapsing, factory farming, and pollution we can expect to see all sorts of weird zoonotic diseases rip through populations before we even get to the potential of **** in the ice coming out. It's going to be a real fun century even if the heat doesn't kill you.
  10. https://gizmodo.com/parler-users-breached-deep-inside-u-s-capitol-building-1846042905 Assuming it is legit (and I have no reason to believe it isn't) Parler users were definitely out in force on Jan 6th. And dumb enough to bring their phones as well as go in unmasked. Skimming through Greenwald's screed has me laughing, we've seen the increasing authoritarianism of both the state and corporations for years (with effective social media monopoly and subsequent tyranny being the least offender) but it's only a big deal when some dip**** with a large following gets caught up in it. I've seen countless activists, sex workers, and ****posters get their social media accounts suspended because of malicious mass reporting or spurious claims but only when Twitter finally bans an account that they've been bending their own rules to avoid banning do the free speech brigade swoop in to declare their stand against such foul authoritarianism. Like our resident goblins calling for social media to be nationalized, it stinks of opportunism and self-interest (the same as silicon valley ghouls ignoring or enabling right wing extremism until it blows up) and makes me think that even if this person is correct in this instance that they can't be trusted to work with on it.
  11. I'd say that they don't necessarily believe that he did win, so much as that he should be president regardless of his loss. Trump and Republicans will spend the next four years reinforcing this, and it will be an effective strategy in winning primaries. A significant portion of people will care as much about the MAGA Putsch as they did Muslim bans or kids in cages so there's a decent chance some Trump and cronies who incited the riot get elected to or retain positions of power over the next few years.
  12. That's antifa pretending to be Trump. Conspiracy theories did proliferate (obviously not with the reach they do today) and nutjobs were networking long before either the wide adoption of the internet or it's initial development. For instance The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of the most enduring tracts influencing antisemitic conspiracys, was fabricated (for any dip****s lurking who may believe it to be authentic) and published in 1903 by a Russian nationalist group and made it to the US around 15 years later when one edition was edited to replace "jews" with "bolshevik" and another was put out by Henry Ford to discuss "the dangers of the international jew".
  13. I saw like a few minutes of Queen's Gambit so I can't judge it, but if Taylor-Joy brought even a quarter of what she did to the VVitch then it'd probably be worth watching. First tho I'm going to dive into Sweet Home and see how K-horror works in a tv show.
  14. Not to mention that twitter account is not Amazon, it's a union for Amazon workers.
  15. It's funny that apps like GrubHub and Uber Eats basically wrote their own law and got it passed in California last year but social media applying their TOS to an elected official from the US is what has some folks riled up. Is there a German word for this?
  16. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/07/capitol-hill-riots-doj-456178 I guess the old line "Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" is still true.
  17. Hoping I don't get shot by a dip**** larping as a viking tbh. It was a coup attempt, even if it was also incredibly stupid and silly. Think of it like a farcical reenactment of the Beer Hall Putsch. Also like the Beer Hall Putsch a lot of the higher ups (Trump, Republican politicians, Proud Boys leaders, etc.) will come out with the equivalent of a slap on the wrist and be back on their bull****.
  18. I turned 29 today, but after this last year I feel 49.
  19. Say what you will about the MAGA marauders, but it really takes dedication to keep up the anti-mask stance to the point of publicly broadcasting their identity as they commit crimes that could land them in prison for decades.
  20. I think Bubba Ho-Tep is probably the best Bruce Campbell movie.
  21. This brings up a good comparison. When "antifa" vandalized the CNN sign in Atlanta the National Guard got called in. The MAGAs are storming the capital armed and the DOD declined a request to send in the National Guard.*see edit The gaps in relation to power (you can see prominent politicians with Proud Boys and 3%ers) and the response from authority should provide a stark comparison between antifa and MAGA. EDIT: MSNBC got it wrong, National Guard is being deployed to DC.
  22. Half of them are part of the MAGA legions so they're shortstaffed.
  23. I had Michael Savage in mind, but yeah they've all been going down the rabbit hole for quite a while. You can definitely trace parts of it back to the Southern Strategy as well, which predates most (if not all) of the big organs of right-wing media. Yeah, it's the result of decades of dog whistles to drum up votes only to be surprised that the dogs* are in charge. Republicans have long benefitted from such rhetoric/policy/entertainment pushing votes to them, if not outright running them due to the incestuous nature of media hacks and political players, and didn't try to divorce themselves too much so they could keep a reliable group of voters. It's hard to take cries of some Republicans and republican-adjacent folks seriously about the ascendancy of alt-right ideology in the Republican party when they were comfortable enough to incubate it because it benefitted them. *Apologies to dogs by comparing them to the new/alt-right
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